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1. (2 pts): What is my plate?

2. (10 pts) What are the 5 food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet? Give an example of each:

1. Fruits

example: Any organic product or 100% natural product juice considers some portion of the Fruit Group. Natural products might be crisp, canned, solidified, or dried, and might be entire, cut-up, or pureed.

2. Vegetables

example: Any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice considers an individual from the Vegetable Group. Vegetables might be crude or cooked; crisp, solidified, canned, or dried/dried out; and might be entire, cut-up, or pounded.

3. Grains

example: Any nourishment produced using wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, grain or another oat grain is a grain item. Bread, pasta, oats, breakfast oats, tortillas, and corn meal are instances of grain items. Grains are partitioned into 2 subgroups, Whole Grains and Refined Grains.

4. Dairy

example: All liquid milk items and numerous nourishments produced using milk are viewed as a feature of this nutrition type. Nourishments produced using milk that hold their calcium substance are a piece of the gathering. Nourishments produced using milk that have practically zero calcium, for example, cream cheddar, cream, and margarine, are most certainly not. Calcium-braced soymilk (soy drink) is additionally part of the Dairy Group.

5. Protein Foods

example: All nourishments produced using meat, poultry, fish, beans and peas, eggs, handled soy items, nuts, and seeds are viewed as a component of the Protein Foods Group.

3. (5 pts): Based on your activity log for this week, estimate the number of calories you burned doing your activity for one of the days. Click here for info on burning calories


calories burned:

4. (5pts): Explore the my plate website and find a topic that you are interested in;


Why do you find this of interest:
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