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these are some techniques and exercises for starting your house at liberty.
you want to start your horse to make it easer for the horse it gives them a little more direction.
use a rope halter a, dressage whip, but you might also might want longe whip and carriage whip.
1. start by desensitizing them this my tale a while depending on how afraid your horse is because the whip should only be used s an extension of your arm not to harm them in any way.
2. the next thein you want to work on is a few different things first Yielding the HQ, second Flexion, and third Backing. the First one you queue by crouching towards their hind end using my lead rope to lift up a little bit if I have to tipping with my dressage whip on there hind end a little bit, The next thing I want them to be able to do in flexion just through the lead rope over the horses back and pick a point and hold that pressure constant until they fine that release on there own by tipping there nose in to me once they find that release on there own they get a total release. I also want them to be able to back up with out having to make any contact with them so I want to ideaily just be able to walk toward them or even just lean forward and have them back up, so ill sequence my queues here by using a combination of my lead rope the dressage whip and clicking.
3. Advanced leading Take Off & Speed Adjustment.
you want them to take off right when you do and a hult at that sweet spot. that sweet spot is around my shoulder to there ear or my shoulder to the middle of there neck somewhere like that. how you teach is you take off give them a few seconds to think and then use your whip to tap your horse so work on some speed adjustment with your horse slow down and speed up
4. this next goes off the last one a little bit its called "The 3 Turns"
the first one is just a gentle turn you just lead and then change your path a little bit and you still want your horse to stay at that shoulder maker sure you have there attention The next turn is kind of a back track I took a step back there and did almost a 90 degree turn you want to make sure to keep slack in the lead rope.
This is the last type of turn I do it at a hult and they don't have to fully move there body but they have to give some sort of indication that there paying attention to you they either have to turn there head or you can just see it in there eye
5. this next exercise is " The 4 Draws "
the first one I just start along the fence line and stare walking backward and raise my whip up and as they start walking toward me I will lower it and just as they reach that sweet spot the whip will touch the ground
The next draw is very similar to the last except im going to do it off the rail and on a circle but im going to back up and draw that horse into that shoulder that its already on
The next type of draw so my horse is going to be on the circle and im going to back up but this time bring my whip up underneath the lead rope and on the other side of the horse and lower is as he reaches that shoulder.
The last draw is called the reverse switch.
how you do it is you walk toward the tail and then turn to the outside and face my horse again this is the only time the horse draws to this same side that the whip is.
when you first practice all this off line you should get the same result that you have on line
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