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How Do We Know What We Know?

Information displayed upon us, facts, are dated back into the begging of time. When an event occurs, and it is recorded by an individual, either written or some relayed to other humans or, in today's day in age, recorded or captured with a camera. When we open a text book in U.S. History class and are greeted with all this information on the historical events that happened in america since it was established, who is to say that these events really occurred? What we read is information that is relayed to or recorded by someone. Someone witnessed the event and put into their own words what happened. Think of it this way. What we know is like what we know from the game "Telephone". Certain key information can be left out or certain things could have not been recorded or even mis-interpreted. What was know is just the word from who or what we define as from the horse's mouth. There is no actual proof of past events and there is no such thing as a reliable source. What we know can just be a figment of someone's imagination made to believe it is something that actually happened. What we know could just be what the people telling us what we know want us to know. If you want to find the answer to the questions that, in sight, are all unanswerable, you would have to get it from a source that isn't human. Humans are liars and are highly credited unreliable source. We know what we want to believe is the right information, we believe what we want to, we hear what we want to, we see what we want to. We all experience differently and so no information is reliable unless we all see it from the eyes of the person relaying the information. If you want to know how we know what we know, you have to ask yourself these questions. What counts as "proof"? What does it mean to be accurate? How do you know the information is true? How can you tell the difference between a lie and the truth?

How Do You Know What's Real And What's Not?

When we look at something, how can we tell the difference to weather it's real or fake? Looking at this computer screen, in your mind, you are saying the computer screen and the computer is real. But why do you think it's real?

Where Did Everything Come From: People, Earth, The Universe?

Where did everything come from? There have been many speculations on this topic but how can we tell which one of the speculations are true? We can't. Just like my view on Epistemology (How do we know what we know?), we don't have solid fact or aren't a credible source to answer these type of questions. Everything we believe is of our own beliefs. Many people don't want to think on this topic because it's too deep to go into and so instead they settle with a complex but simple answer such as the belief that everything was created by what they define as "God". I personally myself can not answer this question but honestly, who can? Every answer only leads to another question. I fear that if we were to reach the final answer to this infinite question question, it would be through death. Did we just appear on earth or where we placed here? Who created or where did the first female and male come from to start reproducing and creating other humans? When they were here, how did they know what to do? How did they know how to reproduce? I personally believe the life we live in now is just a recreation of a previous life. But how has that previous life come to be? When we die, where do we go? Do our souls go to meet our creator, or is it reincarnated into another living thing? If that's the case, where did our souls first come from? No matter what I answer, there are always a thousand more questions that come with it. The truth is, I know just as much as you about where we all came from. If we truly want to answer this question, it would have to be from our fantasy. And if it's from our fantasy, that would prove that we wouldn't be a reliable source because it is all just assumption on what really happened without any hard-fact proof because it's from our fantasy.

Why Are We Here?

We may not know where we came from but can we say why we were created and why we are here? Well, that all depends on what we believe. I believe the life we live in is just a sandbox for our souls to experiment in. When we die, our souls reincarnate into something else and acts as a prop for other souls to use in this sandbox of a world. But, like many other things, my theory has many questions and the answer to those questions have even more questions. So why are we here? Why was everything created? Though, it may seem like I am asking alot of questions but sometimes, to find the answer, we must ask questions. You couldn't argue that we are here to live in "peace" "love" or "harmony" because obviously that's not the case. With so much violence, it seems like an impossible reason. But then again, how do we define those words? Those words are defined by what the general mass thinks is the correct definition or term but how do we personally view it? What does it mean to live in "peace"? Peace for some people is silence and being content. Peace for other people is not being upset. The definition varies based on the person. When I think of peace, I think of that movie scene where the character is on the hammock outside, swinging back and forth. The weather is warm with a cool breeze. Their eyes are drooped low and there is a smirk on their face. In their heart, there is no darkness or sadness or negative emotions. The person is content with life and there is not a single bad thing going on in their life right now to the point where if they died, they would not be unsatisfied. It's quiet and they are just in deep thought. That's what I think peace is. That's why I think we are here, to achieve that. Obviously, not everyone would agree that we all need to be all that to achieve what is peace which proves my point that the question varies for different people. I believe that we are here to achieve that goal and we are just having a hard time achieving it. I believe that is why we are here, to make life rival the life in what we imagine heaven is like. Where everyone is content and peaceful like the scene I described. But that is my belief, what is yours?

Is There A God And What Does He/She/It Do?

Like I said before, every word may defined differently depending on the person. What is a "God"? Who is "God"? In Christianity and other monotheistic religions it means the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. In certain other religions it means a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity. If you want to question the existence of god, you have to say which one you mean as throughout the world, there are many different gods according to different religions. The truth is, we can never understand what god is. God is infinite. Someone once asked, "Can you imagine a never-ending conscience?" Basically, god is that in the Christian's view. Try imagine you being god, wouldn't you tire from it? Having to constantly remain god for eternity. Sure, for a few thousands of years you could do what you want and have fun but, sooner or later you would get tired of it. Before you question the existence of god, can you comprehend the word "eternity"? Can you think of how long eternity is? If there was a god, could you imagine one being him for all of eternity? I believe the concept of God as we often define it (All powerful, omniscient, potent, present, etc.) simply cannot exist. But on the topic of the very creation of the universe, we have no idea. There's no reason that the universe could have been created by a gifted child that has yet to be born, but we simply have no idea. The idea of god represented to humans are books that humans wrote proclaiming they can help you find salvation through them in what/who they make you think is god. "The truth is, no one know god. Your god is as relevant to you as your place of birth." "People make god. That's what religion is. The collected things that people have been made to believe a certain thing." So, in my eyes, no, there is no god. I can't believe something exist's without proof. There are alot of different religions with very detailed descriptions to salvation, begging all men and women to listen and follow their way. Look at the earth, and look at the sun. You can tell something created it and whatever or whoever did is truly a genius, but we can not say that is god who created it. It's like with heaven. When we imagine heaven, we imagine a perfect world. But that perfect world is different for each person. Heaven, like god, is just what we fantasize through the words that religion is cramming down our throat. Many people may argue that he is real and that it's not their imagination but a true representation, written by a human in the holy bible, of what god and heaven is but like I said before, humans are credited to be highly unreliable sources of information. God relayed everything to one human? That's like god and the human playing telephone. A lot of people, nonetheless, will believe it though, but I am the least surprised. I mean, people are still going around still thinking that Tupac or Micheal Jackson is alive or that the world is going to end in 2012 or that the Mayans are all knowing. If there was a such thing as god, why would he create us to not defy his existence and not show himself to disprove all theories? God punishes us for violence and sinful actions such as murder but yet, he makes them possible to be committed. He created us, he should know not everyone has perfect self control, especially with diseases like schizophrenia. He punishes us for us using the things that he created. If there is a such thing as a god, then god is not god, but the devil disguised as god. I mean, he choose to talk to Adam and Eve but wont even come out and tell us one time that he is real and what is our purpose. In my mind, everything I say makes perfect sense. If god isn't real, then that would mean that prayers aren't worth a cent and I could just make up what my purpose is. "What if Jesus was a facade? Then that would mean the government's god. I feel like they been brainwashing us with a lot. So much that we don't even notice that we're stuck in the box." The realization that there are many questions surrounding life and death can bother most people. I find myself questioning everything, because they’re are lots we humans don’t know in life, and less in death. But to believe there is a god, you are committing to his ways for salvation but, its your life? You should live it the way you please and have fun. Don't put your own pleasure aside for an afterlife that isn't guaranteed. Your life is all you have and heaven is all in your brain. It seems everytime I think of this topic, my thoughts change on it due to many different people's outlook on this topic. Many of the things I said are referenced to something someone else said actually.

How Do You Tell What's Right And Wrong And Who's To Say?

This is a really simple answer I have. I personally believe that what's right is whatever does not harm another being and what's wrong is whatever does.
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