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I was walking home, 26 degrees celsius, nobody knew what was coming in the lonely town at Alan Street
Jenny picked me up from the prison of so called "school", at that time, my foolishness was beyond reproach. Jenny had me return to school which was 300 meters away from where I left. It was because I left my phone there. The walk worn me down and I was peaking my bodily functions due to the sheer heat, Jenny didn't know the real reason why I returned to school. That which I planted this false scenario from the beginning, those weren't keys, it was Hitler posters. It was only due to the hitler posters which given me the strength to make the leap of those 300 meters of utter suffering.
I will thank hitler for everything he has done
I went to the secret pickup point where my friends awaited my authority
Jonny saw me and without hesitation said "HEIL HITLER!" in a noble and knightly way
Truly he would've made a strong SS waffen man at arms
There was also Valerie, who acted as the secondary boss of the Nazi club at Sunrise School
Perfection was achieved in that sense, this elaborate welcoming sequence took the eyes of passer bys, making them frown and grin with insecurity due to our superiority.
However, one day. This was all wrong, there were 4 tyrants of planet Earth who shook this club's very foundation
Sean, Jen, Travis and Michelle. Those ruthless bastards never got the far end of our bayonets
In a sudden assault, they hurled a stone at Valerie with odd vigilance in their eyes. I fixed my focus directly at their eyes, emotions fade and I directly moved towards sean first
Sean was a strong yet slow wrestler, he had used one hand to wrap my waist, at the same time I had wrapped my arm on his arm and lead backwards to dislocate the shoulder
I threw my right hand into his cheek and pulled him towards me so that he dropped to the ground
Jon had already killed Valerie
The future of the Nazi Club was gone
My eyes watered, unbelieving, dreaming if the reality was false. Maybe I was just not thinking correctly at the time. My smile and optimism was gone
There was no time in that minute of bloodshed had I spoke
It was only physical things left to do
I grabbed a stone and launched it at Michelle's head to which she touched the spot in pain
I immediately sprinted at her, Travis saw this and tried to reach me but he was too far
I ran past michelle and deleted her from existence
I would never forget those moments
The haunt of that name freezes my body to this day
Michelle was not just deleted
I had made her an inconcievable existence
The problem with this is that it creates a mental paradox in those who had known her
Was she actually real or was she just a figurement of our imagination?
this is what the horror of delete powers were
This was german technology
The most deadly levels of destruction was however, not that, but much more worse
Space, time, was thwarted from its constituent natural ways. Life was death, yet death had life, nothing had logic nor extreme opposites.
It was worse than the hell, it was a terror of alien experiences that broken the souls of everyone there
I brought out the 115 experimental radiation energy director
It absorbed the sun's energy too fast and already overcharged
Suddenly, the ground seemed to split and mend into Travis's body, his molecular make up went blending into the soil that seemed to stir strangely as if it was water
His blood ran across the creases of this unreal physical distortion
Then I heard a voice
it was Valerie
"I wasn't here because there was nazis"
memories of my time with her emit from a backdrop of infinite white
"Valerie, where are you" I called out
She then continued "I wasn't there because we got to kill 6 million jews"
"VALERIE!" I screamed louder
"It was you, you gave me hope, a person to be. Without you"
Those memories broke out into a visually coherent warp, I see Valerie when she and I first met
"Without you, I would not have been"
"Thankyou, thankyou for everything. This is my final message, my heart is never far or never close. Remember that I am always in you no matter what. Goodbye my darling...."
Time was weeping
I was bleeding, understanding what had just happened
"YOU" I heard Jon from the corners of my eye
I smiled
And stared straight ahead
"I am, becometh nazi, destroyer of jews"
Suddenly, a burst of drums
this had played in that time
"NA NANI" Jon said
"I am the cross of Peace"
"I am the jewstroyer, I am the 6million"
"DELETE, LOAD SAVE no. 4052"
Jon died instantly and ragdolled on himself
And I was back home
"Hey, what's going on? You okay"
I saw the glint of gold hair, perfect eyebrows
"You okay?"
"And I am free" I said, the valerie i had known reexisted and time plays far beyond memory from this point. This is the end of my human conciousness for I had leaped into the forever paradise where mortality seemed to be nothing less than 1 plus 2
"This is for you V"
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