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aysunaarslankasdogan: f677j4z0
saynurlagarli: 58vad23c
aynosagdik: 5476z8dn
zatinurbicer: jotd1kv4
isikguneykocabas: dc9uz3oh
mahferbukulmez: mhfiioa1
hilyebaymak: ryzptzlc
gulcimenakinci: of1vrcl2
acelyakaracanersekerci: 0jmj0ajs
sinangultopaloglu: hn9bkkvm
acarbegumsulhan: 29k850j9
gonuldenboluk: z1mlny2r
nukteyaman: 7mhn9bsd
ceynurnasiroglu: symp7e4o
kayamunezzer: 165nvltr
duranayenigun: ritr0b98
gumusgulal: 44zo61n2
zozanbudunoglu: jlttdc5t
tanguluozer: 041i240h
gideraslihan: 82arnu6s
imihanornek: uel6v4vp
guldurencengiz: 46vil10e
kutunaydin: uyivpot1
munezzernasiroglu: ngckhihy
nuktetutas: vvalbylc
sevgihanunal: 7uhreool
goncayasena: dub3oiuk
albenitarlan: 949hzfyh
sifadumlu: lhlgue5v
manolyacipe: co8joib0
giderimihan: z6h2dl6m
akkizkara25494: e6ka92y6
gulcimeneraslan: yra8m2pr
sarayitalan: oam2k4vz
guldurencimbek: ujvjti9y
acelyagul17045: syz4i9nv
adiyeak: pdvmoobr
yildirimgalibe: 60g1smi4
nursevinyalniz: 01o0vmtj
gisveryaman: rn3zh7r4
ongugaribe: 5ikrnupr
ayyuzbaldan: otv0oe6o
zeyicanceyda: vg0ikfk4
ezgilutuf: z68f1bks
faimeisabet: kh2bshhi
suadavna: piapynrl
berrinisabet: j8jy445a
anitahanimkiz: d6f3r5em
munevercezanur: 1c22gdgr
duhtermanolya: k9k36gtm
susdemsarayi: p5p4kkie
minnetmuride: ijn9poia
nadiyesirin: p7ypidhl
fehimetekgul: 19gh5kt6
guzelcangurten: mk3tdv16
hanimkizsevider: 67s2lrcm
mahfersabiha: 7jyfn78i
etikbelkis: grp0tcau
omurlusevider: etvu79yl
tanguludelale: jvogssp7
sedefyeayyuz: 0k0ppf0p
tekgulhafside: b5k54kj5
rafiaguncel: yo4aa0ek
gulgunesermin: h7mo6ftc
nariyegulgune: ty8pjaoi
minnetlibas: y81ooy7z
ceydahilye: vtze90un
horurakite: ga2i6pzy
ihsanealye: 52ytg7v9
nurpergisver: e9e2mr3u
omuriyaseyyane: obbieg7h
sukriyentemre: yzu7oj3k
sifazumre: mmh9f0t0
zennuriyebinnaz: 14v6robv
gisveremirayse: e8fmo4t5
burumcekesay: 2sps3dgg
akiferadiye: 6ljy3ney
pembeferuze: al1082oy
dilhunsusen: v3gr7y0l
tamgulzenure: 61fnseel
zatinurdudu: 3a3jd1so
sanihasermin: tpgfgsl7
rakitehafside: clmi6svh
gonuldengokperi: kz27ii4e
ceydaguler36380: spf770d6
muazzestangulu: 1mv8spzp
handenurnurale: rje6130k
mahferbenzegul: ens92zln
gurtensevkan: uk6nn2a4
sonsengonulden: 43uflp4z
sevidersevila: dcikya8f
sevikaozis: 313225gc
teycanbenzegul: lcc0662p
edadiloylum: 9bdzm104
esaysaliha: ts2j8p5i
duhterceynur: k9rv4kss
acelyabezmialem: da5gevpv
seffannurgulsan: 46ioonlo
hanimkizceynur: atkalo24
aslihanfusun: sbbz2ztm
gozlemsaliha: mhtb8odk
lutufbeseriye: 6a4kg7f0
zenureteycan: 6ez2a42i
lamihazebirce: c1ku8gma
sendenizsinangul: 7id9fk8v
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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