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Native Americans
Various tribes attempted to forge advantageous political alliances whit one another and European powers to protect their interests
-Limited migration of white settlers
-maintain tribal lands
-Two nations of Iroquois fought on side of colonists
-Westward expansion did not halt
The Sea Frontier
American Navy: Small number of nondescript ships
This tiny force never made a dent against Britain's huge fleets
-Chief Contribution: destroying British merchant shipping
-John Paul Jones
The Final Curtain
-Victory at Yorktown
-French provided sea power and 1/2 troops
After victory in Yorktown, fighting continued between Patriots and Loyalists
-Washington was successful in keeping states together so a peace treat could be signed
Peace at Paris
Ben Franklin, John Adams and John Jay gathered in Paris
Treaty of Paris, 1783
-British officially recognize the independence of the United States
-Granted generous boundaries to U.S.
-Loyalists not to be persecuted and property restored
-Why so generous to Americans? British had other conflicts to deal with
French Revolution
-French Revolution spreads through out Europe and beyond
Help fuel American debate over the US domestic order but also about its proper role in the world
American Revolution and ideas of D.o.O had reverberations in France, Haiti, and Latin America... inspiring future independence movements
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