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The subtle art of not giving a f**k

“We’re all going to die, all of us. What a circus!
That alone should make us love each other, but it doesn’t.”
-Charles Bukowski

One word review : Above Average (One time read).
( Mark Manson consider the highlights of both the instincts of human nature.)
>Find it more of counterpart then reality.
>Author takes few prehistoric examples suit to the theme.
> witty one liners.
>Some WOW statements. (Old lady incident,bargin with shopkeeper was one of my favourite.)

Book Review :
>When a person has no problems, the mind automatically finds a way to invent some.
>It’s okay for things to suck some of the time.
>Happiness is found in solving problems, not avoiding them.
>Self-esteem, by itself, is overrated. It doesn’t help to feel good about yourself unless you have a good reason for feeling that way. The struggle makes self-esteem useful, not the participation trophy.
>The desire for a more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.
>Negative emotions are a sign that something is going unaddressed. They are a call to action. Positive emotions are the reward for taking the correct action.
>“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” -Aristotle
>“Finding something important and meaningful in your life is perhaps the most productive use of your time and energy. Because if you don’t find that meaningful something, your fucks will be given to meaningless and frivolous causes.”
>Whether you realize it or not, you are always choosing what to give a fuck about.”
“Maturity is what happens when one learns to only give a fuck about what’s truly fuck-worthy.”
>“But we need to reject something. Otherwise, we stand for nothing. If nothing is better or more desirable than anything else, then we are empty and our life is meaningless. We are without values and therefore live our life without any purpose.”

“The pampering of the modern mind has resulted in a population that feels deserving of something without earning that something, a population that feels they have a right to something without sacrificing for it. And they do this not because they actually think they are greater than everybody else; they do it because they feel that they need to be great to be accepted in a world that broadcasts only the extraordinary.”
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Regards; Team

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