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"Gilded Age" = 1865-1898

Really Intense industrialization.
1890 - Writing a book called the gilded age, by Mark Twain.
They weren't experiencing a golden age.
Immense wealth is accumulated by individuals.
Including people like JP Morgan, Henry Ford, And John D. Rockefeller. Enormously wealthy by being the Captains of the industry. Steel, Banking and Oil.

Political Corruption also benefited their victorious bribery, even the president was bribed into this corruption act.
Literally built off of immigrant labors.
Political eruptions happened,, poverty in Italy, Russians came to the us from very bad situations.
Jacob Ressie was a photographer, going the lower east Photographing, "How the other half lived"
Photographing tenements.
They were, poor. With lack of ventilation, electricity, and plumbing.

Jacob also infamously Regularly setting things on fire, via the flash. "Five cents a spot" was also an image taken. Involving apartments that costed 5 Cents. It was very bad. and the Tennent's hated it.

Andrew Carnegie was bought out by JP Morgan. Resulting in a collision that just didn't work.
Rockefeller's state also had a building called Kykuit.

Steel companies have built the max amount of railroad tracks they could make.

Part 2

Making very SMALL wages. Smaller then minimum.

The 2nd Industrial Revolution was "caused" by it.
Involving Mass Production. Ways of making, shipping, and producing never-before-seen things.

Steel was happening. In the gilded age. (202 BC was when it was made)
Andrew was a steel baron, laying 40,000 miles of new rails.
Enabling the US to move out.
Cadel ranching was popular.
And rails supported ALL of that.
The Steel industry actually grew from England.

You NEED steel to make railroads. With the industry PAYING for that. Resulting in a endless boom of steel.

Steel allows for construction bigger buildings.
With the railroad skyscraper being the first skyscraper.

Kind of like a steel cage.
IT was the time of the elevator.

More people working for wages, then people working for themselves.
Telephones were made, making it possible to do business transactions.
Internet & refrigeration were made.

The railroad was SO important, it invented the modern system of time. That's how important it was..
Could lead to a collision of trains.
Involving International trains.
And Electrification, Thanks Thomas Edison for making Achluophobia people feel safe.

They also made them to improve work faster. Which originally took a long time to finish.
If you could make it off a machine, you could complete it faster.

They also made much smaller wages. Skilled workers could be asked by Gold Miners so they could make money.

Steel is a major MUST for workers. + Bessemer Existed.
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