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Hola. Espero te encuentres bien.
Dime, como puedo ayudarte?

Gracias por la informacion. Como cliente y persona, eres mi prioridad y tomare cuidado con esta situacion para poder proveerte la mejor resolucion.
Por favor, hazme saber. Como puedo ayudarte hoy?
Gracias por tu comprension. Hay algo mas en lo que pueda ayudarte en este ocacion?

Gracias por ser la parte mas importante de Walmart.
Hay algo mas en lo que pueda ayudarte hoy?
Entiendo totalmente lo importante que es esto para ti. Como un cliente, se lo frustrante que esto puede llegar a ser. Esta no es la experiencia que deseamos que tengas.
Fue un placer asistirte. Una vez mas, mi nombre es Hany A. Gracias por dejarme ayudarte hoy. Voy a desconectar este chat ahora, si necesitas ayuda en el futuro, por favor, contactanos de nuevo y vamos a estar felices de asistirte.

Que el resto de tu dia sea excelente **!

Debido a la inactividad, nuestro sistem cerrara este chat por ahora. Espero haya sido util mi ayuda. Si necesitas ayuda en el futuro, por favor, contactanos de nuevo y vamos a estar felices de asistirte. Gracias por escoger que tengas un excelente dia.

Perfecto! He procesado el reemplazo por tu articulo.
La fecha de entrega estimada para tu nueva orden es **. Recibiras un correo de confirmacion con tu nuevo numero de orden pronto.
Grandioso. Acabo de procesar un reembolso por $
El dinero sera reembolsado al mismo metodo en 5 dias habiles. Recibiras un correo de confirmacion con los detalles de tu reembolso pronto.

Debido a la inactividad, mi sistema cerrara este chat por ahora. Si necesitas ayuda en el futuro, por favor contactanos de nuevo. Gracias por escoger que tengas un lindo dia.
Estoy preocupada por una automatica desonexion, sigues ahi?

Este es tu promo code por $
Lo puedes usar en tu siguiente orden mayor a $ y tienes 90 dias para usarlo.

Entiendo lo importante que es esto para ti y no es lo que queremos que clientes valiosos como tu experimenten. En order de recibir la mejor asistencia, necesito transfir este chat con nuestro departmento especial. Ellos estan disponibles hasta las 7AM (CT). Puedes por favor contactarnos dentro de ** con este numero de referencia **? Asi no tendras que explicar esta situacion de nuevo y estaremos felices de transferir este chat


Lamento escuchar que tu pedido fue cancelado. Todos los pedidos pasan por un control de seguridad automático para prevenir el uso no autorizado de tu método de pago. Puede ser que tu orden se haya cancelado por error. Por esa razon, enviaré una solicitud a nuestro equipo de validación para revisar su orden manualmente, pero requerirá colocar una orden nueva.

Puedes esperar 1 hora para poner la orden de nuevo? Por favor, usa el mismo metodo de pago, los mismos articulos, la misma cuenta y el mismo dispositivo para poner la orden.


let me tell you that unfortunately as a chat agent I am not able to resend you this information but don't worry. Please, contact at our gift card department at this phone number 1-888-537-5503 they will be really happy to help you with this


I was checking and unfortunately at this time this item is out of stock so the system does not allow me to process a replacement but don't worry. What I can do for you is process a full refund. Is that okay?

Estuve checando y desafortunadamente, en este momento este articulo no esta disponible en nuestro inventario y mi sistema no me permite procesar un reemplazo pero no te preocupes. Si quieres, puedo procesar un reembolso tambien. Esta bien?

**, let me tell you that since our business model is focused on offering everyday low prices, as part of this, unfortunately, will no longer offer price adjustments on items purchased from that later decrease in price.

Gracias por enviar una solicitud de reducción de precios
Nuestro modelo de negocio se centra en ofrecer precios bajos todos los días y seguimos invirtiendo en mantener los precios bajos. Como parte de esto, ya no ofrecerá ajustes de precios en los artículos comprados en que luego disminuyen en precio.


Sometimes, the system does not have the last update of the store inventory or when you are placing the order, someone is at the store purchasing the same item. I am really sorry.


Thank you so much for your help. today. I am really sorry for this inconvenience with your photo order and according with my system the store is still processing your order. Unfortunately, I don't have access at the store records to check the status of your order. Could you please be so kind and call them at ** in order to receive more information?


Thank you so much for the information. Let me tell you that at this moment we are working with some updated with affirm and this is the why they are not available at this moment. I would love to provide you an estimated date of when this great service will be available again, but I do not want to give you false expectations. I kindly recommend you to keep checking our site since we have updates every day and I ma really sorry since I understand that this is really important and disappointed for you.

Hello. I hope you are doing well so far!
Please let me know, how can I help you?

Thank you so much for the information. As a customer, you are my priority and I will take care of this situation and provide you the best resolution.

Please let me know, what can I do for you ?
I really appreciate your understanding. Please let me know, is there anything else I can do for you today?

Thank you for being the best part of Walmart!
Please let me know, is there anything else I can do for you today?
I know that it is important for you ** and as a customer myself, I completely understand how frustrating this situation must be, that is not really what we want to our valued customers like you to experience.
It was a pleasure assisting you. Once again, this is Hany A. Thank you for allowing me to assist you with all your concerns. I am going to disconnect now. If you need any help in the future, please, do not hesitate to contact us again.
May the rest of your week be filled with happiness! Keep safe.

Due the inactivity, my system is going to close this chat for now. I hope you have found helpful the information provided by myself. If you need any help in the future, please, do not hesitate to contact us again. Thank you for choosing and have an excellent day!

Perfect! I have processed a replacement for your **
The estimated delivery date of your replacement will be **. You'll receive an email confirmation with your new order number shortly.
Great! I was able to processed a refund for $
Your refund will be back within 5 business days at the same payment method. You'll receive an email confirmation with your refund details shortly.

Due the inactivity, my system is going to close this chat for now. If you need any help in the future, please, do not hesitate to contact us again. Thank you for contacting, have a great day!
I'm afraid of automatic disconnection due to inactivity, are you still with me?

This is a message that is sent automatically by the system, before a disconnection due to inactivity. Are you still there?

Exsuse me **, are you there? Maybe did you need assistance with something else?

This your promocode for $ that you can use in an order over $. You have 90 days to use it!


I really understand how disappointed is this for you that is not really what we want to our valued customers like you to experience. In this situation, in order to receive a refund for your order, I will need to transfer this chat with our Customer Resolutions Team but they are available until 7 AM (CT). Could you please be so kind and contact us within ** with this reference number so you do not have to explain this situation again? ***


I was checking your order and I'm so sorry your order canceled. Let me tell you that all of our orders go through an automated security check to prevent unauthorized use of your payment method. Your order may have been canceled in error. I will challenge the cancellation to alert our validation team to manually review your order, but it will require a new order to be placed.

Could you please be so kind and wait 1 hour in order to place a new order? Please, use the same device, payment method and items that were used on this order.


I am really sorry because *. I was checking on my system and this item is from one of our Market place sellers "". They are in charge of all returns and exchanges but don't worry. In order to receive the best assistance, I will email the seller in your behalf to work with them and get the best resolution for you as soon as possible.
They will contact you within 24 hours by email. Is that okay for you?

Awesome! I was able to process the escalation for this inconvenience. If they do not contact you within 24 hours, please let us know with this reference number ** and we will be really happy to help you with this.

Estaba checando tu orden y note que este articulo en especifico es vendido por uno de nuestros vendedores de marcado "". Ellos estan acargo de todos los reemplazos y retornos asi que no te preocupes. Les hare saber por correo lo que paso con tu order y lo que necesitas.

Ellos te contactaran de vuelta, por email dentro de 24 horas. Esta bien?

Perfecto! Acabo de escalar tu orden con ellos. Si no recibes una respuesta dentro de 24 horas, por favor haznos saber con esta numero de referencia, asi podremos ayudarte.


I really appreciate your help. I was checking on my system and the tracking information shows me that this order was delivered on 09/11. I am Really sorry since I totally understand how important is for you and I want to make it right for you. Would you like me to send you a replacement?

Gracias por tu ayuda. Estaba checando nuestro sistema y note que su paquete se entrego el **/**. Lamento mucho que su orden se haya extraviado despues de la entrega. Entiendo cuan importante es esto para ti y quiero ayudarte. Te gustaria un reemplazo por este articulo?

Thank you so much for your patience today **. I've researched your order and have determined that it was lost during shipment. I am really sorry since I understand how important is this order for you.

In order to make this right, would you like me to send you a replacement?

Gracias por tu ayuda. Estaba checando nuestro sistema y note que su paquete desafortunadamente, se perdio durante la entrega y lo lamento mucho. Entiendo lo importante que es esto para ti. Quiero ayudarte. Te gustaria un reemplazo por este articulo?

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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