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Chapter 1
My body’s missing pieces. This was my third time transferring schools. One might have thought that I’d be used to it by now: I wish that were true. At least I lived close enough to this new school to sort through my thoughts as I walked. The sky stretched out above me; clear, blue, and never-ending. Maybe, just maybe the day would turn out well.
Chapter 2
There’s a war inside my head. The school was magnificent. With blood red bricks, beckoning only those brave enough to enter. I sat down on a bench nearby, about to get some reading in before class started. That’s when I heard him. A deep annoyed voice came from his lips. “I just don’t understand.”
Chapter 3
Got an empty crown. I was intrigued, but thought it be best to mind my own business. He was with a group of friends but seemed to be talking directly to another girl. Her hair was brown, curly and playful but her expression seemed much more solemn. Whatever they were talking about must have been serious. It was then he pushed his hair out of his face and his dark brown eyes met mine.
Chapter 4
Happy little accident. It felt like we lingered there for a moment. I quickly grabbed my things and started to walk to class before any further confrontation took place. The clock struck 10:00 AM. I looked around before deciding to sit towards the front of the class. Who knew I’d be taking a drawing class this early in the morning? As I got my things organized, I heard his voice again. I tilted my gaze up and gave him a shy smile. Him and his friends were in this class too. After what felt like an eternity, the professor finally dismissed us. My stomach grumbled. Damn my habit of not eating breakfast. I stood up too quickly and lost balance. Much to my surprise that voice was there again. “Hey, be careful there love.”
Chapter 5
Sanity is not statistical. He seemed to tower above me. I felt his hand on the small of my back and moved away quickly. He gave a low chuckle. Although embarrassed, I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of seeing me blush. “I’m sorry about that and thank you.” He turned around for a second as some other girls in class were trying to lure him in with their affections and fancies. Politely declining their advances, he shifted his attention back to me. I looked down spotting a copy of George Orwell’s 1984. “Is this yours?”
Chapter 6
I want goodness. I picked up the book, handed it to him and tucked my hair behind my ear. He smiled at me. “Cheers.” I laughed quietly. “This is a really good book. I’m a fan of dystopian and horror novels.” His eyes brightened hearing my words. “It’s one of my favorite books actually.” From there we talked a little more regarding our shared interests. Among them Stephen King novels, horror mangas and anime’s and other fun things. He made me laugh and was kind. The girl from earlier popped her head through the door. “Come on Kai, lets go!” He turned around and nodded. “Alright I’m going.” Kai... I gently tapped his shoulder and gave him my copy of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. “This is one of my favorite books if you find some free time, give it a read.” He took the book in his hand. “I will. See you around lovey.” He gave one more smile before leaving. I think I had made a new friend.
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