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Ryu Serizawa [Ultimate Herpetologist]

- Nerd alert.
- Is muscular- but doesn't appear so due to him wearing protective clothing to help with his job and being pretty short. Has big eyebrow game and has sharp, fang-like teeth. Not shark teeth, but like actual snake fangs. Messy dark colored hair that he usually covers with a hat. Wears a eyepatch over his left eye for unknown reasons and has his pointer finger missing on his right hand due to injury.
- Tells pretty ridiculous stories about how he got about the eye injury but gets huffy about the finger story.
- His parents used to keep a lot of "exotic" pets- things they didn't get rid of even after they had a kid, and nearly got hurt a lot because of this. Grew to really hate collectors due to seeing how miserable the animals were but never reported them- until they got into trouble themself.
- Very serious and talks in a deadpan way, although he can get angered easily if he feels that people are telling jokes about him. He just wants to be taken seriously but it's hard to do so with a 5'2 baby man.
- Will beat you to death if you complain too much.
- Extremely cautious in nature and tends to double and triple check everything.
- Gay but no homo.
- Only has one pet- a green iguana named Kei. She's around the average size for a green iguana- which is pretty huge.
- Was born in Japan but moved to America when he was young.
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Regards; Team

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