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10.Portuguese Empire Capital: Lisbon, Portugal Colonies: Brazil, Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Sao Tome, Principe, Goa, India, East Timor, Macau.

9.Abbasid Caliphate Capital: Samarra Countries: Middle East, past Persia, and North Africa all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.

8.French Colonial Empire/French Third Republic Capital: Paris Countries/Colonies: French North Africa, and more

7.Qing Dynasty (China) Capital: Shenyang

6.Yuan Dynasty (China) Capital: Bejing, Shangdu

5.Umayyad Caliphate Capital: Damascus, Harran Countries: Same as Abbasid, but some of Iberia

4.Spanish Empire Capital: Madrid Colonies: Mexico, most Carribean. Louisiana at one point, Florida, Central America, Columbia, Peru, and more.

3.Russia Capital: Moscow Colonies: Alaska. Soviet Union: Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, Azerbaijan. Russian Empire: Finland, Russia

2.Mongol Empire Capital: Karakorum, Avarga, Khanbaliq Colonies: Most of Asia, China, Russia, barely into Europe, it was huge

1.British Colonial Empire Capital: London Colonies: United States (13 Colonies), British Raj, colonies in Africa, Dominion of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, owned half of the world.

History of China

1570-1040 BCE: Shang Dynasty
1040-256 BCE: Zhou Dynasty
221-206 BCE: Qin Dynasty
206 BCE-220 CE: Han Dynasty
222-581: Six Dynasties (Eastern Wu, Eastern Jin, Liu Song, Southern Qi, Liang, Chen)
589-618: Sui Dynasty
618-907: Tang Dynasty
907-960: Five Dynasties (Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later Zhou, Northern Han)
960-1279: Song Dynasty
1279-1368: Yuan Dynasty
1368-1644: Ming Dynasty
1644-1912: Qing Dynasty
1912-1949: Republic of China
1950-present: PRC (People's Republic of China) (Communist)

907-960: South China (Ten Kingdoms): Wu, Wuyue, Min, Southern Han, Chu, Northern Han, Jingnan
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