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MindMeld> thought i could sleep but i guess i was wrong. its now 5:30 AM and im still awake. still kinda feeling mild residual effects, now 14 hours after ingestion
<Anabolic> MindMeld what up bro
<Anabolic> you still here :D
<MindMeld> come down was much longer than i anticipated. but watched some star trek and its so intellectual
<MindMeld> haha yeah, cant sleep
<MindMeld> how is your wonderful trip my friend?
<Anabolic> its so breezy dude
<Anabolic> i went for a long ass walk
<FlinkPoyd> The very last residual visual effects usually don't go away for me until after I had some sleep.
<Anabolic> and just like laid in the park and looked up at the stars
<MindMeld> im probably not gonna stay for too long. Sun is almost up. I hope i dont sleep all day haha.
<MindMeld> me too anabolic! went for a 1 hour walk during my comedown, few hours ago. just alone in the dark. very soothing
<TripSitMePlease58> Yeah I have a lot of that 70’s neon wavy visuals long after 10 hours, until sleep
<Anabolic> agreed bro its so nice
<MindMeld> ah okay, thank u flink
<MindMeld> so tis okay to go to sleep even tho im still in a bit of an afterglow
<FlinkPoyd> totally ok
<MindMeld> great, thank u :) feels good to know
<MindMeld> i figured i had to stay awake until its all gone, but at this rate ill end up sleeping all day haha
<TripSitMePlease58> excited to have found this chat room 🙏🏻
<MindMeld> ill try to go to bed again in 20 min, for 6 AM.
<MindMeld> anabolic, have you peaked yet?
<MindMeld> i share ur feelings TripSitMe.
<Anabolic> i think so. i was kinda waiting for it to hit me like it did my first trip, but its been NOTHING close
<Anabolic> its so much chiller, more mellow
<MindMeld> this chatroom can be a life saver with the right people around.
<Anabolic> even tho i took a higher dose
<MindMeld> people here have the best itnentions
<MindMeld> ahh
<MindMeld> remind me, ur on 300 ug?
<Anabolic> nah just 140 or so
<Anabolic> ~lastdose
<tripbot> You last dosed 140ug of acid 5 hours ago (06:09:41 on 07/09/2019).
<MindMeld> oh that must have been the other one
<MindMeld> how does the bot work exactly? what are the commands?
<MindMeld> looks like a great way to keep tab on ur trip progress
<TripSitMePlease58> Im trying to go for 300 on Monday, will be here to update you guys with that 👍🏻
<MindMeld> Nice!
<MindMeld> I'll try and stop by to see how ur trip goes :)
<MindMeld> and share wonderful feelings with u
<MindMeld> u must have some experience to be comfortable tripping on 300
<MindMeld> i had a 220 ug earlier (first time doing acid) and it was pretty intense, but overall a great experience
<MindMeld> (minus bumps on the road)
<Anabolic> um not sure tbh MindMeld i just know you can ~idose and ~lastdose
<Anabolic> lol
<TripSitMePlease58> I’ve tripped twice, both at 200. I’m just very comfortable with it, even though smoking in the comedown caused me to spiral the last trip
<MindMeld> haha
<MindMeld> ~idose
<MindMeld> :c
<FlinkPoyd> ~idose one slice of toast
<tripbot> Dosed one undefined at 10:42:54 on 07/09/2019 via Of. (BTW, you can run ~set upidose true to have tripbot upload an encrypted version of your dose history to you upon updates).
<MindMeld> ahh thanks flink haha
<FlinkPoyd> ~lastdose
<tripbot> You last dosed one of slice a few seconds ago (10:42:54 on 07/09/2019).
<MindMeld> im still out of a bit
<FlinkPoyd> hmm, i dind't do it quite right
<MindMeld> ~idose 220 ug
<tripbot> Dosed 220 undefined at 10:43:29 on 07/09/2019. (BTW, you can run ~set upidose true to have tripbot upload an encrypted version of your dose history to you upon updates).
<MindMeld> hm, timing is off by 8 hiours. how would it know when i dosed?
<Anabolic> i think you need to do it
<Anabolic> at the time you do it
<Anabolic> nomsaiyan
<MindMeld> oh
<MindMeld> i figure XD
<MindMeld> d'oh
<MindMeld> nomsaiyaaan
<TripSitMePlease58> Flink I play guitar and the last trip, I played along to breathe in the air on loop for the entirety of my peak. It was indescribable
<MindMeld> ~lastdose
<tripbot> You last dosed 220 of ug 2 minutes ago (10:43:29 on 07/09/2019).
<MindMeld> ah ok i see how it works now
<aboriginal-bubbles> Anabolic nomsaen
<Anabolic> hello #drugs
<Anabolic> i mean
<Anabolic> aboriginal-bubbles:D
<FlinkPoyd> TripSitMePlease58: Sound's nice. Unfortunately I can't play any instrument.
<TripSitMePlease58> Guitar is so much fun, I had a really hard time functioning to create but felt super Inspired on the comedown, I wrote 4 songs the first day I tripped
<TripSitMePlease58> no lie
* TripSitMePlease58 is now known as AcidDan
<AcidDan> Hey ok that’s better
<AcidDan> Ok you guys, see ya Monday I need sleep !
* AcidDan ([email protected]) has left
<MindMeld> the sun is coming up. looks beautiful
<MindMeld> does one usually sleep well after an acid trip?
<MindMeld> or is it possible to feel a little tired and sluggish the next day?
<Anabolic> well
<Anabolic> my first time, when i finally got there
<Anabolic> i slept like a fucking baby
<Anabolic> and was just relieved that my mind was functioning normally the next day lol
<MindMeld> the concept of sleepibng after an intense acid trip is a bit weird to me
<MindMeld> i dont feel that tired but i know i should slepe
<MindMeld> as ive been awake 18 hours
<MindMeld> 19*
<tripbot> MindMeld meant: as ive been awake 19 hours
<Anabolic> thats ok bro whenever it happens it happens
<MindMeld> okay
<FlinkPoyd> depends. It shurely will have messed up your sleep schedule a bit. That's why I prefer to start trips early in the day, so that I can get sleep at night instead of at the next day.
<MindMeld> that is comforting to know
<MindMeld> yeah. thankfully i re-adjust fast.
<MindMeld> and i have saturday to myself. no plans
<FlinkPoyd> good
<MindMeld> sunday just some shopping in the afternoon. nothing in mornings (thank god)
<MindMeld> the idea of being sleep deprived after a day of tripping is not pleasant to think about haha.
<MindMeld> i too remember sleeping like a baby on my shroom trips many years back, Anabolic.
<MindMeld> took my sleep meds anyway
<Anabolic> damn
<Anabolic> i wish i had benzos lol
<MindMeld> why is that?
<Anabolic> because im gonna be so over this in like
<Anabolic> 4 hours time
<Anabolic> and its still gonna be going lmao
<MindMeld> u need prescription for benzos usually, right? I was in a convo about benzos when i was still tripping earlier, with someone (forgot his name)``
<MindMeld> haha, hang in there <3
<Anabolic> ty bro
<Anabolic> yeh u need prescription
<Anabolic> in my country
<MindMeld> i assume u have one
<MindMeld> since u speak as if havinf already tried them
<Anabolic> nope
<Anabolic> i just bought the ones i've tried illegally haha
<MindMeld> ah XD
<MindMeld> ohh haha
<MindMeld> what time is it there, btw?
<MindMeld> you tripping in the evening?
<Anabolic> 8pm
<Anabolic> ya :)
<MindMeld> nice
<Anabolic> dosed about 3pm
<MindMeld> about 2 hours after my dose on friday
<MindMeld> its now 6 AM saturday morning
<MindMeld> alright. i need to try and sleep again
<MindMeld> i hope it works this time
<MindMeld> take care Anabolic, safe trip :) <3
<MindMeld> hope to see you around again
<Anabolic> ty bro
<Anabolic> pcee
<Anabolic> <3
* fabulous-pie has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
* Roymega`MacBook (~roymega@tripsit/user/roymega) has joined
* Tripper63787 is now known as yondalar
* DrTripServington sets modes [#tripsit +v yondalar]
* wuselfuzz (~wuselfuzz@tripsit/user/wuselfuzz) has joined
* Roymega`MacBook has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
* just-took-a-tab29 ([email protected]) has joined
<just-took-a-tab29> hey
<just-took-a-tab29> Is anyone here
<just-took-a-tab29> I want to talk to someone
* MindMeld has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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