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2019 years ago, a young girl, the virgin Mary, was given a message from the angels. She was to have a baby boy .a young baby named ‘JESUS ’ was brought upon this world. This wasn't any ordinary child, he was the INCARNATION of God. In many years to come he would spread the word of God and one day die. In present day, Christianity has become a world spread religion through Proselytism. Today, we celebrate Christmas to commemorate the birth of the baby JESUS. In fact, not only do Christians celebrate Christmas so do some Atheist and other religions celebrate it due to it being a great time for family gatherings and presents being passed around


Jesus had many enemies who hated his guts. The Thursday before he died, Jesus invited his disciples, Andrew, Bartholomew, James son of zebedee, James son of alpheus, John, judas, Jude, Matthew, Matthias, Simon Peter, Philip, Thomas, Simon,
to have supper with him. He predicted It was their last meal together. Jesus told them to remember him and he passed some bread and some wine he said ‘’This bread is my body. This wine is my blood”. Right after that supper, judas told the romans that Jesus was the gardens. Later that day, the romans had arrested Jesus and nailed him, by his palms, to a cross. Jesus muttered “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.” When Jesus died, his other 11 disciples placed his body in a cave and sealed the cave entrance with a large rock.On Sunday, a friend of Jesus named Mary Magdalene went to the cave. The rock was on the side of the cave and the entrance was open The cave was empty! An angel appeared and revealed had risen from the dead. Jesus came back to visit his disciples. He told them to teach about God’s love through proselytism. then, Jesus went up to heaven to live with his Father. This is the story of easter, we celebrate easter to honour the death of Jesu Christ and that Jesus had  RESURRECTed from the dead. As most christian celebrations, it is not only for christians lots of other religions do participate in the tradition of Finding Easter eggs and eating chocolate.

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