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Being somebody who is curious and willing to learn, I am always looking for something new. As a learner, I am focused on the task at hand and I make sure that I always understand what I’m trying to learn. I am not afraid to ask questions for clarifications and I’m happy to help others as well. That being said, I really enjoy learning with other as I am a collaborative person, but I am also fully capable of learning on my own. Being someone who loves learning, I was quickly able to identify as a visual leaner. Although I learn best visually, I am just fine with learning anything verbally or physically. When I was working on my science fair project, I had taken a risk learning while learning many new concepts and experimenting with them. I took a risk by choosing not to switch my project after I realized there were major flaws with my project. I thought about it, but in the end, I decided not to switch my project and keep going. In the end, I finished the project, and got a good mark. I found myself in another tight situation later, though. In French, our class was split up into groups and asked to create a skit. Once we were done, we had a choice to present to a Grade 3 class for a small bonus or not to present. I decided, since I was the tiebreaker of the group, to present. We presented, and got our bonus.

I feel I am a independent worker, and keeps an organized learning space and desk. I don't need further instruction when I am started on a task, and am responsible for my work and actions. I feel like my learning style is mainly solitary, with some visual. Yes, I have taken many risks. An example is during my Science Fair Project. I tried a new project and faced much difficulty because of situations with formulas and material loss. So, I could abandon the project and get another, or continue and try to finish it. I chose to finish it, and managed to get a good grade. If I had played it safe and got a new project, I certainly would have gotten a lower mark, but I would not have a risk of not completing it. I took a risk when presenting a skit to an audience of two Grade 3 classes. Each group that went had a small bonus to their mark. Each group had a choice of whether to present theirs or not. I was the team leader, and I had a choice. I could go up and present with my group and maybe make a fool of myself, or play it safe and stay back. I decided to go up, and thankfully, we did not make too much fools of ourselves, and we got the bonus.

At school, I take part in many activities. From these extracurriculars and other school activities, I have gained many skills such as leadership from Student Council, a host of skills that include commitment and sportsmanship from Track Team and School Inturamurals.
Additionally, I am involved in many other one-time activities, such as running the student election, being on the election panel, and the Gauss math contest. These have really helped my leadership skills, communication skills, and my problem solving skills. Outside of school, I am involved in swimming. I feel that it's hard sometimes to show up to meets and practices, which helps me with my commitment. I also am involved with the Sea Cadet program. The program improves my citizenship, leadership, teamwork, and my problem solving. I have noticed a change in my work at school after joining the program. I find I am more dedicated and responsible to my duties as a student. I also play 3 instruments, which are piano, trumpet, and ukulele. Playing instruments really improves my memory and attention. I also attend debate classes, and compete in debate tournaments. This obviously boosts my public speaking greatly, and is extremely beneficial for my logical thinking. I find at school, I start thinking much more logically than before, and it is much easier to express myself orally or on paper. Lastly, on the weekends, when I'm not at a swim meet or a cadet function, I go to a Chinese School to learn Chinese. Every year, I also volunteer at the Waterloo Superhero Run at the food tent.
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