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these characters often
find themselves in the middle of
something they have barely any
control over. Unlike the hero, the
everyman isn't trying to make a
great change or work for the common
good: these characters are just
trying to get through a difficult

Nikolai can also be put down into
being in the 'Star-Crossed Lovers'
trope, given his future with his
romantic relationship. According to
TV Tropes, the 'Star-Crossed Lover'
is "Two lovers—often but not always
teenagers—doomed to be kept apart
no matter how hard they struggle to
be together. It may be Fate, or
fatally-Feuding Families, or it may
be something as mundane as a few
hundred miles' separation, but
something will always be in their
way. Often, the two can only be
Together in Death. William
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is
the most famous example (and the
Trope Namer), but the archetype
dates at least as far back as
Mesopotamian Mythology and Egyptian
Mythology, making it Older Than


hobbies :: violin || writing
Violin // Nikolai took up the violin
when he was very little, around the
age of five. While his parents were
at work, they put on classical
recordings from all over the world,
spanning from the luxurious halls
of Nice to the niche countryside of
Pembrokeshire. The music entranced
him and led little Nikolai into a
world of relaxation and
imagination, sparking a powerful
interest within him. The courage
for him to ask for lessons clashed
with his uncle's death, allowing
Nikolai to claim the lessons were
to help the family regain spirits -
yet in reality, he was just sick of
looking out his window at night and
wishing. Soon after, he was given a
violin and began taking up lessons.
It was no time before Nikolai got
his way with the music and took it
up as more than a hobby: he wished
to persue it as a profession, and
used his violin as a comfort. While
he has gone through a few as he's
grown, Nikolai has always stuck to
the one his parents buy him, never
even thinking of going against
their judgement. Besides, they'll
be the people Nikolai prefers to
play for more often than not.

Writing // A very...odd...hobby for
a young boy in the modern day, as
some may say, yet Nikolai protests
strongly. It's not something that
had any push towards its
development, but rather something
that just came naturally. When he
wasn't doing anything awfully
exciting, Nikolai needed an outlet.
Something to do. He read through
books too fast to make that a
sustainable past time, so sought
comfort in writing. He could still
be creative without the fear of
having to buy a new book everytime
his creativity ran short. There
were some many ways to write! In
letters, in novels, in stupid
bursts of writing, and so much
more. It's helped Nikolai stay in
contact with his family in
Hogwarts, his odd little hobby, and
it does help an awful lot when
trying to figure out a two scroll
charms essay that's due in two

quirks :: climbing || moving || skin picking
Window Climbing // A majority of
people normally use the labelled
exit or entrance in buildings.
These exits are more often than not
doors. Nikolai forgot to subscribe
to this normal idea, and usually
does his glamorous exits or
entrances through the nearest
window available. It's not the most
conventional way to work, but it's
no big problem! He does wipe his
feet, get off any surfaces, and
rarely does damage any important
family items. Rarely. There's no
real cause for Nikolai's
spontaneous methods - and people
have tried to find causes - meaning
there's no way to stop him.
Sometimes, he'll just get bored in
a conversation and need to excuse
himself for a few seconds. Other
times, he'll need a very quick
entrance and a way across the
Hogwarts castle, causing to him
jumping in and out of Second Year

Moving // Ever since he was little,
Nikolai has had problems with
sitting still. It just didn't come
naturally to him, the idea of being
still. He just needed to be moving
and have some sort of activity to
keep him going, similar to the way
that vehicles always need motion:
they can't stop until they're
really done for the day. The same
applies to Nikolai. He doesn't have
any attention issues, nor does he
need constant monitoring. It just
is a reliever for him to pace
back-and-forth in a stressful
moment or in deep thought. He often
moves in a tune, as if there's some
invisible tune playing. When he's
stopped from moving, he moves on to
a worse habit of his: picking at
his skin.

Skin Picking // More of an anxious
habit over anything else, this
habit does alarm some people. When
stressed, or worried, or something
equally as taxing, Nikolai will
pick at the skin primarily around
his knuckles and fingernails,
continuing to do so until they
bleed. He doesn't really know why
he does this, and it's a bit hard
to explain to others. One time,
when it got particularly bad,
Nikolai wore gloves to all his
Hogwarts lessons for three days
straight. It was a bit humiliating,
the whole ordeal, and he's been
trying to stop it from happening
ever since.

ambition :: have a good life
Having a good life is an incredibly
mundane thing. In the Wizarding
World, there are endless
possibilities. Most people want to
take advantage of the gift of magic
and become an auror, or play
quidditch professionally, Nikolai
has taken the less extreme root.
War often calls to people who don't
want it, and that applies to the
Wizarding World. For once, Nikolai
would love to sit down, maybe in
his thirties, and be able to feel
at ease, at peace with himself. No
need to feel anxious or afraid of
the future.

He wants to have a good, proper,
fulfilling life. A wife, preferably
his girlfriend, and maybe some kids
- or a dog. A picture-perfect
family. He wants to take up his
hobbies more seriously and live
comfortably without the worry of
money. Maybe one day, he'll be able
to tell his kids - or his dog -
about the magic that is Hogwarts.
Maybe he'll sit back in his chair,
mug of tea in hand, and think about
his old years in the magical

While it all sounds incredibly
idealistic and
rather...boring...Nikolai doesn't
mind. He wants a truly peaceful and
un-chaotic life to live. Having a
nuclear family is just what he
really wants, and that's nothing to
be ashamed of. So what, if his
ambitions aren't wild? They don't
have to be.

dream job :: healer
Even if Nikolai doesn't think he has
a dream job yet, he'll most
definitely have one in the future.
After the future passing of his
girlfriend, Natalie Croft, Nikolai
will begin to look into her
preferred career path: a healer. He
wouldn't want her memory or efforts
to die off, so, even if it takes
him a while to finally acknowledge
the job, he'll eventually regard it
as his dream job. At first, it may
look daunting to him; helping
others in a professional setting
just never came naturally, but
he'll just have to brush through it
and put on a brave face.

St Mungo's and him didn't initially
get on, and during training Nikolai
did think he would just give up -
but he didn't. He did stick through
and finally get the benefits of
being a real healer. It won't be a
very sunshine-y job, and he will
have to face some tough days and
tough patients, but thinking about
why he took the job in the first
place makes it tolerable. Nikolai
isn't interested in the money by
any degree, and all it is is an
appealing benefit to the cause.

If a healer hadn't come into
Nikolai's path, however, he would
have wanted to pursue music
professionally. Playing the violin
was always a past time that Nikolai
could take pleasure in greedily,
taking all the time he wanted to
play. That greed eventually becomes
a catalyst and a passion for
Nikolai, if it weren't for his
loss, encouraging and edging him
towards the spotlight, where he
would compose and play. Musically
talented wizards are often
overlooked when they aren't
radio-playable, meaning Nikolai's
talent and passion may have been
moved into the muggle world, where
classical music is a far more
giving job than in the Wizarding


[CB] :: 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 ::

Nikolai is a very easy person to
spot in a dark line-up: he's rather
tall and lanky, has good posture,
and has a very 'perfect' way of
holding himself. Nikolai is also
pale, having light hair, eyes, and
skin. To any onlooker, he does have
the 'perfect' look to him, the kind
of look you wish a handsome prince
would take in your dreams when your
five - however, Nikolai is much
more than a face in a poorly lit

As aforementioned, Nikolai is rather
tall and lanky, or rather, tall and
slim. He has very little muscle
anywhere on his body, yet maintains
a healthy weight due to his
genetics. Nikolai has never easily
put on muscle, and if he wanted to
start, it could potentially take
months of constant work for his
efforts to even show. Thankfully
for him, he's rather content with
being 'scrawny'.

As he plays Quidditch, his frame
helps him easily manoeuvre between
the other players with ease, having
no battle with the wind or tight
gaps. Unfortunately, his height
seems to be his downfall. When
visiting historically significant
places, Nikolai has to duck or be
beheaded whilst entering doorways
due to their low heights. He's also
easy to spot from an average
viewpoint, making it hard for him
to hide. There's only two real
benefits from being tall: he can
reach the top shelf, and he has a
lot of room for love.

Moving onto Nikolai's hair, there's
nothing particularly special about
it. It's in a mid-length, curly cut
where his curls are naturally
'tamed' looking. He doesn't want to
battle with his curls, since any
treatment (including hair potions,
such as Sleakeazy's), is more
likely to damage his curl pattern
than help it. This means he doesn't
do much to his hair, save for
washing it regularly. He would love
to actually do something exciting
with his hair one day - he's been
contemplating dying it a fun colour
for a long time, but he's afraid of
the damage it'll do to the blond in
his hair. It's a rather nice colour
at the moment, not too 'dirty', yet
not too 'golden'.

Given the chance, Nikolai would love
to see what he would look like with
different hair. His father has
dark, straight hair, and his mother
has straighter hair than himself.
He's always wondered what his face
would look like when paired with
straight, dark brown hair. Nikolai
has threatened to use magic to
achieve the look once or twice, yet
would be mortified if he couldn't
reverse the results. Beyond hair
changing though, Natalie Croft
enjoys braiding the curls in
Nikolai's hair and sometimes leaves
them in, resulting in Nikolai
having sections of his hair be
braided or tied up for days at a

Focusing on Nikolai's eyes, they're
pretty..normal? He has perfect
eyesight (20/20), meaning he
doesn't require any contacts or
glasses. He has round eyes with
somewhat longer eyelashes than
average, giving his face a more
'feminine' frame. He has received
compliments on his eyes due to
this, as well as due to his eye
colour. He has light blue eyes,
continuing the theme of his 'light'
appearance. Some have said his eyes
give him a more 'innocent' look,
whereas others have said it washes
out the tone of his face. When
Nikolai was younger, he had a
slight case of Heterochromia where
the colour around his left pupil
was more brown than blue. This
cleared up naturally by the time
Nikolai was seven, however, it did
look pretty cool while it lasted.


Overall, Nikolai's face is
interesting for reasons beyond his
normal 'stand out' features. With
his pale skin, it's clear to see
the freckles that cover the bridge
of his nose, as well as his cheeks
and some clusters of the rest of
his face, and neck. There are also
freckles along his chest, arms,
back, and legs. He got a lot of
these freckles from the amount of
time he spent outside during
summer, when his family would take
vacations to visit relatives in
France, or just to visit the
countryside of England. Nikolai
always enjoyed the visits and
frequently returns to those
vacation spots, as shown proudly by
the new collection of freckles he
gathers every year after summer

Nikolai also has a small gap between
his two front teeth. While it was
presumed this gap would naturally
close as he got older, that wasn't
the case. It doesn't cause any
whistling or induce a lisp, so
Nikolai has gotten used to it -
besides, it would feel odd if he
didn't have it by now. The idea of
braces moderately terrifies him, so
he'll probably never get it fixed.
It's not noticeable from far away,
but becomes one of the first things
you see when you're in conversation
with Nikolai. People don't feel
obliged to point it out, however,
as Nikolai seems pretty aware of
the gap when he pokes little thin
strands of sweets through it.

Beyond his face, Nikolai's fingers
are a topic of interest. He's been
told throughout his life that he
has 'piano hands', due to the fact
that his fingers are rather long
and flexible. Mostly, he can't
disagree with the statement: he
does have the fingers made for
playing instruments. However,
instead of having entirely delicate
hands like most people expect piano
players to, Nikolai has calluses on
his fingers from his time playing
the Violin. When first building up
the calluses, it gave Nikolai a
slight pain, but after years of
playing, they've become a second
thought to Nikolai to the point
where he doesn't even recognise
them anymore - they're just a part
of his hands.

Alongside the calluses, Nikolai's
fingers are irritated around the
fingernail and knuckle from his
anxious habit of picking and
scratching those spots. He's never
really minded the mess until people
began commenting on it in Hogwarts,
making Nikolai a bit self-conscious
about the situation. He does take
care of his hands beyond the habit,
but he can't seem to convince
himself to stop absentmindedly
doing so. He's worn gloves to
combat the issue, nonetheless
they're not the most practical, nor
fashionable item of clothing that
could help.

Something Nikolai has control over
is his birthmark. On the right side
of his chest, he has a small,
brown, 'lightening bolt' shape,
similar to the shape of the Killing
Curse. This piqued curiosity in
Nikolai, which lead him into
researching the idea that
birthmarks represent past lives. On
beliefnet it says, "Reincarnation
researchers have discovered that
some people who died a traumatic
death in a past life bear the scars
of those injuries in the form of a
birthmark. A birthmark is defined
as a “benign irregularity on the
skin which exists at birth[.|]”
Doctors believe they are caused by
an excess of pigment cells or blood
vessels grouped in one area of the
skin. But today, doctors still
don’t know what caused these
pigment cells and blood vessels to
group this way and form birth
marks." Nikolai agrees with this
theory and believes in a past life,
he had died to the Killing Curse -
thankfully, it's just a neat fact
he has about him.

Finally, Nikolai has what's regarded
as 'perfect posture', where he has
the correct posture. He's always
followed the idea of sitting flat
against a chair and sitting up
properly, causing his posture to be
a 'good example' of what everybody
should have. He's never been a fan
of slouching due to the way it
presents your personality, thus
causing him to always strive to
have the best posture possible.
Many people say it's due to his
Pureblood upbringing, but Nikolai
disagrees as it's just a personal


now think about attire. what kind of outfits
does your oc keep? do they prefer a
certain color of clothes? do they wear lose
or close fitted clothes? think about the
daily activities your oc participates in. do
they need athletic, swim, formal, work,
uniform, etc outfits? what about sleep and
winter? what about just good ol casual?
finally, it might be nice to highlight the
accessories your character wears, maybe
some with emotional meaning. jewelry?
scarves? any particular object they may
carry around on their pockets?

[this post|]
might be helpful for a reference when
describing outfits and attire.

[CB] :: 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑 ::

describe your ocs health here.

remember to include both mental and
physical health conditions, and the details
as to how the health condition was
gained, and if there’s a cure. some
conditions are chronic and have long
lasting effects even when under control,
while others can be acquired throughout
life but cured without much trouble.

you may also want to describe your
character's overall physical condition. can
they easily lift a lot of weight or do they
struggle to hold fairly light objects? can
they run faster or slower than their peers?
is there a specific reason as to why?
consider also their immunity to diseases,
whether they get sick easily or if they can
go many months without as much as a

allergies and past injuries should also be
taken under consideration, including
information like the allergic reaction and
the severity. moreover, you should
describe their diet. are they vegan,
vegetarian or have any other restrictions?
do they eat an average amount or do they
tend to be very gluttonous? consider sleep
and exercise. do they stay up a lot or do
they sleep all day? do they like to exercise,
and what type/s do they practice? are they
somehow restricted, by asthma, their
weight or a lasting injury, in what they can
and can't do? do some research, it will
very likely help.

[CB] :: 𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜 ::

describe any of your ocs abilities here.

you may want to start with mental
abilities. this can range from a good
memory to speed thinking. consider why
they are like this, whether it’s just natural
for them or whether these are skills they
might have picked up throughout the
course of their life.

next are physical abilities. these include
things such as being very strong, perhaps
very fast. once again, consider how they
became this way, whether they trained
hard or became that way through doing

consider talents as well. this could mean
dancing, fishing, screaming, anything
really. describe why and how they became
good at this, and how they feel about it.
are they passionate about this skill or is it
just something they happen to have
become skilled at? where they forced to
learn but happened to be good at it?

think about their magic abilities. this is
where you really have to think things
through. if your oc isn’t a wizard/witch
then you can skip over this part,
otherwise, you must consider a plethora
of factors, mainly depending on how
magic or supernatural powers work in the
Harry Potter world. If your character is
simply a wizard, you can describe what
kind of spells they are better at or excel
in (remember that different wand cores
and woods can influence this) and which
ones they struggle the most with. For
example, a character can be really good at
offensive spells, but lack technique in
those meant for defense, or be better at
complex incantations than at the most
utilitary spells. if your character is a
different species within the Harry Potter
universe, this may be a good place for
you to detail how that affects their magic
or what other abilities they have (in the
case of veelas, werewolves or animagi,
for example).

this is related to their flaws and also
vulnerabilities. no oc is perfect, so maybe
there’s a particular thing that they just
cannot stand. whether it has relation to
their other abilities (like a certain material
that affects them), or if it’s just a physical/
mental weakness that exists, it's always
something you should consider. many
times, a weakness will be possible
through the ocs strengths. for example, a
strong muscular oc might be weak to fast
ocs which can deliver quicker attacks and
dart away before the stronger can catch
or stop them.

[CB] :: 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 ::

list and describe your ocs relationships
here. you are meant to consider how they
and the character in question get along,
and work off that in future roleplays. feel
free to remove sections or change the
titles of each section to fit the description
of the relationship. [remove this text]

mother :: age || status* || wizard/muggle
— full name // insert mother's full name.
give a small description if you'd like.
— physical description // describe shortly
the physical appearance of your oc's
mom, whether they are similar and in
what aspects.
— personality // describe the oc's mother
as a person and whatever traits she
has of significance to the way your
character sees her. you don't need to
write anything very specific, just the
— relationship // this should probably be
the bigger section. consider how the
relationship between your oc and their
mother figure is, how she is seen by
them and how that relationship may
have changed throughout the years.
be sure to make it clear whether the
mom is present in your ocs life or not
and also why.
[remove this — *status: dead/alive]

father :: age || status || wizard/muggle
— full name // father's full name here.
— physical description // describe shortly.
— personality // most significant traits;
how they are perceived by the oc. is the
oc similar in any way to their father?
— relationship // what type of relationship
they have currently, how it may or may
not have changed, if the dad is active in
the oc's life, etc.

sibling :: age || status || wizard/muggle
— full name // sibling's full name.
— physical description // describe shortly.
how similar is your oc to their sibling in
terms of appearance?
— personality // most significant traits;
whether or not the oc and their siblings
have similar personalities; how the oc
perceives them.
— relationship // what type of relationship
they have currently, how it may or may
not have changed, if the oc knows
this sibling or not, etc.

[family member] :: age || status || magic?
— full name // family member's full name.
— physical description // short
description of physical appearance and
mention of similarities to the oc.
— personality // short description of traits
of significance; mention of similarities;
oc's view on family member.
— relationship // oc's relationship with
[family member]; whether it has
changed or not; relevance to your
character's life.

lover :: age || status || wizard/muggle
— full name // lover's full name.
— physical description // description of
lover's appearance.
— personality // description of lover's
most significant traits. may be worth
mentioning what made them fall in love
with this person.
— relationship // the nature of your oc
and their lover's relationship, whether it
is purely physical, merely romantic,
both or neither. This should agree with
whatever sexuality you have chosen
for the oc.

› [in case your oc is not in any type of
"romantic" relationship yet, you may want
to change this subsection into an "ideal
lover"/ex-lover type thing and make the
appropriate adjustments – removing the
age and status tags; perhaps the wizzard/
muggle one as well –, and combining the
three other topics into one big paragraph.
you may also use the [family member]
subsection template to add other "titles"
into this section and describe them, like
friends, enemies, a pet, etc.]

[CB] :: 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 ::

describe anything you would like to say
about the oc that doesn’t fall under the
previous sections.

this can include the floor plan of their
house, their belongings and valuables,
to detail where they live or how they are
doing financially. you can also,
alternatively, use this section to link your
works on this oc, or any roleplay plots
you may have with them. if you have no
use for this section, feel free to remove
it entirely, or rename it and use it for
something else.

[CB] :: 𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜 ::

as the author of this oc, is there anything
you’d like to say? maybe the inspiration
for the oc, or the purpose you had for
making it? you may also link your roleplay
requirements and include the details of
requesting a roleplay with the oc. if you
would like to take out this section, remove
everything from the divider to this para-
graph, but leave the credit under this.

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