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Chapter 2 time you fabulous frogs. I'm wheezing right now because of a fanfiction I just read where Gloria gets amnesia and doesn't know who her husband is and thinks she's cheating on her husband with Hop so then she tries to get a divorce but doesn't realize Hop is actually her husband and it is so funny I was screaming.

Okay, so they took a train and a boat and all that jazz and finally reached the Isle of Armor.

"It's... Real." Hop said absolutely dumbfounded. The island in his older brother's stories was actually real.

"I hate to say I told you so, but... I really did." Leon said, jokingly elbowing his brother in the side. Hop let out a small chuckle and rolled his eyes.

"It's so beautiful. Like, the wild area, but... Prettier. And less scary."

"That's a pretty good description."

Hop took his attention away from the sights on the island and looked at Lana. She was staring out at the ocean, loosely holding her suitcase in one hand. "Lana!? You alright!?" he called out to her concerned.

She turned around and smiled, but it was one of those smiles with sadness hidden behind them. "Y-yeah. I am just thinking. I... You know, I-"

Before she could finish speaking, a shrill shriek sounded. Everyone looked toward the direction of the sound. There was a girl who looked to be in her late teens in a purple and green gym uniform and a puffy white coat. In her pink hair there was bow resembling a Dustox. She ran over toward Leon. Leon looked confused. "Lee! Oh, it's really you! I can't believe you're actually back! Avery and I missed you so much once you left, it was so weird."

Leon stared at the girl in confusion until suddenly something in his brain clicked. "Klara!? I had no idea you were still going here!"

"Yup! I've been going here every summer since I was 7! You, of course know that, Mr. Champion." she said jokingly. "What brings you back to the Isle?"

"Well... My little brother and his best friend are actually going to be spending the summer here!" Leon turned to Hop and Lana. "Hop, Lana, this is Klara. She was one of my best friends back 10 years ago when I went here."

"Uh, hi, I'm Hop."

"I know! Lee talked about you all the time!" Klara pointed at Lana. "And you?"

"O-oh, I am Lana."

"Oh, that's such a pretty name! It's so lovely to meet both of you!"

"Hey Klar, does Avery still come here?"

"Ah! Yes, he does! This year is his last year in fact... I'll miss him, but it shouldn't be long until I leave too. It'll be so strange. I don't know how I'll spend my summers."

"Maybe spending them doing something fun for once?" the voice came from a blond man with long hair and glasses. He was wearing a purple gym uniform with rainbow swirls. "Good to see you again, Leon."

"You too, Avery! This is-"

"Hop and Lana. I overheard."

"You were eavesdropping?" Klara cut in teasingly.

Avery rolled his eyes. "It's nice to meet both of you. Klara and I are practically the counselors here, aside from Mustard."

"Counselors?" Hop questioned.

Klara nervously laughed. "We joke that the dojo is just a big summer camp... Anyways, we should show you two to the dojo!"

"Alright then, guess this is goodbye. Klara, Avery, take care, alright?"

"Aww cm'on mate, aren't you gonna at least say hello to Mustard?" Avery questioned.

"Eh, I wasn't exactly one of Mustard's favorite students... I don't think he'd wanna see me again." Leon turned to Hop and Lana. "Do your best you two. This island is gonna be one of the best experiences of your life, promise."

And with that, Leon was gone. Klara and Avery had seen Hop and Lana off to the dojo.

"Mustard Sensei!" Klara called out as the four of them entered the yellow building. "We brought two new students!"

An old man in a teal coat approached. "Ah! Neon! It's been years, hasn't it? You finally decided to get a haircut, eh?" the old man gestured toward Hop. Hop and Lana exchanged confused glances. "And who's this with you?"

"U-um, my name is Lana, sir-"

"Donna? It's great to meet you, Donna!"

"Mustard, this actually isn't Leon. This is his brother, Hop." Avery explained. Mustard squinted intensely at Hop.

"Ah! Yes! I see now! Forgive me boy, my eyes aren't quite what they used to be. Or my ears. It's great to meet you too, Bop. Hopefully you aren't too much like your brother. Neon was quite the troublemaker back in the day, you know. He and Xavier and Flora used to play all sorts of pranks here. Well, take your time to get to know everyone. You're the last ones to arrive, except for that Pete boy."

"Hiya!!" a girl all too cheerfully yelled, practically jumping toward Hop and Lana, which cause Hop to jump back a little. "I see we got some new trainers! Nice to meet you, I'm Peggy, I'm 15 years old, I'm from Almia, I'm a Pokémon Ranger, and I'm really excited to be here!" the girl talked fast and loud. She had tan skin and brown choppy hair which was tied into two pigtails. "And you are?"

"Uhh, I'm Hop, and this is my friend Lana-"

"Well well well, it is so great to meet you! I'm sure we'll all become best friends!"

"Whoa, calm down, Peggy, you don't wanna scare em away." a girl with black hair tied into a bun approached them. "I'm Sofie. I apologize for Peggy, she can be a tad... wild." Peggy stuck her tongue out at Sofie playfully.

"Nice to meet you."

"Well, looks like you've just about met everyone then!" Klara announced.

"Hey don't forget about me!" a boy with blue and black hair called out, laughing.

"Ah! Right! So sorry. Hop, Lana, this is Luca."

"It's nice to meet you two."

"Well, now you've met everyone. There's one more kid coming, but he might be a bit late." said Avery.

"Got it!" Hop called back. "Man, everyone here is pretty crazy huh?" Hop said half-joking to Lana.

"Hm? Oh. Mhm." she said quietly, and then returned to staring at her feet. She held her arm, something Hop had seen her do when she was nervous or scared before.

He put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you've been pretty quiet ever since we got here. Is everything... Alright?"

"Y-yeah, it's.... It is just that.. The Island makes me think of Alola. I miss Ms. Anabel, and Mr. Looker, and Andi, and I-...." she let out a shaky sigh.

Hop lightly squeezed her shoulder and gave her a soft sympathetic smile. "It's gonna be alright, okay?" he said. "I mean, the island is beautiful, everyone here seems really nice, and I'm sure there's a whole lot more fun we don't even know about! I'm gonna make sure nothing ruins this trip for you, for the both of us. I mean, how could anything ruin it?"

The doors swung open. Oh, that's how. Standing in the doorway in all his pink and teal glory was Bede.

"Ah! You're finally here. Welcome to the dojo, Pete!" Mustard exclaimed.

Bede looked shocked when he saw Hop and shot him a glare. Hop was also in shock but tried glaring back.

"Oh! Bede! I had no idea you were coming here!" Lana said. She seemed happier about this than Hop. Anyone would've been happier.

Bede's expression softened when he saw Lana. Hop huffed knowing exactly why. "It's great to see you, Lana. I had no idea you would be here, I would've tried to show up earlier."

Lana's face went pink and she let out a nervous little giggle. "Oh, w-we just got here."

"Oh! You three know each other?" Sofie realized.

"Not fondly." Hop mumbled under his breath, shooting Bede another glare. Bede shot back a more intense one.

"This is gonna be so fun!" Peggy exclaimed.

Yup. Very fun.

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