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I always find a big crowd there. There are several shops, all decorated beautifully. Big shops look more attractive. Businessmen come here from far and wide for purchasing or selling their products. The market is always crowded with carts, horses, donkeys and camels. They come loaded with the produce of the season such as cotton, grain, oil seeds, vegetables, etc.

Whenever I visit a market I find the hawkers shouting loudly to sell their goods. They try to attract the people by several names. Generally they sing songs in praise of their goods. They face hard competition because there are several hawkers selling the same article.

As the prices of the items are not fixed, the hawkers as well as the buyers do bargain. I watch these people who feel greatly satisfied after purchasing a thing at a minimum price from the hawkers.

The market is at peak in the evening. There is not a single shop where a big crowd is not seen. Everyone seems to be in hurry. There are jewellery shops which shine brightly in the light. Cloth shops and ready-made garment shops do great business during a festival.

The hotels and restaurants are also crowded with people. Some people are seen with plates of 'chat' others are seen enjoying cold drinks. There is flavour of all kinds in the surrounding area. It is very difficult to drive a car in a market place.

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