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Hello there, do you work on custom rfid request?
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Thanks! Someone from our team will jump into the chat soon.
Connected to Sam S.
Hi, thanks for chatting in!
May I ask who I'm speaking with?
Hello there, my name is Berke
Hi Berke, I'm Sam.
What type of custom RFID request are you in need of?
Hello Sam, I'm contacting you as a Turkish Startup Co-Founder. We're working on an RFID solution producer. First of all, I'd like to ask that do you work on custom inlay?
Basically, we want to change inlay to a water-soluble material like PVA(Polyvinyl Alcohol) instead of PET or other kinds of material.
Is this possible with Atlas RFID, sir?
Yes, we work with a converter that has the ability to produce a custom tag or inlay.
What we would need are the dimensions, what type of chip you need, if you plan to print in-house, what make & model printer are you using (for spacing), will you need adhesive, and what will the tags be applied to
are there any environmental factors (such as extreme heat or cold temperatures)?
First of all, it's great to hear that there is someone who has ability to create custom things
We're happy to hear that!
The dimensions, the type of chip are not crucial at the moment. Nonetheless, the areas we're gonna use need the lowest price thus, we don't need a lot of memory to store info or any large dimension in order or small dimensions to create lower price. We think 5x5cm(changable of course) would be nice for a starting.
Although we don't have any printing yet, we can create an institute for the project. For this inquiry, it would be great if we take the product ready-to-use. About the adhesive, the places that the product gonna use are changeable to the medical pills to the clothing to the skin. The environment is not extreme, it would be a normal room temperature.
Thanks for that information Berke
How many tags do you estimate you will need?
For these days, we're performing r&d research for our product thus, our demand will be limited with 50 to 100 for testing and showing to the customers for validation. Nevertheless, if the market validation complete successfully and the product got released, we believe our estimated demand is about 50k to 100k per month.
That's fantastic!
Do you have an ideal timeline for this project?
Hey Berke, just so I can better assist, is this your company?
Takyon Ai
Takyon Ai is a young startup that works on smart cities. Takyon Ai's Founders, Investors, Employees, Recommendations, Videos, Deals & Jobs...
Umm, Actually last a few months we were digging information about RFID and talking with the customers. The responses are good for the customer, they are delightfully waiting to see the product.
In February to April we're looking for a producer and then in the following months the test months are coming(May to July). As you might know, customers say it's great till' the paying money. Thus, first, we need to introduce the product with the test results and talk about the money section with the customer within the product due to limited sectors that the product will try to stay. And if the product and the market matches, we'll start immediate production and selling.
This f6s is just a part of our smart city department product page. Also, it contains a little bit old information, noted well. Takyon Ai is registered in the Turkey, Chamber of Commerce of Istanbul
We are happy to help with this in any way that we can
It's really great to hear that!
So How we can go through from now on? If it's possible, I'd like to learn what would be the possible prices for mass production and test products?
Just to restate the info from above, you're in need of:
50-100 tags for testing/validation
5 x 5 cm
lowest cost
no environmental factors
Yes those are great, also the main mission is water-soluble inlay is crucial for us
and of course, the tag will be UHF, we missed i guess
Thanks Berke, I've made notes for all those requirements.
Are you currently using RFID? Do you have an RFID reader?
we have simple test equipment, but the project needs also an RFID reader for UHF for the customers
as far as I reach out, you are also provide reader too i guess. It would be great if we could take a full system from you
I'd like to state that I have to leave right now. I have a planned night meeting so, if it's possible could we continue our communcation via email? [email protected]
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