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Has Wings
Unpowered Flight
Powered Flight
Buoyant Flight with lifting gas
Mechanical Flight by use of machinery like lift by wings or propellers
▪ Fictional flight without wings or membranes
Fly like a missle
Makes things melt
Hops like a kangaroo
Has tentacles and Cephalopod features
~Tentacles with suction cups
~Feeding tentacles
~A parrot-like beak made out of chitin
~Ability to squeeze through narrow spaces (only works if fully flexible)
~Venom (sometimes powerful enough to be very deadly to people)
~Ink expulsion
~Deimetic Display ( warning through colors)
~Optional presence of a shell
~An optional protective outer shell
~Internal shell or pseudo bone
~Movable Fins
~Three hearts (two bran hail ones for the two gills and systematic one for pumping the whole body )
~ Gill Outgrowths (draw water into mantle and pass theough the gills)
Spider features
~ Carnivorous and Herbivorous (only one)
~ Venomous Fangs
~ Eight Legs
~ Segmented Bodies
~ Silk Exclusion glands contained in spinneret body parts
~ Minipluation of webs like lassoing, trapping, etc
~ Detection of prey by vibration, acute vision or intelligence. Catching prey by mimicry or running them down.
~ Narrow guts unable to take solid food. 
~ Food-Liqufying enzymes
Can run and bound quickly in the sky
Has more than one eye
Can obtain body parts through methods
Has Giant fists
Can into a beastly mode at will, or as a triggered curse.
Winged fire breathing canine with telekinetic flame conjuration and fiery wing shield
Earth based Hedgehog cetacean hybrid that moves like an iguanodont. Can shoot drill quills, roll into boulders, cause earthquakes with tail, 
Speedy turtle with narrow shell and cheetah like limbs and tail.
Tiny flying magical narwhal that has whiskery swimming-sea slug flippers. Capable of flight, magical sonic blasts, telekinesis with horn and healing eyes. 
~ Aquatic Genet
~ Black Necked Swan
~ New World Porcupines (tree porcupines and North American porcupines)
~ Margay (Leopardus genus, smaller than ocelot, has larger eyes, shorter face and longer legs and tail, spends entire life in trees sn d even hunts there, one of the few cats to have ankle flexibility to climb down head first, females only have two teats, unusual mating calls)
~ Kodkod (Leopardus genus, smallest cat in americas.small head, large feet and thick tail. Can sometimes be melanistic. terestrtrial but an excellent climber. 
~ Laotian giant flying squirrel
~ Gerbils, Sand rats and Jiirds
~ Kea
~ Pouched Rats, climbing mice, Malagasy Mice, white-tailed mice.
~ Martens from the Martes Genus
~ Monitor Lizards
~ African golden cat
~ European Ice Age leopard ( Late Pleistocene, size of modern Persian Leopard. Unknown if rosettes are organized like the persian leopard or more primative. Females are smaller, males are larger. Cold climate leopards sre larger than warm climate leopards. Sleeps n smaller caves to prevent competition from Cave bears, lions and humans, May have scavenged or devored cave besrs during they're hibernation. Can climb trees and even hide food there. Lived in mountains sometimes above treelinesand and alpine boreal forests, not usually found in lowland mammoth steppes)
~ Protocetidae
~ Basilosauridae family (excluding Basilosaurus and Dorudon)
~ Beelzebufo (Large late cretaceous frog. larger than even the goliath frog and could grow bigger. resembles the South American horned toads. Predatory and may have eaten juvenile dinosaurs.)
~ Paleoparadoxia (large mammalian, almost completely-marine herbivore that's distantly related to elephants. Jaws are shaped like backhoe bucket and ate seaweed and sea grasses. Can swim and forage underwater but incaple of living or diving the depths. May have spent they're lives sea-bottom walking like a marine hippo.)
~ Metatherias other than marsupials
~ Anagaloidea
~ Australosphenida (distantly related to monotremes)
~ Adapisoriculidae (non placental paleocene eutherians)
~ Smok wawelski (a theropod-like archosaur from the late Triassic)
~ Steropodontidae and Kryoryctes (Cretaceous Platypus and Echidna)
~ Dichobunidaee
~ Rahonavis
~ Gullinbursti (Norse boar mount with a glowing pelt (described as golden) and the ability to run better than any horse, as in through air and water)
~ Sæhrímnir ( A boar that is always eaten and served, but always resurrects itself after the ordeal and continues to provide substinance throughtout it's life )
~ Shug Monkey ( Acreature that has he head of a monkey and the body of a shaggy black dog. My interpretion will make it a baboon like creature with dog torso and a long shaggy dog tail for balance)
~ Two-toed Tom ( A massive alligator of legend with only two toes due to the rest lost the rest to a steel trap. Terrorizes the animals and swamp residing humans of the Alabama-Florida border in the Southern U.S. He cannot be killed ugh guns OR dynamite and is evidenced by two toed tracks found in 1980s)
~ Axe-handle hound ( A North American nocturnal, foraging canine with short, stubby legs. It's torso and head resembles an axe blade and handle. Eats unattended axe handles that it seeks from camp to camp)
~ Teakettler ( A small, cat-eared dog with stubby legs. Very shy and rarely seen, only walks backwards and produces steam from it's mouth when it vocalises, a high pitched noise similiar to a real tea kettle. Thrives in Minnesota and Wisconsin)
~ Agropelter ( A mythical fearsome critter that has a slender wirely body, a villanous ape face and muscular whiplash-like tentacles for arms. It lives in coniferous forests of Maine and Oregon, sheltered within the hollow trees. Aggressive towards intruders and throws branches and splinters at them like she'll projectiles from a 6 inch gun, which it gains by snapping them off the trees it lives in. Feeds on woodpeckers, hoot owls, high holes and dozy (rotten) wood. Pups are rared in Feb 29 and always comes in odd numbers (1,3,5,7,.....) )
~ Gajasimha ( A SEAsian mythical creature that has the head of an elephant and the body of a lion. My interpretion is similar but with the lion body being very bulky and large, the elephant head being maned and mammoth/mastodon like. A Leonine Baku)
~ Ophiotaurus ( A bull and serpent hybrid of Greek Mythology with power-granting entrails. Can come in various interpretion but my Interpretion will have it be having the lower body be a snake and the upper half be a bull, but with fangs, forked tongue and a throat to belly lines.
==>Oh man, Daisy and Hissy are gonna be at each other's throats (Then again, they're owner is too angst-y to let that happen, even if they are just friends, which 
~ Calygreyhound ( wildcat head, cervid body, eagle front talons, antlers or horns, leonine or bovine hindlegs, lion or poodle tail. Rarely depicted with eagle wings. )
~ Snallygaster ( A winged dragon beast that looks like a hybrid of a reptile,avian and cephalopod with a sharp-toothed metallic beak and tentacles. 
Sometimes cyclopian
Flies silently in the sky and snatches it's victims by air.
Stalks the hills surrounding Washington, D.C and Frederick County, Maryland. )
~ Dwayyo ( werewolf-like but spends more time on all fours, size of a bear, hairy, bush tailed, partially bipedal and canine. Arch enemy of the Snallygaster)
~ Piasa (native anerican dragon. Large as a calf, scaly, has antlers, red eyes, has a tiger beard (sideburns), looks horrible, slightly manlike face, and a long tail that can wind around it's body and ends with a fish's tail.
~ Latiche ( An ghostly, infantile or childlike (in appearance) swamp creature that dwells the bayou of Lousiana, U.S. Said to be the soul of an unlawfully baptized infant or a kid (has to be a kid) raised by alligators. Upsets boats and attacks travelers.)
~ Jaculus ( An small arboreal dragon or serpent that ambushes it's prey from the trees and causes serious wounds with it's blows. Has wings and occasionally front limbs. )
~ Tannin ( A twin tailed Sea Serpent from Canaanite, Phoenician, and Hebrew mythology that is a symbol of chaos and evil )
~ Bune ( A mighty and strong, talking three-headed dragon ( either griffonlike, canine, humanoid, or draconian each in appearance) that is the duke of hell, and has thirty legions of demons under his control that gather in tombs, all claimed by changing the place of the dead. Is also a suave guru that can make men wiser, more eloquent and even rich and answers all questions truthfully, with an attractive highly voice.)
~ Campe ( A female dragon sphinx from Greek Mythology that guards Tartarus. Has the head and bust of a woman, the body of a black-winged, "crooktalon sickle clawed dragon" and a scorpian's stinger filled with lethal venom. Also has snakes around her ankles and a sickening belt of fifty predatory mammals around her waist )
David bobcat - And english accented famous clawball player well known for his famous pega-comet dribble, a dribble in which he makes the ball airborne, pounces up after it then swipes down with full 
Tiger Hoods
Riley Smilus
Pouncin Streaker
Layla Twist
dawn and dusk the panther. Pigment
Oreo the lion
Hozu the leopard
Chester and charice the cheetahs
Draco the panther
Himmy Laia the Snow Leopard
Ouncer Frosby the Snow Leopard
Dipper the Polar Bear
Swifty the cheetah
Snowyo the white lion cub
Chalk Shung the White Tiger
Scarlet the Cat Sith
Jasmine Mitali the Mongoose - she looks like Akul, except for more curvy figure, pinkish-purple eyeshadow, lighter rust markings
Hides of White - Ermine, Griffon, Arctic Fox, White Tiger, Crystal Colt
The Minero Brothers - Chris and Martin
Water Leaves the Tanuki
Rocky Rhodes
A giant grizzly bear. It was the largest in the group. Crazed blue eyes. wearing a black top hat and a bowtie.
A giant yellow chick with an almost theropod-like body plan. A beak filled with sharp theropod-like teeth and raptorial wings with single scythe-like claws. Wears a bib with the sign (let's eat on it)
Giant Purple slender hare. Lifeless white eyes with thick blacks eyeliner. Strong slender limbs with giant claws. Thylacoleo-like teeth. wears a red bowtie
Giant deadly red fox. One eye patched
Winter Flake
Dara Icepeak
Gustly Hail 
Maple Tap
Maya Dapplecoat
Cindy Moonpoint
Huey Jaguardo
Rashel Bumpskin
Al Ares
Surge Pulse
Green Tie
Dandy Dodo
Keen Nostril
Battery Ram
Astra Moonstar (Lisa Oiz) - A magical sweet and optimistic lynx that becomes Trixie's assistant in her shows.
Spockey (Frank Welker)- Astra's twin brother as well as Felitropolis's astrophysicist and a retired coach of the 
QT (play on cutie and Q from Star Trek) -(Kathleen Barr) Astra's younger brother 
Mooncrust that is a bit of an adorable clutz.
Kent Crater and Kitto Crater (E.G Daily and Nika Flutterman) Known as the Crater Twins by others, Ken and Kate are Astra's youngest brother and sits that like to act as undercover agents to help out they're family members as well as they're eldest sister's close friends. They also have a habit of standing on each other's backs when talking to adults.
~ Kitto is a play on the words "kitten" and "kiddo"
~ QT is a play on the words cutie and Q( the omnipotent being from Star Trek who ironically is played by John Delancie, Discord's voice actor)
~ Spockey's name is a cutesy spoof on Spock
Kinoda - A teenaged lion with a spiky mane and tailtuft. 
Kinoda's name is derived from "-chinode-" from the phylum Echinodermata, which includes sea urchins, the animal that Kinoda's mane resembles.
Ore Gold
Aluminum Dark
Ebony Night
Sharp Iris
Milky Way
Flapnon Baldo 
Spindle Kick
Big-O Bass
Butter Side
Scarlet Scab
Dagger Axe
Nerve Block
Kitty Serena (Play on the words Serengeti)
Paul Pad
Maos Pad
Taj Pa
Dub Stripe
Hoopie Hoops
Kary Cole
Cocky Doodle
Boo Bo
Chu Toi
Crepe Katt
Catnip Flaire
Bass Bellow
Sock Nibble
Wood Scent
Katrina Condo
Mossy Log
Horace Beck
Macropus Sage
Dr. Catharsis - female psychiatrist 
Lieutenant Growler (Dan Green) - A fiercly loyal royal guard tiger. parody of Growlith but slightly resembles arcanine in appearance
Mystery Eyes
Enigma (Tom McGrath) - A Bicolored mysterious fox that is the detective of Canania
Clue Peek
Deep Bellow
Brute Swipe
Betty Bengali
Tria Bash
Lance and Lobo
Pluck Wilder
Radar Pulse
Green Tea
Josey Pollens
Nitty Gritty
Aileen Autumns
Haize Crunch
Conner Pinenut
Cheesy Cheeper
Squeak and Squirt
Ninja Nutcracker
Shelly Shamrock
Autumn Falls
Earth Crouch
Amber Ore
Jibs Jabble 
TR Saurix
Stan Taller
Loose Puzzle
Dr Shelly 
Dr Lee
Dr Cooper
Xilum the Lycan
Anu the Ghost Jackal
Misty Heart the Pegasus Mare
Lupiesa A unicorn Mare that associates with Wolves
Jona Stalk the Tiger Pony, future son of Apple Bloom and Blue.
Regal Dazz the Vobalt Colored, light cobalt English Snoe Leopard
The teen Wolves - Voiced by Dee Bradley Baker and John DiMaggio
Large Lifelike Hovering Leopard -
Mighty HD Propelling Lion - 
Mystic Photoreal Misty Cheetah - 
Glowing Realife Soaring Jaguar - 
Komodo Dragons - Resembles Godzilla without the spines and still referenced off of real species. No lip gap and nostrils resemble unimpressed beady eyes. 
The creature has a figure very similar to fidget and Sonic combined. Difference is he's reptilian, has no wings, his eyes are big, red and bulged out together instead of actually merged (make sure to look at the inside of slit pupil end reptiles for the details), and he usually has one fang sticking out of his sideways smirk.
Sounds like Josh Keaton's Charlie Carbond (kangaroo jack 2) impersonating Roger Craig Smith's Sonic the Hedgehog
A hybrid between A squirrel, a Raccon and a fox that is very simillar to Tmon from the Lion King. Has two dark rotund puffs of fur at the sides of his cheeks (like fennekin), But not as dark as the mask ring the covers his eyes like hes's actually wearimg a burgler mask. The longish tufted ears reasemble that of a red squirrel, the tufts are white btw. The black paws are very handlike (like Timon) but end in white claws and the three toed legs are usually crouched, even when walking on them, and also end in three small white claws . Tail is bushy and ends with a white tuft, but has grey and black raccoon rings at the middle.
Eyes are brown and stylized just liked the Open eyed characters of the game.
Looks like a hybrid between a Chow Chow and a Lion (Chow Chow jowls, Lion mane and torso [though still bent to a slightly upturned arched chow chow body], and a thick bushy curled tail that is slightly longer than original dog due to lion genes. Also has swirling highlights on the upper lips, eyebrows, paws and torso and tail. Ears are round but slightly elongated by a indistinct tuft.
Semi bipedal snow beast. Slim but muscular at the same time. Body is like an anthropomorphic sloth from Mike Lu and Og with a plantigraded bear or wolverine underside with an elongated German Shepard or stretched out feather tail -like tail. Head looks somewhat like a horse or a moose with a broad bare muzzle with two musk deer like tusks sticking out and rabbit like lips (V nose and a split lip). Think of Werecat! Tom or the cute catfaced spore creature, Has tiger or lynx-like sideburns with antlers and black tipped rabbit/donkeylike ears. Smooth ended Wings are like a Great grey owl's but with Snowy Owl color scheme.
Think Lantern Bat, the bats from Mouse's tale,Reeko the Skunk ( for the white muzzle smirk marking) and Rita the Fox (similar but shorter otter like muzzle) and Riki Tiki Tavi for the face and whiskers
A black and white otter like creature with two flipper like wings that resembles a manta ray's fins that covers the back so much it will hide his whole lanky body if wrapped around him or is turning his back to us. Has fur shaped like a "dracula (or that guy from Don't starve) two horned hairstyle" that is tufted with white and has two triangle shaped ears that spread out from the sides beneath the horn hair. has a otterish tapering tail (longer even than Fidget's) that is tipped with white at the sharp tip. Paws and legs are four toed and resembles Thumper's paws but slightly elongated to indicate webbing.
Black all over, with white marking that starts at the chin and upper muzzle (excluding the cheek smile) that spreads down to the crotch. The underside of the wings are white as well but mottled at the tips with grayish spots. Has a white eyeshadow like the snow leopard from Animal Jam and semicircle cute pupil-less eyes that are a bright cyan. Has a round pink nose with two nostrils at the bottom.
Can both swim and fly.
A small brown furred creature where the anatomy shape looks like a Siamese cat or the Sphinx Cat from Secret Life of Pets. The slender legs have equine joints but with three toed hooves with a dewclaw, capable of arboreal locomotion. The feline tail is long and thin but is tufted with a creamy lion/donkey tuft. Face is also feline (but ony in the middle eyes albeit big bovine irises and small pupils) the mouse and muzzle is a lit hairless cartoon bovine that is a pinkish/skinnish color. Horns and thick and short and spay out from the head with another smaller branch below merged with the base and aligned in shape, like a pronged antler in a way. Ears are a small classic bovine funnel and small and droopy. There are also light silver mottled patterns on it's torso and cheeks similar to a baby tapir. 
Furred Wyvern
Think Hawk!Maui or Toothless from HTTYD. A mammalian wyvern that strongly resembles a megabat, with the neck mane and wings and ears and muzzle everything. Albeit with ringless, ivory, sharp, back-curving horns on the head and reptilian/Moonblood-like nostril dots as well as the wings being more muscular woth a more pronounced claw thumb. Eyes and face are usually in a game faced scowl and smirk. Back legs are clawed like the Silverwing bats (think pointed talon shaped toes) but digit rare like the gargoyles and splay aside like a Rathalos or Rathian. Tail is long thin and tapering and ends in two "fins" that are similiar in design to the bat wings.
A new nimbat species that would be mistaken for an anthromorphic moth or a flying fox if it werent for the ears and the lack of the entennae and the paler "dark fur" as opposed to the mane fur that covers the neck, chest and head. Very lean and slender with foxlike limbs and small paws, a digitrade stance. Ears are like a cartoon aardvark's, narrow at the base and slightly swirl at the ends. Face is like a sweet cat face (like the Aristocats Marie franchise redesign) with a pink nose with eyes somewhat like Lady Tethys,but with more Warm blooded eyelashes. Tail is long thin and tufted with a tuft like a desert kangaroo rat's.
Sings like Tori Kelly's Mina from Sing!
Think the lanky adult chertahs from Kimba the white lion. But with a Non shoelike Soebill beak, Hurless legs with 
A tribe of island monsters based on the catoblepas, and the mapinguari. They're body's and thick but click and Sortof shaped like an upside teardrop. Also looks reptilian in a way by having a circle belly with circular rings within. Paws are like baloo the bears (with a palm pad) but with very short opposable claws that more of less resemble hippo hooves. The feet are the same with the paws but with three toes instead. Tail tapers and is reptilian 
Has wildebeest's mane on his neck and a bushy hairdo(varies by individual) over the circular cyclopian eye. Horns are somewhat like Tirek or a wildebeest and the ears are small teardrops and curl downwards and is not as notable as the other features. the snout/upperjaw is bulbous and somewhat like a moose or a hippo's with teeth that consist of semi circles, similar to the Simpsons or Clarence or some of the Adventure Time, Bravest Warriors and We bare bear characters.
I also imagine one female somewhat shaped in figure to Flame princess and Fionna the human (biggish round head and nice curves) and the eye with three eyelashes like Mike's Gorgon Girlfriend from Monster's Inc.
I imagine them sounding like the villagers of Motonui in Moana
A creature based on the jersey devil, Discord in appearance and power and then the Disney big bad just the appearance.
Liam and Alston - Two very wacky, comical white lion siblings that originated from an ordinary lion pride and found themselves out in the wilderness after they're father evicted them as part of Lion Law. 
~ A tall lanky creature that has the front and tail of a cheetah and the ears and hindlegs of a rabbit. Reddish fur a different shade from one of the rabbit things and a paler shade on the muzzle, the belly (stretches from belly to crotch) and the tail tip
Voice is somewhat like Oswald the Rabbit or one of the Jersey Cows and that rabbit from the show with the Bear and Giraffe
Like S Scott Bullock, name Beni
~ A bulky creature that looks like the jumpy monkey things from Samurai jack but without the ears. Legs are bulgy plush animal looking lobes/stubs with four opposable monkey fingers sticking out without nails. The face has a short elephant trunk on it. The butt is bare too but with a short sharp elephant tail at the end with no tuft.
Color is like Elevan but Sligtly more grayish. The face fingers and butt are a lighter shade
Voice is a bit like Master Monkey or Jaylee Chan
A very muscular top heavy Kappa with a cyan and green (that goes well with cyan) color scheme. Belly and beak (which just appears as a circle over the mouth and two dot nostrils) are yellow. hands and feet are webbed and only have three pointed toes and the webbing is invisible (like Donald or daffy ducks feet). Has about three spots on each shoulder and thighs.
The "water is a bright neon cyan that can glow in the dark".
Voice is like Maui from Moana
A neutral light blue creature with a Furless Bigfoot body with small waste and smaller legs. They end in meaty tentacles with only six suection cups beneath within non-sharp traingluar shapes pads. Squidward nose (but with normal Anazuki eyes) and the ears are like the ears from Spore which droop down and look like paper bent into a shape. Tail is big and thick and also end with the suction cups and pad and Sortof bends from the butt in a : ♦♦♦♦
:♦♦. ♦♦♦
: ♦♦♦. ♦
Hardly ever happy
Skylanders Spyro body shape but with horns, belly and the horizontal lines, hesd shape, scales, spikes, paws and tail tip pulled out. Head is like a elder crocish (not colpelegoy crocodile but not fat) bland between the Hungry Hungry Hippos and the dragon from Doc Mcstuffins, even with the fluffy top bent ears that are darker in color than the rest of the fur.
Female red fox. Design is similar to 
~Roleplay Characters, OCs
Xilum the Lycan
Anu the Ghost Jackal
Misty Heart the Pegasus Mare
Lord Browler! The Dreaded Cerbelyngo! (Cerberus+Lycanthrope+Dingo)
Swek the Asian Elephant
Chucky the Utahraptor
Norian the Gorgonopsid
Snatch the Raccoon (has a Bronx Accent and has a past)
Vento the Genet (Velo's Uncle)
Tango the Tayra 
Spur the Platypus
Wolverine and Marmot ( Brian and Stewie Griffon )
RAINSHADOW (Warrior Cat OCs)
Some of them will have a link to the Ancient Clans, some of them will be even more Ancient, one of them will one with the forest, one is a foreigner that can kick serious butt, one may have somewhat of an effect on the fresh kill foodsupply, one has got QUITE an attitude, and couple of them are....well lets just say they're different, kinda not soo edible and blessed by an ancient being to not be in war with the Warrior Cats..
The Bengal Brothers, - Two formally kitty-pet, medicinal Bengal cats that are notorious for swindling clans into giving them they're fresh kills by providing to them what they refer to as "exotic herbs" 
Hey!! Raineh! I've been meaning t tell you!! Remember the time I told you I was gonna think up some Warriors OCs and you looked forward to hearing them? 
Well I thought of several critters and a few kitties (Cuz Warriors already has plenty of those) that associate with the clans in they're own level of ways. And who better than to tell a Warriors book fan and one of my close friends like you?!! :aww: 
Are you're little mouse ears ready to hear my ideas?!! :aww:
Ochrecoat - A Proailurus that later reveals to Thunderclan that they are the earliest membe
Talontooth - A scimitar-toothed cat
Moonmask - A melanistic xenosmilus
Moonless - A completely black female xenosmilus. Has feelings for Moonmask.
Ben and Gale (The Bengal Brothers) - Two nomadic medicinal Bengal Cat siblings that were formally kitty-pets, and are notorious for swindling clans into giving them they're fresh kills by providing to them what they refer to as "exotic flowers" which in reality are Poppies that have been painted with prey blood and honey to put the entire clan to sleep without recognition by sigt or scent. The brothers then call upon several badgers to collapse the hole that they've been digging since they arrived to Thunderclan 
Smartchoice - Formally named Parsons as a kittypet, is a socially-awkward, hypochondriacal misfit medicine tomcat that suffers from OCD. Used to be within the ownership of a fickle doctor but is forced into going into the wild after finding out that he got a new kittypet to replace him.
Smartden - 
Skyjump - An exotic caracal 
Lighttrot - A well meaning, kind and supportive marked red fox that was one of the first 
Dappleface - A young marked Eurasian badger, Midnight's grandnephew that shares his great-aunt's bilingual language and wishes to put more cats at ease to show that the entire forest is not always giving them a hard time by recruiting several bilingual animals that he finds around the landscapes close to Thunderclan.
Stonehide - A tough, hotheaded and fiercly loyal marked Wolverine that never let's anyone put him down and will always bark back or attack and put others in they're place when he feels he'd being challenged
Cloudway - A nomadic free-spirited marked Condor that sometimes brings over carrion snacks to his fellow clan cats and tells the kits stories of his travels beyond territories.
Poolslither - A mysterious, tight-lipped and seemingly cold giant garter snake that is mostly seen spending time away from the other marked ones and cats unless it's an important , wallowing in his own private pond
Quicktongue - A suave attractive and wise-cracking lynx that acts as the welcoming committee to the clan cats that come across him and the other marked ones. Despite being a different species of feline, he comes across as attractive towards several she cats
Timidflame - A shy, soft-spoken and somewhat decent young mongoose that attaches herself to the parental shadows of the other Marked Ones
Cramp the Hybodus
Eli the Elasmosaurus
Saw and Snag the Metriorhynchi 
Desmus the Predator X
Delias the Predator X - Desmus goody two shoes younger brother
Blackan the Megalodon and his army of Cretoxyrhrina
Fartod the Striped Skunk
Scentia the Skunktank
Aero the Agumon - Orange with green stripes and wearing a cowboy hat and belt.
Lotor the Giant Raccoon - It was a raccoon, only it was the size of a grizzly bear! It's fur was he same pattern as a normal raccoon except it had light and dark shades of turquoise. It also had emerald green claws and purple irises. It also seemed to be wearing a spiked collar.
Tanya the Plush Brawler - The new traveling companion appeared to be a female anthropomorphic stuffed animal toy that was about Garwig's height. She was slender and lanky and looked like a teddy bear but had the bushy tail and ears of a fennec fox.
She was light Ocean blue colored with a dark turquoise oval marking on her belly and a bleached ocean blue muzzle, paws and tail tip. She had beady eyes with eyelashes, cute kitty whiskers and a her paws ended in four dextrous claws. And her only attire was a pink bow at the base of her left ear as well as a skirt around her waist of the same color.
~~The Pinniped Pod
Probi, Bull Southern Elephant Seal, nice, peacelover, hates fighting for no good reason
Stubsi, teenaged walrus with developing tusks, likes to relax, never in a hurry, prefers to stay out of the heat. But if the ones he care about are in trouble, he will not hesitate to throw his adolescent girth around his foes.
Mottles, A young bull harp seal, has street smarts, creative
Marijohn, A bull ringed seal, 
Dinkum, A young bull Australian Sea Lion, hot-headed, and loves to tackle larger stuff, a gentleman to ladies though
Beartrap, A bull leopard seal, Protective, bullish, a bit gullible, hates being thought of weak, reassuring though
Pahoe, A teenaged Hawaiian Monk Seal, mellow, likes music, loves his family and siblings
Mag Jr., A young male specimen of Maguma's species, a bit timid, very gentle though, only fights when necessary
Chorp, A young bull Puijila darwini, tends to geek out on historical relics, sweet "adorkable" kind of guy.
Seel-O, A young bull Seel, energetic rapper
Dendo, A young bull Dewgong, 
Socco, A bull Spheal
(( Non are pups! They are the same age or a few years older than Diana. ))
Alar the Red Panda, Pilaka the Moonrat, Hali the South China Tiger, Culio the Pakicetus
Alar ( Jake T Austin ) - Headstrong, brave, sometimes naive
Pilaka ( Aziz Ansari ) - Friendly, smart but weird
Hali ( Ashley Tisdale ) - motherly, defensive, kind,
Culio ( Kevin Michael Richardson ) - Warriorlike, impatient, competitive
Forte - A suave, handsome yet surprisingly polite, nomadic Crown Jaw (Cryolophosaurus) that is popular with carnivores for his deep alluring singing voice which serves as a chick magnet as well as a lure for an unsuspecting meal. 
Panth - A postosuchus 
Smokey the ash white dragon-looks like kimba except for long muzzle, horns, longer ears, sway spine. Spikes, large yellow claws and reptilian tail. And grey scales underbelly with lines 
Three young black and white bat. Chibi headed, Mickey faced, pointed noses, shark sideburns, rubbery wings that work as hands. Smaller Micky like legs. Sort pointed tails
An African elephant calf with STC Expressions
A tiger with a robotic appearance of fur on top. Small Circle yellow eyes with a usually frowning look. Orange and light peachy parts.. Straight pointy dark black stripes,
A Bengal tiger with green eyes. Bruce Willis voice.
NIGHT FURY, 2d fox with ver curly tail with long stiff looking base. "rectangle legs with three black claws, Round and pointed snout, Long pointed ears,
Teresa the Hedgehog - A female pink hedgehog. About Amy's age. Good at basic combat. QVoice by Keke Palmer
Cody the Tenrec - A tenrec about Tail's age. Idolizes Knuckles. Has immense strength for his age
Darcy - A Gecko voiced by Melissa Raunch. Espio's crush.
Rumble the Alligator - A slender blackish alligator. Old friend of Team Chaotix, speaks with a Bronx accent.
Powers - 
Hand to Hand Combat
Rumble Shake
Thick Hide
Repeated Blows
Tail Swipe
Head Blows
Belly Charge
Deflection Spin
Buster the T Rex - A young preteen T. rex that enjoys rough things like any boy does. But deep down he has a soft side, particularly for kids or people in need.
Sharpay the Smilodon - A 
Typhoon the Eagle - 
Craze the Hyena
Clemson Piece the Cat
Remoh the Latika - 
Zang the Asterod -
Pervola the Ravlucyon - 
Flying Wanderer
Volatillis Peregrinans
Fat bird pig creature
Black Griffin with fox features
Black Epectroc creature. Reprilian Stitch
The crew consists of a huge group of shape-shifting lizards, a blob dog, a blob bird, a blob cat, a black cat, a shark, a mallard duck and a beagle.
Lizoe and the gang - Lizoe and his trio are a group of shape shifting lizards that unlike their boss Paraguay can change they're appearance and voice immediately and can distinguish they're forms personality once morphed.
Creek and Michy - The lovebirds of mischief, Creek starts fights between two people while Michy mimics ones voice to cause trouble.
Dog Blob - A canine alien blob that can turn into any members of the Dog Family (Canidae)
Bird Blob - An avian alien blob that can turn into any members of the bird class (Aves)
Cat Blob - A feline alien blob that can turn into any members of the Cat Family (Felidae)
A group of animals that shape shift according to they're animal families
Sawmouth - A Shepeshifting Bull Shark
Billow - A Shapeshifting Mallard
Bing - A Shapeshifting Beagle-Mix
Plates - A terquoise kentrosaurus that is surprisingly agile for his size.
Squeaks - A robotic dolphin that can release paralyzing sound waves, let out virtual images from his blowhole, cut through metal with his dorsal fin like a can opener.
The Munk Troope - a group of chipmunks that can assist on the mobians in technology and weapons.
Shockodile "Shocko" Crocodile - A crocodile with electrical powers
Zero - A sabertooth cat With a jade collar
Natascha - A black leopard, Drake's cousin
Aquamarine - Blue tigress, Blue's old Cubsitter
Kita - Lioness, Jeanna's younger sister.
Jacob - Black Wolf
Bullseye - Brown Coyote with Southern Accent, Applejack's crush.
Big Game - Young courageous Buck. Randy idolises him.
Mistletoe - A young caribou doe that has a massive crush on Randy.
Pinto - An ocelot that has a good sense of art.
Lil Hyacinth - Small emerald greenTapire Iuara, one of the kids
Lorenzo - A jaguar cub, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have a big crush on him. The Cutie Mark Crusaders use him as an advantage all the time.
Razorback, Tiger like past. Doesn't get along with chandler. yellow and red with brown shading all over. 
Chui the leopard (chewy)
Chaz the 
Born in the savannah
Destined to be a Kung fu warrior after stripe on head
Says goodbye to parents
Learns from greatest masters or both hung fu and karate
Learns that size does not matter and fight for honor not for oneself.
Says goodbye to masters when ready
Moves to Redfield Town and sees Sonic fighting Eggman
Helps him by short circuiting robot from inside.
Greets SOnic warmly and become friends.
helps him find a home in the grass
Second hero of Stellia
Espio's best friend
Once low self as teem. Masters I've him confidence
Despite mocked for small size Patient, not quick to anger
Weary of predators
Gentle words to children
Favouurte food bugs insects served in steaming rice
helps the cat's flea problem with nose like vacuum. Blows them back into mouth.
Small but can fight enemies many times his size.
Kung fu is as fast as sonic speed.
Acute sense of smell
Extremely fast on four paws
Unlike other characters, introupduction not so good
Romntic couple date Lake in Stellia
Interview, sonic arrives witness
Lake monster
tails research Cryptids
sonic, blizzard and senji
Search cave, fall down cave
Shadow of a lake monster
Kids voice
Find him stuck in kelp
Free him
Tiny monster
No home
Never known how he even existed
Ask to come with them happily agree
Back home tails study confirms prehistoric cryptoclidus shocking
Blizzard suggests museum but senji otherwise set free
River bridge
Typical curious, adenturous a bit impatient
Awkward situations
Clumsy on land. Heavy, two cats
Fast swimmer
Underwater pipe messenger
Attack ramming, biting, porpoising
Character that is a villain really really creepy
Cats burying a dead possum
Night lightning bolt
Paw reaches out
Possum with eyes and glowing green parts
Terrorizing town
Almost kills sonic until Knuckles seals him and his minions in a spiritual rock
Knuckles tells Sonic that he's not sure if he will stay there
Sonic tells him that he'll be ready and that he has a new fear of possums.
Like a serial killer, demonic voice more than one talking. Takes pleasures in others pain and agony. Every creature is afraid of its wrath, even The most ruthless characters like shadow, mephiles and Eggman.
A gun or knife isn't enough to kill him.
Many scary abilities
Rotate head
Remove his parts
Eerie blow
Rapidly rip out flesh in seconds and leave a carcass.
He can even smell supernatural forces as he made copies of Amy and Lavender's dark forms and Dark SOnic and forced them to work with him
Always been one of Stellia's celebrities mostly free amazing singing voiced and is still good with kids.
Crush on Sonic, hurt when kissing Sally
Witnessed the breakup, and left to take her singing career to other corners of the island.
She starts to miss sonic comes to town.
Happy to see sonic and Amy but freaks out and faits when she sees kids
All is well, how's Sally
Gets an apartment, keeps singng and comes by to look after kids like the SOnamy Kittens, Ben, Emma etc.
Still hopes that sonic and Sally stay as friends and stop hating each other and is dating Ash, who is her boss and boyfriend.
PERSONALITY - She's cheerful, energetic and is passionate about love but can be conflicted and obvious despite her emotional hardships. Mina suffers from PTSD, causing the poor cat to experience frequent nightmares.
ABILITIES - Mina is gifted with super-speed but fails in comparison to Sonic. She can plot aircraft, be taught defensive swordplay. But her real talent is namely singing.
Usable for Bailey and STC followers (I should put this more often.)
Feeling like your art, story arcs and comics don't have enough music in them. Then meet the awesome marine rock-band, The Wild Waves!
At first they were not even a band. They lived their own lives in thief own side of the beaches. Noah the Seal lived close to the harbor, Humbolt the Sea lion lived on a rocky beach, Scallop the Sea Otter lived in the kelp beds while Tidal the Marine Iguana dwelled the algae covered sea shores..
Normal day for animals, shark infestation.
Chasing each other, run into each other.
Hide in a sea cave and block entrance
Found that they have rhythm
Shark swims in and tries to attack but can't stand music and swims off crying.
Plan to use the music to repel the sharks.
Become heros of beach.
Beloved cryptoclidus, Pisco compliments, take music elsewhere.
Happily agree
Inland to other parts of Stellia to red field town.
Meeting the heroes
Not a bad place we could settle down here
Indoor rock pool and seafood deliveries.
Snic and friends visit er ome.
Usable for Bailey and STC followers.
Blank woods, 
Raining trees thunder lighting. Run to town
Meet tails under a roof
Introduce parents victims of roadkill. Siblings still alive.
Tails offers home
Meets cream In house and Katana
Sonic and him freaks out at other from visit.
Sonic runs out and hits himself by tree
Then Seth hyperventilated and then plays possum.
When he wakes up, tails tells him that he should stay away from sonic for a while and told him that he could stay in the years next to his house in a hollow tree.
Day onward, stays at Tail's backyard but will pop into his house from time to time for a snack or just for company.
Kind, Clever, cheeky and has somewhat of a sarcastic sense of humor. But he is shown to have a bit of a temper. Though it's not much, his voice will become similar to Lector and can make others around him wet their furry bottoms (literally!)
Run on sll fourd, Play possum, stiff, drool, musky rotten
Not weak, sharp teeth, spray urine (disturbing), hand to hand combat, tail whip.
He has the usual scavenging omnivorous diet of a Virginian opossum and will forage for food even if it's in trash an.
Usable for Bailey and STC followers.
This is my idea of an STC wolf (no offence Meta but you look too much like a cat)
Blizzard in a snowy forest testing His sense of smell
Snowshoe hare trips over him.
blizzard hits dead tree
Hear voice beneath
Pulls tails out.
Reveals wolf freaks out and hits himself on tree. Umimpressed
Freaks out again, after a few hours of convincing (and being slapped in the face) They finally come in terms.
Blizzard asks since wolf? Be with pack. sadly, wiped out by bulky strange looking wolf they call "the half hearted traitor" attacked them for practice of his deadly machinery. On his own ever since.
dont have to be alone, red field town. Akiak agrees quickly and starts to form a brotherly attachment to the young husky.
back to red field town, they meet sonic the cat and the others and starts to form friends.
He lives in a large underground apartment that he named a wolf hole (a pun on foxhole) and is the neighbor of several gophers who also took a liking to him.
Next day, walk with sonic. Wolf by his side we can kick butt twice. Insist that he fight for rights only and not for sport. Reassure that there will be some rights to fight for.
Wonders where his family and friends one. Dr. Eggman then appears in a giant robot and all of Sonic's friends and family 
Sonic tries attack Dr. Eggman but had to stop when he sees the ravenous wolfdog with Amy threatens to crush Amy under his robot and wipe out all cats.
When hearing wipeout, Akiak scowls darkly and runs off without both rivals noticing. Sonic claims that Akiak will stop him, but Eggman scoffs that the wuss can't do anything. But then the wolf reveals himself being the canine hybrid, glaring at him.
After making an angry rant, Akiak pounces at Eggman and they engage in a snarling dog fight with Sonic and Amy as the spectators. Eventually he sends Eggman running away with his bite marks, but not after receiving another boring "this isn't over, I'll be back"
Akiak then opens all the locks that keep the cells closed. After that the friends rejoice by tossing their humble wolf savior into the air. after the commotion. Blizzard places a paw around his wolf friend's shoulder and reassures that if he helps his friends in battles, there will be a lot of peace to go around and that he is now an official part of the STC pack.
Humble Noble. only fight when it feels right. Soothing and reassuring personality calm his friends anger like Amy or Knuckles, comes in handy when annoyed with him. He acts as an older brother to Blizzard and always has his back and gives him advice.
he is not bothered by his friends pronouncing his name incorrectly and is always happy to correct them.
Strong hatred for Eggman. despite tragic loss, Nothing against machinery
Fangs, endurance run for miles, another to share
Blizzard: Ah w-w-w-w-WOLF! (starts to run around the taiga screaming)
Akiak: Hey! Woah! Takee it easy buddy! Everythings gonna be - (Blizzard knocks himself from a tree. Akiak looks at the viewers unimpressed) okay....
Blizzard: very one this is Akiak. I saved him from a tree stump on Snowflake Mountain!
Everyone except Knuckles: Hey Akiak!
Akiak: Hello everyone! It's always good to meet new faces once in a life time.
Knuckles: (rolls eyes) Oh great, another mutt in the team.
Amy: Knuckles!
Akiak: Ah, you must be Knuckles. The powerful and legendary guardian of the master emerald that was entrusted to you after the tragic loss of our parents. believe me Knuckles, I know what it's like to lose a family. But even if you lost a family Knuckles, just know that they will stay with you forever in your heart. And If you focus on your heart and the love of your family, one day you will become more than just a guardian of the master emerald. here is no doubt that, one day you will fulfill your destiny if it comes to you and become a heroic cat like Sonic that will be loved by all citizens and creatures alike and become an even bigger legend that will be told in stories from generation to generation that will be heard, loved and never, ever...... forgotten.
Knuckles: (becomes teary eyed) Aw crap, I love ya man (pushes Blizzard onto the ground and hugs Akiak)
Akiak: (appearing behind Eggman) Listen half-wolf! I may not like to fight but you've Kidnapped a poor cat's family, Wiped out my pack, made yourself born from wolf and dog parents, made me walk around the forest like a broken hermit, prononced my name like an amateur Inuit worse than everyone else and made me look like a hopeless wuss of an OC in this fanseries! NOW I'VE HAD IT!!!! (attacks Eggman)
Usable for Bailey and STC followers
You can use him as an altered model for King Scott!
Blizzard and Akiak, and Vector Snowflake hiking comment on eating tacos out of salmon, squished cranberry and frozen taco shell.
vector comments that Akiak is an excellent survivalist and that should be like a leader. The wolf modestly replays that's it's just because he's a wolf and that he prefers to be under somebodies wing and look after his baby bro Blizzard. Blizzard retorts that he can ale care of himself. Akiak playfully gives him a noogie. Blizzard gets revenge by tackling him. Vector joins in the playfight. Roll down a small snowy hill. Laughing all the way.
Then they see something brown rolling down mountain. Akiak runs up a ledge to have a closer look, then found out that it was a grizzly bear. And it was headed towards a field full of bear traps, sneers and other animal traps. The three canines run towards the bear as quickly as they can and manage to push the giant rolling ball of fur back before he fell into the face of possible death.
The canines freak out when they found out that the bear was asleep the whole time it was rolling down the hill. When he finally wakes up, he asks the wolf and to dogs what he was doing at the edge of a hill. Akiak points out the traps below him. Terrified, the bear answers to them that he was sleeping out of his cae because it was filled ith the same traps as before and that he's seen many traps opin the forests and mountains before he was evicted. Thsi brings questions into Vector, Blizzard and Akiak's minds and they plan to investigate.
The bear introduces himself as Chinook and that he hasn't seen any other bears on this mountain ever in his life. Vector realizes that the only bear n their town was their mayor, Snowball Williams and decides that Chinnok would be better off in Redfield Town away from the dangers of The death trap infestation.
While the four return to town, they knock on the door of Sonic the Cats House. The blue cat answers but then he comments that he knows that he saves the day a lot but he dosen't need any taxidermy in his living room. Offended, Chinnok yells at him and Sonic freaks out but luckily, wasn't totally afraid of him. Chinook and his canine friends settle down with the blue cat and his family, getting to know themselves and think about the traps that mysteriously appeared in the mountains. once speculates them as Eggman's doings. 
Chinook tells them that he was suprised that they were not afraid of a large bear like him, and tells him that in his teen days, cats would scream avalanches, pee icicles and run until there were snow quakes at the sight of him, causing the others to stare at him and then burst into laughter.
The. They tell. Them that since their mayor is a polar bear, they had nothing to fear against other bears, especially grizzlies.
Blizzard then came to a realization, that since the were traps all over Snowflake Mountain, then one of the victims would be his former sled dog team from the Sled Dog Rescue Force. Blizzard with Sonic, Senji, Akiak and Chinook dash into the mountains on a rescue force. Vwctor stays behind cuz assignment with team chaotic. Athey finally made it to the Sled Dog lodge and like they expected, the team were trapped in the middle of electric barb wire, unable to escape.
With his sensitive hearing, Senji hears Eggman inside the lodge talking about his plans on placing brain controlling helmets on the huskies and making them his mindless slaves. After being reported, Blizzard was infuriated and insisted on a frontal attack, but Sonic intervenes, saying that it would also get them wired up. Chinook and AKiakthen walks off, without anyone noticing.
Sonic, Blizzard and Senji creep below the snow, away from the eyes of the brown furred villian. They then eventually reach the entrance to the barbed wire enclosure. A brown husky sees them but his muzzle was clamped shut by Blizzard's firm paw. Blizzard warns him that if he made noise they are all toast.
Eggman, then eppears and tells them that if they were to rescue those huskies, he'll press this bomb button and make them roll into an avalanche while he flies away on his mini ship.
Sonic is about to panic but then he sees Akiak and Chinook right Benin Eggman and smirks. Eggman picks up on this and comments dryly that he would me smug at a time like this. But then Chinook grabs him by the throat, threatening to sink his claws into his gullet. Akiak demands Eggman to drop the remote. When Eggman challenges him, Chinook digs his claws deeper, nearly choking the wolfdog. After Eggman finally drops the remote. Chinook grabs him by the scruff and starts swinging him before letting go, causing Eggman to fly into the Clouds and disappear.
Akiak then tosses the remote at Senji. the elephant shrew looks closer then sees that there was a self destruct switch in the traps. Without hesitating, Sonic hits the switch and says that everything is solved. But then a Canadian Husky asks if since they're very close to the wires which are one of the traps, won't they be blown up as well. Before they could react, the animals start flying into the sky screaming they're lungs out.
meaniwhile in Angel Island, Knuckles, Cream and Cheese are having a picnic. Then cream sees several dots flying inquiry the sky and wonders if there were an migratory birds on angel island. Knowing that it's not that time of the year, Knuckles also start to feel curious until they find out the horrifying truth that the "birds" we're Sonic and the others headed towas them. before the cat, rabbit and chai mouse could escape with their tasty cargo. They get crushed under the animals and plant a giant crater on the ground.
A few hours later, They all managed to survive the collision but they end up inside the hospital under the care of dr borne nd nurse Ella while Tails, AMy, Lavender, Kani, Rachel and Ross come to visit. 
Fun Loving
Justic fight when necessary
Omnivore like Seth, the possum hangs with him when it comes to food.
Claws, strength and defeat knuckles, despite his supernatural strength. 
Chinook: (yawning and waking up) Say little britches, why'd you wake me up in the middle of my big nap?
Vector: Well, um we ahhhh......
Akiak: You were about to fall into your death (points at the traps below)
Chinook: (Looks over him) What are you talk....... Holy Hives, I was gonna fall into that?!
Blizzard: Pretty Much.
Sonic: Look guys I know that I've saved the day many times. But Do't think you owe me any price. Especially taxidermy for my living room.
Chinook: I ain't no fluffing taxidermy!!!
Sonic: Ahhh! Don't do that guys!
Chinook: Look fellas, It's nice meeting you and all but I'm surprised that your not scared of large and fierce looking bear like me. Back in my teen years, cats would scream avalanches, pee icicles and run until there were snow quakes from their paw prints at the sight of him
Blizzard: Wait a minute! If those traps were set up all over Snowflake Mountain, then that means all the creatures that live there will be in one heck of a hassle! Even....(gasp) My former sled dog team!
Amy: Oh my god! That's terrible!
Chinook: Yeah I know! It took AhO4464 like weeks to make me!
Sonic: (face palm) Oh great, another fourth wall breaker.
Eggman: You must be crazy to smirk at a time like this, foolish blue kitten.
Chinook: Oh he's crazy alright! CRAZY TO SEE ME RIP OUT YOUR GUTS!!!
Eggman: Yipe!
Akiak: Put down that remote nice and slowly.
Eggman: (scoffs) What could you possible do to make me do that?
Akiak: (raises brow) You had to ask?
(Chinook squeezes harder. Eggman starts coughing then he eventually drops the device)
Akiak: Good boy.
(Chinook grabs Eggman by the scruff)
Chinook: Asta La Vista, you big dork!
(Starts swinging him round and round then tosses Dr. Eggman into the sky)
Blizzard: (with remote in mouth) Yo Senji! Heads up!
Senji: (jumps up and catches remote) Thank you Blizzard.
Senji: (studying remote) Hmmmm, there seems to be a self destruct button on the Doctor's remote that will cause all the traps on the mountain to be sabotaged.
Sonic: (hits button with his fist and folds his arms) There done!
Husky: (in canadia accent) Wait there Sonic, there are some traps around us so if ya pressed that button, don't cha think we'd be blasted off into the skies eh.
(Everyone has O.O looks as the traps starts to beep)
Chinook: Hol-
Akiak: -Ly-
(the traps explode. Sonic, Blizzard, Akiak, Chinook, Senji and the Sled Dog Rescue Force fly high into the sky)
Cream: (looks up at the sky) Knuckles, do you happen to have any migratory birds on your island?
Knuckles: (looks ups too) It can't be, it's not that time of the year....... Wait a minute, is that Sonic, And Blizzard and Akiak.
Cream: (peers) I can see Senji!
Cheese: (through translator) Me too!
Knuckles: Wait, is that a bear? And a whole group of huskies. Hold the phone, they look like THEY'RE GONNA CRASH INTO US!
Cream and Cheese: AHHHHHHH!!!!!
Knuckles: HAULASS!!!!
(Knuckles, Cream and Cheese try to quickly place the food back into the basket and succeed. Before they could even escape, the animals crash against the trio and leave a huge crater on the ground)
Usable for Bailey and STC followers
late evening, Dr. Eggman Rants on making plans to get sonic while watching a cat version of Ben 10 episode " animo". Alost out of ideas Instead of using technology, he use science like dr animo
Mixes a growth potion to make living things larger and more aggressive. He walks across his glass tank menagerie of lab animals and decides to use a fly. He drops a sample and the fly rapidly grows and becomes a fierce beast. Tries to take a piece out of Eggman but then it freezes and then explodes, causing the experimental chamber to be 
Seeing his experiment as a failure, Eggman angrily trots off. Meanwhile, in a certain tank, a long beaked echidna plays the harmonica while his tankmate European hedgehog bounces a ball against the glass walls in boredom. he asks when they will get out of this tank, he replies when his dad get's pedicures, hinting "never". Beech then states that they were doomed but pops reassures him that at least they were doomed together.
A story about the curiously mishevipus Doodie and his fox friend Ozzie on they're wacky adventures in the outback
◼ CAST ◼
Daniel "Doodie" Dingo - a semi anthromorphic dingo that enjoys snatching booty from humans for his own personal uses. 
Ozzie the fox - a preteen red fox kit that usually tags along with Dan on his misadventures
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