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most ant most post left ant arch aorta desc ascend eaoph behijd L ant is more musclr (aorta=R cornry &L) myocardiac esxhemia attac+ (eeachemia=no blud) orethmois?

Referred shoulder pain c4 phrenic FOURenic
Right side , venous

Left side,
Two fingers can join (phrenic N is in front of HYLUM Of lungs )
(Vagus N is BWHIND the HYLUM)

Well Localised well described referred pain somatic

Deep breath parietal pleura movement + lying on back position worsens

Brachiocephalic R and L join make a Y
****why is it important to know heart leans left (and rmemwbr Anterior is mainly right Vntrcl)

Because of dysphagia? Swallowing of left ant.


3 layer tissues (simple squamous ? Mesotelum) endothelium

Cardiac muscle tissue
Circles , RBCs sitting in cntcv tissue around cells called ? ? ?

***vessels in EPIcardium why?
- can’t see striations jn cross section

~ right ventricle. Septum ( who’s at the epicardium ? Coronary arteries ? Because cardiac muscles can’t get O2 from blood directly, they’re at the edge so hey need blood gessels to give them. Action potential AP coming from outside to inside
AP to be delivered needs to be junction between cardiac cells and?

White glycogen
Pink myofibrils
More nucleus is apparent in bigger cells because knife is more likely to cut ???

*AP is electricity, (cells conduct AP that came from SA node through gap?junctions) contraction is when sacromer starts sliding.

*when SA node goes on a holiday bundle branches sick, the conducting things wake up and CREATE AP. Normal situation SA node is creating.

Other O2 can come directly from chambers ? (Revise blood supply sites remember
More muscular is right v??? because it pumps to all body)

** distance is key, you need to pump stronger for longer distances like heart to toe. White looking structure is !?? Fibre brunkenga ???)(Purkinje)

Who makes striations? Myofioaments ? They’re polite in heart they go around

In skeletal they’re rude they push to the edge blah blah


plmnru arteries leave right V.

Sulcus separate two Vs and Ants

Sulcus from right side superior Vcava to right side inferior

External side called sulcus twrmnalia curdus ???
Internal side called crista termanalist (groove extends from right side of superior venCava to right of inf vncv)
]]{[}[}[}]} greys anatomy boOk page 186

Mid valve interoventrical valve. Tendini/ papillaei muscles 3 in Vntrcle anterior posterior and septum? (insertion in ant= anterior etc)

Irregular structure in walls of atriums (?muscluli pectinati) and ventricles (trabicullae)

Fossa ovalus >***wmbryolgoy

IDENTIFY apex anatomical position and navigate
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