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It's been a while since I've watched this movie but damn it's awesome. I've watched it multiple times, one of my most watched horror movies. I even own a Pinhead Funko Pop, displayed next to Cthulhu and Freddy Krueger. (Also own two Pennywises and Norman Bates)


So here's a review of why I love Hellraiser so much. Based on what I can remember, haven't watched it in a month or two. I'll try to keep spoilers out of this because I hope this enlightens people to watch this fantastic cinema masterpiece.

I mean, obviously, the first point I'll address is Pinhead himself. He's an iconic horror villain despite not being the focus of this opus. He is one of the four Cenobites (masters of pain) shown in the film. Though their presence is scarce they make up for this by giving a terrifying atmosphere when they do appear. Doug Bradley's acting as Pinhead is utterly unsettling in all the right ways, in line with his equally terrifying appearance.

But, yes, this film is not about the cenobites. What it does focus on is equally disturbing. It primarily focuses on Julia Cotton trying to bring her brother-in-law, Frank Cotton, back from the dead after he is killed by the Cenobites. The matter in which this all occurs is surreal and as terrifying as everything else in this film. Since I'm trying to keep spoilers to a minimum I'll keep out most details here and let you see how it plays out for yourself.

The entire film has a strong occult theme throughout, how it moves its focus away from the true villains - the Cenobites - and keeps it on Julia and Frank helps add a layer of realism rarely seen in horror. Very Lovecraftian overall. Especially with how the concept of the Cenobites are approached: "angels to some, demons to others." Their philosophies are much more intricate than typical horror villains, which usually boil down to a basic desire for revenge or destruction and nothing more (if they have any motives in the first place.)

Ah! What I've neglected to mention yet is the protagonist, Kirsty Cotton. Like the Cenobites, she's a lot more realistic than other horror protagonists. As for how, exactly, since I've promised to keep as many spoilers out of this as possible I'll let you find that out for yourself. This whole film subverts so many traditional horror tropes.

The imagery, as I'm sure I've already mentioned, is certainly surreal. Sometimes, especially in the opening scene, it feels straight like something out of a really bad nightmare. I've read near-death experiences of Hell that were similar to some scenes. Well, after all, it is [b]Hell[/b]raiser. There is no doubt that it indeed lives up to its name. Disturbing, surreal, nightmarish are all words I'd use to describe this film, cementing it as my all-time favourite horror movie.

Yes, this is indeed a masterpiece of horror cinema. It is a perfect miasma of eldritch Lovecraftian terror. I really should rewatch it again sometime, I miss watching this on what seemed like a bi-weekly basis. I should watch the others, too.

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