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[cu]❉ ╤╤ ✿ ╤╤ ❉
[ciu]❝ though it pains me in my heart. ❞
[ci] ――ღ――
[ci] Patton sighed as he waited for Deceit to get back here, he huffed as he gestured towards the plate.
[ci] "So with this, its kind of a complicated figure that involves an expert shape-shifter or whatever to transform it, and it looks a lot like-"
[ci] he pulled up a sleeve of his hood that revealed a diamond-cut shape in the fabric, revealing his pearl gem, it was slightly cracked.
[ci] yet he pulled up an image that has labeled items to use, it'd make sense that it'd take an expert shapeshifter to do this, yet the image glitched slightly as it soon was pulled down, and Patton put his sleeve back in place. Now it made sense why he hid his gem.
[ci] He quickly hopped into action and scooped up Deceits hand, placing the fingers under the part that would remove the plate,
[ci] "one-two-three... go-!"
[ci] he pulled up under the plate as it disconnected and fell to the ground, clattering on it slightly, now it was broken-- there would be no tracking down now.
[ci] or well, thats what he thought.

[ci] White diamond found her way to the ship-tracking screen, pulling up the ruby ship selection as she looked over the various plates, before soon finding the one that was stolen
[ci] M0613T-RUBY
[ci] The white pearl floating beside her, his arms stuck in a diamond salute form, quickly took note of it.
[ci] White sat with a relived sigh.
[ci] "Go fetch those two, Pearl."
[ci] "Yes my diamond."
[ci] his voice was even more robotic than Pattons was before. He soon
[cu] ❉ ╧╧ ✿ ╧╧ ❉
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