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XIII International Student Representation Division
13.1 International Student Department at the Davis Campus
There will be a part of the SSU at Davis that is focused on what international students needs
13.2 International Student Leaders (ISLs)
a. At the Davis campus there will be two sets of student leaders. One for domestic students and one for international students. This means there will be one international vice president, one international clubs coordinator, and one international student life coordinator. And one domestic vice president, one domestic clubs coordinator, and one domestic student life coordinator. (Can rewrite in easier to read way)

Graphical Representation

International VP Domestic VP

13.3 Duties and Responsibilities
a. ISLs will hold the same responsibilities and duties as the current vice president and coordinators are holding.
b. ISLs will be fully accountable and responsible to the Board of Directors, and president for the daily operations of the Corporation
c. ISLs will work in terms to fulfill the international students’ interests, requirements and needs. It is ISLs job to make sure that they take feedback from the international students that what are their requirements.
d. Will make sure that the fund received to International Student Representation Division is used precisely in the favour of students.

13.4 Appointment of ISLs
ISLs will receive their position after being elected by international students. This means international students will vote in their ISLs.
13.5 SSU International Student Employee Fairness
Half of all student SSU employees at the Davis campus will be International students.
Or it would be divided respective to the percentage of International Students and Domestic Students.
13.6 Funding the International Student Department
Money received by the SSU from membership / activity fees from international students at the Davis campus will go to this department. This means, For Example there are 60% international students and 40% domestic students and If SSUI is getting 100% fund then 60% of the fund should go to the International Student Representation Division and rest goes to the domestic department.
In addition, there will be an ancillary fee for international students to support this division. It will be 50 % opt-in and 50% opt-out. It will be an SSU International department support fee.

The Following signed students support the above amendment to SSU Bylaws to be voted on by students at the SSU’s Annual General Meeting.
Sr.No Name Student Number Signature

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Regards; Team

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