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Team Who vs TNT Nuke Scrim:
1 - ropz. alot of time between omen's ropz flash and god A flash. idk if able to improve that. Good crunch.
2 - 3-2 default. mars got into secret. 3 door 2 hut. CT's played A retake.
3 - TT. got caught off guard with lobby crunch. outside guys died two deags.
4 - deco save. sin said to buy outside nades - no one bought lurk smoke. nt.
5 - A hit. Door guys opened before flash and died for free.
6 - eco. outside smokes go ramp. omen had a flash could have thrown before mars entried ramp.
7 - Triple threat. outside guys died to a flash peek. Also omen and sin ur lobby hold is still terrible position. omen is back wall and sin is literally back towards hut watching ramp?????? This was 2nd time. 3v5 tried to burst out A. nt
8 - Fast hut. omen bought down to $750 it was half buy. Also omen retard didn't smoke hut when strat was fast hut and he was first with only smoke.
9 - TT. Its not working. You guys aren't making any noise/pressure with the outside smokes. i dont rly like that ur grouping towards africa on this route. Not ready for flash pushes.
10 - TT again, this time +sin outside. Took big garage finally! heaven wrap with sick heaven flash. unlucky no one blind. Maybe next time deka jiggle then flash comes? Also mars was entrying hut with scout with omen rifle behind him?
11 - mini wrap with pistols. they smoked u off mini. Sin decided to just flash thru smoke. NEED TO HAVE PLAN FOR WHEN THIS HAPPENS!!! either cancel or HARD commit thru smoke imo. Dogshit bounce flash not going to get anyone.
12 - 2-3 default. Finally people are comming!! This was the first round where people where asking for flashes/mollies. (probably because 1st round not a set strat, but I like the energy!)
13 - Wall smokes crappy buy. 3 ga`lils, low nades. mars get 1 for 1 outside, first time in many rounds. IT REALLY FEELS LIKE nobody except for mars is going for opening picks. People are staying alive holding pushes, but rly hard to get momentum without 1st picks.
14 - eco save fun talk round. I like it! (11-2 score, basically nobody is hitting shots/having balls. Obviously going to be difficult when just getting raped so dont feel `too bad). Its hard to comment on scrim cuz ur honestly just practicing ur dry runs that you did. No big deal, going to take multiple scrims to know what can counter strats.
15 - last round, i forgot the strat. looks like 4-1 vulcan alone outside. making some presence. 4 ramp, mars gets pick and vulcan lurking outside. gj vulcan calling that they were rotating vents. unlucky that dude was still top hut. 4v3 post plant B. WON THE ROUND !!!!! 12-3 BABY
16 - pistol get this comeback. VULCAN FORGOT THE STRAT AND WAS LATE RAMP. AND THEY RUSHED RAMP AND oh god it all went downhill. REEEEE good flash call sin. but i agree deka u need to be proactive and learn to flash it like its ur idea. GOOD WIN.
17 - my man vulcan 0-15. its happens but hahah u suck -36 year old Tqze <3. They saved and wrapped outside. GOOD CALL TO PUSH LOBBY DEKA. im so proud. vulcan just not ready for the mini push. Also in that 2v2 deka and omen. Deka called he was opening door and pushing, and that time omen should be walking up cat walk but u just stayed heaven until deka died with 10hp?? if omen goes first, deka will win the round.
18 - p250 full save????? U NEED TO FORCE HERE!!! you all have $1400 and will not have enough for a buy next round. Makes no sense imo. If you ever get eco'd after winning pistol, you should ALWAYS force buy to break their money. VULCAN GOT HIS FIRST KILL.
19 - eco save. ngl vulcan has a pretty important part on the t side (especially with triple threat shit) and he just never won an aim duel. Vulcan u need to perform better if your team wants to win t rounds. Also dont feel too down, im sure u didnt warm up and first scrim shit. if it was league match you would have warmed up. Im just saying in general, if any of the 5 of you go 0-15 in a half you will lose the half obviously.
20 - First gun round and they rushed A. Got original trades then deka internet cut out OTHERWISE he would have made it a 3v2` advantage. So not the best hold, but better than losing it.
21 - save idk
22 - they did outside shit and the other half team went ramp. omen gave up ramp to help outside which is good. but omen u kept peeking ramp from hell. like nigga u got 100ping ur never going to win that duel. You dont even need to hold for info u know they there. Just hold off ang push.
23 - omen mars push ramp get first pick. and then omen awkwardly trys to give mars ak instead of just pushing and killing people. AND omen had armor. BRUH WHERE THE CONFIDENCE u weren't even low hp. Also the squeek/hut push part just got eliminated because they good spots.
24 - sin went to secret fast. WHAT IS THIS A SETUP? To hold for original rush deka is heaven watching door while vulcan mustang watching hut???? God bless u deka if u can win that aim duel but i would never do that. Should drop on ground idk. Anyways, they do outside shit kill sin secret alone without trade. GOOD CALL by deka to push lobby for info. get some trades. mars 1v2 saves. oh well, good mid round call either way.
25 - I notice that deka/vulcan still do not call their A setups. Most teams don't but thats because of exp. This is a new team yall need to talk and figure shit out now so that u dont have to talk much in matches. They did A crunch AND NOBODY WAS WATCHING MINI OR DOOR.

HUGE TIP HERE: ESPECIALLY WHEN UR A BRAND NEW TEAM HERE: ALWAYS HAVE 3 ON A, at any given part of the round. Its a very easy to basically hedge ur bets. Ya maybe that means u cant have super cool pro level 3 man setups or double ramp but you will win rounds. So 3 A start of round. if they do outside smokes, ramp rotates and mars goes to cover ramp. STILL 3 A. If they take ramp, omen drops and mars watch hell, still 3 A in case they come back. Someone can be mini spotting outside or close vent ready to rotate. its that ez.
26 - idk
27 - didnt watch
28 - Fake A rush, they went outside took secret. Some dogshit call about them being big garage??? Literally 4 down secret and so much comms that omen wasnt even able to hear dcon door open. DO NOT CALL "he might be here or there" or "they could be...". ONLY CALL WHAT YOU SEE AND NUMBERS!!!! But honestly I appreciate the overcomms compared to T side where there was a lack of comms.
29 - deco. omen unaware that his team gave up outside. but should know 3 A and sin downstairs.
30 -

QQ: Honestly nt, don't get discouraged this is a pretty good team. I was able to beat them consistently when I was in IM and they were adv but thats only because I am Tqze. :D Seriously, this was ur first t side trying strats - ur going to get raped 10 scrims in a row until u know every counter. CT side i rly just think yall not winning gun fights. Trades are bare min, need people to be getting 2/3ks. But I rly think if u have a plan where u always have 3A ur CT gonna be alot better.
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