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that little binky thing megamind's parents gave him is more than just a binky or an energy source; it's also like a flashdrive filled with tons of information--about megamind, about minion, about their people and planet and culture, but most importantly, about the small chance that megamind might not be the last of his species.

he discovers this when playing around with his old ship with roxanne. she plugs the binky into a small port thing and it activates hella holograms. to make a long fucking story short, megamind reads the entire contents of the binky like three times, builds a ship, and blasts off into space along with roxanne, minion, wayne, and a few brain bots. they have wacky space adventures where they roam from planet to planet (the ship is not nearly as quality as anything they had back on M'ega, but the binky power source makes it compatible with warp drive and hyperspace jump or whatever the fuck it's called, so they can get places rlly fast.

megamind finally gets a bunch of answers and discovers a lot of things about his species like:
- that his species is water adapted! he messes around with this on earth and discovers that he has gills on his ribs and a clear eyelid, and that he's really really good at swimming.

- his lifespan is about the same as a human's, even taking into consideration the different lengths of their days, months, and years. also, that his species considers childhood to last a lot longer. instead of 18, a M'ega is considered an adult at 33. Technically, then, megamind is still a kid by hi speople's standards and he is Not Pleased (Minion knew, on some level, which is why he's always babying megamind)

- the M'ega tend to name themselves once they reach adulthood after things that are important to them. megamind actually knew this as a child and named himself after his intelligence and his people, which are the most important things to him.

- along the course of his travels, he discovers that the M'ega are a prey species whenthings keep trying to eat, kidnap, or enslave him. the M'ega have no natural defense mechanisms, which is why their helpers, the Mynyn, have such sharp teeth. it's often up to wayne, whose ppl are naturally predators, and the others to save him. he is so fascinated by everything that he often doesn't mind getting almost eaten

- he discovers his people's mating habits (emphasis on the neck, head, and shoulders, the ritual kidnappings, the showing off of intelligence) and also that while M'ega gender is very different than human gender (see below) it's typically the females who are in charge, just cuz they're bigger and stronger than the males

- the M'ega are all generally very ambiguous when it comes to how gender affects their society. biologically, some members are male, some are female, and some are both or neither. gender doesn't really affect their society at all (gender roles aren't a thing). so people can wear or do whatever, including choose mates and choose whether to have kids or not without considering gender

- to the M'ega, kids are precious just because it's so hard to have them (giving birth to babies with heads so big is HARD and childbirth is the most common cause of death)

- megamind and wayne were never properly exposed to the myriad of germs and diseases that their people are susceptible to, nor were they ever vaccinated or anything. they're basically two antivax kids who have been raised inside of a sterile room being let outside for the first time. they get sick OFTEN (thogh megamind more often than wayne, just because he can't stop wandering around and poking at strange new things

- in most parts of the galaxy, the m'ega are considered to be nerds, but beautiful nerds.

- megamind makes weird dolphin sounds while underwater that HURT to make above water, though sometimes they're a good warning or way to get someone's attention so he kind of has to.

- megamind canNOT handle cold well (he's basically cold-blooded. he runs so much colder than roxanne or wayne) but he loves him some heat. wayne, on the other hand, prefers colder temperatures (temperatures in like the low seventies or high sixties, which is comfortable for roxanne, too, and minion's suit is temperature regulated) so usually the hsip is kept cooler and megamind will just walk around in like sweaters and blankets or just use it as an excuse to cuddle with someone (roxanne is preferable of course but wayne is also acceptible).

- the politics of the m'ega were very socialist by human standards but they did have individual districts, cities, etc. which were goverened by elected ruling bodies, numbered proportionally to the number of people they were ruling over. these governors, called counsillors, are basically royalty in m'ega culture. both of megamind's parents were councillors, which means that megamind is basically a prince in m'ega culture.

- not all of them were straight up blue like megamind. some were more teal, or lavender, or pale purple, or darker blue. everyone was black-haired though and most of them had brown eyes. only like two percent of the population had colored eyes (green and yellow are the most common colors, but orange-red, black, and magenta are also often seen).
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