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Evening guys,

Apologies, this should have come during the week but had a very tight week. Trust you all are having a swell weekend. Will try to keep the message short this time and will have it broken into snippets.

For those who joined the group on the first day it was created, I posted a long epistle (*SMILES*) about the objectives of the group. In order not to flood the chat window with the long message again, I have it hosted online and be accessed via this URL. If you missed the message, pls visit this site to read up.

Outlined below are some of the things we hope to achieve in this group

- Network with other like minded individuals in your career/business field
- Develop and keep social contacts alive, active and to serve as a forum to foster mutually beneficial relationship amongst ourselves
- Share and explore employment or business opportunities from your other social or work circle
- Give back to our secondary school where we all met (Would suggest actions around organizing seminars, conferences, trainings for the young teenagers in the school, support a cause)
- Help our fellow ex-mates in whatever capacity we can achieve
- Organize periodic physical or online video meet-up just to connect and stay in touch. Physical activities like sport, beach or hanging out at parks and social events.

I am hoping our immediate long term goal when we have a good number of people in the group and have a clearer purpose would be to form an alumni and do greater things together. Forgive us if you think we haven’t gotten the perfect purpose defined yet, we would be going through some sort of progressive elaboration; we would continue to learn better and effective ways to keep our group active and have everyone connect well as we keep interacting.

To hit the ground running, while I have a big dream of having a well, nicely planned event/party for us to all meet up & connect, I would suggest we start up with baby steps; have a small event with activities like paint balling outing, beach hangout & games night (for those who can make it)

I acknowledge we are all spread across different regions, I know for a fact that as we gradually progress, we would identify great ways to have folks in the diaspora also connect.

Ladies and gentlemen, can we throw up suggestions on something we can do before the end of October for us to have our initial meet up.

Let the drums roll!!!! Pls Pls Pls, would greatly appreciate if we all participate. SPEAK OUT!

My own suggestion:

- Hangout at the beach with lots of activities like beach soccer, volley ball, paint balling (With this, the married women in the house can participate and return home early)
- Later at night on the same day, have games night or hangout in a lounge (for the singles or married folks who can attend).
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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