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it is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship.
Borrowing money from a friend is an unavoidable situation. It is said that a friendship could be damaged or broken due to money. Personally, I agree with this statement. There are three reasons to support my opinion: superiority, resentment and failure to repay.

First of all, lending somebody money will easily leads to superiority of the lender. They will probably think they have just given someone a favor. For instance, I loan my friend some money because he/she is having financial problem. Consequently, I will be bossy and ask my friend to help me with my assignment. Every relationship is based on equality.

Secondly, people who borrow money might be unable to return. They have difficulties and sometimes they don't have the chance to explain. They need money for emergency of their families or they are unemployed. The inability to repay can get two best friends into an awkward situation and endanger their relationship.

Thus, the resentment is likely to occur. There are many circumstances that friends killed each other just because of money. Money have risked several relationships because of its power. The second reason could be the cause of anger. This is easily understandable because everyone has their own restricted tolerance.

Money is not always harmful for every friendship. Sometimes borrowing or lending money is a way to show our generosity. "A friend in need is a friend indeed". It can promote the relationships and we may take some advantages. However, I still think that money is not always safe for friendship. The superiority of the lender and the inability to give money back of the borrower will lead to resentment without difficulty.


Some people may think that it is not a problem to borrow money from a friend because a borrower and a lender are friend. However, I do not go along with this opinion and I think that money often becomes a reason to harm the friendship. In this problem, it has nothing to do with the amount of money itself. For one thing, it is not sure that person who borrow a lot of money will be able to return it to his friend in the future. In addition, a person may forget borrowing money from his friend if the amount of money are small.

First of all, it is not assured for a person who borrow too much money to pay back to his friend. If a person is asked to lend money by his friend, even though the amount of money is big, it often happens that the person lend him the money. However, their friendship itself is not directly related to borrower’s returning the money to its owner. In particular, the bigger the amount of money are, the harder the borrower pay back. It is possible for him to flee without returning the money too. If this happens, their friendship will not be able to recover at all. This is because I think that it is dangerous to borrow the big amount of money from a friend.

Next, it is not also good to borrow the small amount of money from a friend. People may ask friends to lend money from time to time because they have no money on them right now. But, the smaller the amount of money is, the easier borrowers forget borrwoing itself. They will not probably remember the fact that they borrowed money in next week. However, lenders basically tend to remember it and this causes to damage friendship on occasion. For instance, when I borrowed small sums of money to buy a juice at ashop from my friend at one time, I forgetted the fact and I was blamed later by him.

To sum up, we ought to avoid to borrow money from a friend. If the amount of money is large, a borrower may not be able to return it. Moerover, even though the amount is small, a borrower may forgets borrowing the money and not pay back.
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