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acquire -buy or obtain,for oneself.

courtier-a person who attends a royal court as a companion or adviser to the king or queen.

purgatory-(in Roman Catholic doctrine) a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven.

Machiavellian-cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous, especially in politics.

vernacular-the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.

People are basically good
one should use reason and rational thought
the study of classical thought can help one to learn truth.

Francesco Petrarch
Was known as the "father of humanism"
Was a renowned poet
Studied, collected, and shared ancient Greek and Roman Literature
Wrote in Latin and in vernacular
Focused on human experiences
Effects of Humanism on Renaissance Society
Learning Greek and classical Latin was necessary to be well educated
Students studied the work of classical philosophers
Civic debate was encouraged
Niccolo Machiavelli
- Was a writer, philosopher, and politican
-Began a career in government at a young age
-Influenced later thinkers with his plays and books
-Wrote (The Prince) a guidebook on how to acquire and maintain power.
Machiavelli's (The Prince)-1513
-Kind leaders are not necessarily good leaders.
-Most people are selfish and corrupt
-Leaders should inspire fear in those they rule.
-Force, cruelty, and deception are sometimes necessary to rule
Impact Of (The Prince)
-Spread throughout Europe , influencing generations of leaders
-Admired as a discussion on political reality, not an idealistic theory
-Inspired the term (Machiavellian)-Using tricks, or dishonesty in order to gain something.
Literature in the Renaissance
Renaissance writers wrote:
-for self expression
- to celebrate individuality
- in the vernacular
Dante Alighieri
-Was known as a writer and poet
-Received a classical education
- Wrote in the vernacular
- Wrote (The Divine Comedy)
The Divine Comedy
-Explored life after death
-Is divided into three parts: Dante's journeys through hell, purgatory, and paradise
-Included real people as its characters

Miguel de Cervantes
-Is regarded as one of Spain's most important novelists
-Included his experiences in his writing
-Wrote (Don Quixote)
Don Quixote
-Examined the complexity of human nature
-Studied the hero and anti-hero
-Is the source of the phrase "tilting at windmills"
Baldassare Castiglione
-Was educated in a humanist school
-Worked as an Italian courtier and ambassador
-Wrote The Book of the Courtier(1528) about his experiences
-Listed the qualities of the ideal courtier
-Explained the responsibilities of a courtier to a prince

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