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MC5 Speculation After MP Twitch Stream July 14, 2014

Firstly, I've been around since the start of MC2, back in 2010. I've watched this game grow into what it is today and I've seen it evolve and change. Some changes were good, and some weren't so good. Back in MC2, they had updates for things like making your teammates invincible to you, so you couldn't teamkill with frags. That's an example of a good update. They took our advice, listened to what WE as a community wanted to be changed in the game and they implemented it. An example of a not-so-good update would be the MC4 update. They added a few guns, which was nice, but the annoyance was them adding in things that EVERYONE hated, like rocket launchers and noobtubes. Also, annoying perks added in like "one more thing" or whatever the name for it was, where you would drop a live frag after dying. Nobody found that fun at all. But instead of listening to the majority of the community on what would be fun to add, they added whatever they felt like. Also, adding in a sniper that takes 3 shots to kill, with slow rate of fire. A gun that no one would ever use. Now back to MC5. So firstly, from what I could tell anyways, the devs were playing on an iPhone 5 or 5s during the stream. There was fog on one map (maybe it was just part of the map?) but it could also have been the fog from NOVA 3 where if your device can't render the full map, it'll render part of it and show fog further out. This is an EXTREME disadvantage. This basically means if you don't have the highest end device then you won't be able to compete with others. How is it fair when someone across the entire map snipes you and you can't even react because you can't see them? Next up is the perks. Granted, some did look fun and seemingly harmless, but things like +35% Assault Rifle damage completely ruin games. During MC2, before the first update, people would run the MN106 Camo with +30% damage, and the gun could 1-2 shot people at medium range, and 3 shot at max range which was insane. That's a balance issue that they can always rework and listen to our feedback about, but from what we've seen, they don't really listen to a lot of what we say. Sniping for example is huge in the Modern Combat community. Every year the snipers get worse and worse. Why? Is it because we've become to good? Is that even fair? If everyone was good with SMGs they wouldn't get nerfed. Noscoping for example, is 2 shots because you aren't in the scope. How is that realistic? There shouldn't be a penalty for us snipers because we've perfected the "art of quickscoping" or whatever you would like to call it. During the stream today, the devs said they were aiming to make MC5 a realistic shooter. Realism doesn't always equate to fun. If I wanted a realistic war experience I would sign up for the army and go fight a real war. How is making a clone of yourself (a sniper skill in-game) realistic whatsoever? Or healing faster? They're contradicting their own words. The next thing I would like to talk about is "killcams", or showing how you died when you do end up dying. Apparently this feature is only useful in single player? Why do I need killcams in single player? If I die, I'm right there watching how I die. Single player isn't even difficult. Out of every Modern Combat game I've played, I've probably only died in single player like 5-10 times. Multiplayer on the other hand: If I die, and I don't know where I died from, I would like to know. If there is a guy camping, I want to see where he is so I can get my revenge kill on him. Killcams in multiplayer prevent camping. Killcams also make for editing projects, which a TON of people love to see. Basically, killcams have no place in single player, and they need to be in mutliplayer to balance out the game more. Finally, there are only 4 maps on multiplayer. The time they have had to work on this game is astronomical. It's been nearly 2 years and we have 4 maps. Seriously? Maps are literally the easiest thing to implement. You take a section of campaign and slice it off with boxes to make it smaller. MC4 had 8 maps at launch, and 3 more as DLC. Even MC2 had more maps at launch, with 5. It's just really disappointing to see all the hype build up and then have it come crashing down. It feels like they promised us so much more with everything they've showed us. After 2 years of working on this game they have very little to show for it.

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for reading all this, maybe some devs will listen to us this year, but I wouldn't count on it. Don't forget to check out the mutliplayer stream tomorrow (July 15, 2014) to see some more details.
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