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-Silence Tristiana (or Trist, Trish, but goes by Siena her nickname)
-18 year old Cat
-Works as a bartender
-Likes to read and becomes quiet when doing so. Also tried to avoid
meeting new people
-Also likes to draw and sing
-And walking through peaceful places, hanging out with friends if she
has any. And just helping people
-Though is she does have a convo, she is pretty cheerful, bright
and talkative. Especially if your a friend
-Still keeps her emotions bottled up though
- Doesn’t like violence but will put up a fight if mandatory
- Also doesn’t like the dark (mostly what’s in it, she will freeze up)
losing cared ones and loud noises
-And heights
- Oh and for some reason, she doesn’t like dogs and rabbits
- Heightened senses, sees the world differently, can see tiny
details in objects (Not really useful )
- Though that makes her vulnerable to loud noises and
makes her weak
- Looks before she leaps in dangerous situations (more useful)
- Has night vision that’s better than other Mobians but not
more than an earth cat
- As a kitten, her parents and friends disappeared and all
she remembered was yelling and darkness
- She then woke up in a triangle green and brown place
which she didn’t know was a forest
- Dwelled lost, hopeless and confused there for days until
a family found and adopted her.
- Family could never answer her questions regarding her origins
and always changed the subject
- The family taught her independance, wonders of the forest and other
useful stuff for her future
- Once again that family disappeared and this time, she woke up in the
same homewhich was now empty
-Too old to be an orphan so she settled in a small rental property and
makes a living in a local bar as a bartender
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Regards; Team

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