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Katrina: Q#1
Sophia: beginning para7, tr white people, show separation
Matan: tr "yellow faces", not positive; racist
James: like individual quotes; general: ex 1st to 3rd to 1st, informal to formal; thoughtful good... people pay attention and listen
Matan: Yes, endin (summ James) see how thinking, good idea
Alayna: follow with Q2; sentence structure; think same: kill or bad impression. ans q1: imperialism, historical reference, burmese finally have hold over GB
Chinny: agree, oppressed now have power
Nakai: police says peer pressure and imperialism control, ?any part actually want?
Ashley: no,
Sophia: para6; "as soon as I saw... to shoot him". start not, then so after peer pressure, change position
Will: agree, does want;
Katrina: Q about diction: "puppet" sig bc power hold=symbolic, controlled by burmese
Matan: spoon feed "for condition of rule, ... what expected; not fair
Ashley: agree last 2, puppet/dummy power of white man portray something not
Clara: +more controlled; not force, psychological, should not care, compare lesser evils (pride/social status)
Chinny: not only force, but also (people see him as role model/admiration fuels his thoughts)
Ashley: quick q, mockery/pressure from burmese that bad push to control: consequences are not severe; is laughed at enough to boil water over?
Will: more than what people think of him, more position for people to respect him
James: confused? past diction?
Katrina: william=quote; he becomes "dummy" summarizes what says
Nakai: ?do you think viewing him as inferior more so "I'm officer" or "I'm European" or mostly job?
Matan: survey: racist or not?
Ashley: repeat
Nakai: dyt it was him view people as inferior: job or race or both?
Chinny: idk if race/superior, not job bc he being tortured
Katrina: disagree, not down but different
Ashley: not discriminating, but part of job as superior; if not, then he discriminated bc anti-european
Sophia: both bc job seen as higher power, one wrong makes whole race wrong; country imperialize other country, officer feels a little better?
Will: dyt outcome of elephant if no underlying prejudice?
Nakai: both ways; although he against them and reverse; it would have to be both... then better at job (not necces good)
Chinny: CQ Pred against job vs race
Will: race
Chinny: lil dif, not as compelled
James: original prejudice; each have expectations for act; must fill or be mocked
Matan: job(ur mean) or race? hate imperialism "secretly hate" (para2)
James: yes, but para7; "impress women"; still do what expected
Clara: Will's Q idk change. shoot bc pressure. native still shoot bc job. same ending
Alayana: agree. face of officers. no shoot=no good government rep
Matan: Q3.
Sophia: metaphor show, while given power, want fit= need to please... burmese want shoot, officer felt pressure; similar to puppeteer. what watching, people bts have power, want to fit in, have to sacrifice
Katrina: aiden...
Aiden: describes himself as actor bc peer pressure: rules over, loses dignity?
Ashley: going back; on metaphor... burman are audience watching what he dose; curtain covers mental war... no want do, so para14 "wonder soley fool"
Nakai: ashley saying audience rather than puppeteer? Burmans think they have power? or expectation
Ashley: influence, idk aware of their power in his head... #s and heat of moment enough to boil over
Sophia: Burmese as audience makes sense... audience up and leaves, actors low confidence. cool point
Matan: brilliant point: every show/movie: audience importance, watching have no power... stop pleasing.. only as powerful as people think they are
Katrina: great points: power if temporary depending on who's there. unaffects
Will: burmese indirectly controlling him.. high expectation, low result
Alayna: disagree, original question. not sit back/watch show. audience finally get power
Matan: against own point but, money is not valued, then have no value... power from british ability to terrorrize. how affects?
Will: rather behind curtain, in this situation, man trying to impress like impress audience.
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