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Tabel 8. Karakteristik responden Sentulfresh Indonesia, 2019 - 86
Tabel 9. Analisis pengadaan sarana produksi berdasarkan kriteria 6 tepat. - 88
Tabel 10. Analisis enam tepat bibit sapi perah Sentulfresh Indonesia - 91
Tabel 11. Analisis enam tepat kandang sapi Sentulfresh Indonesia - 93
Tabel 12. Analisis enam tepat pakan sapi Sentulfresh Indonesia - 95
Tabel 13. Analisis enam tepat obat-obatan sapi Sentulfresh Indonesia - 97
Tabel 14. Analisis enam tepat tenaga kerja sapi Sentulfresh Indonesia - 99
Tabel 15. Biaya investasi usaha sapi perah Sentulfresh Indonesia - 101
Tabel 16. Daftar harga biaya variabel usaha sapi perah Sentulfresh Indonesia - 101
Tabel 17. Daftar harga biaya tetap usaha sapi perah Sentulfresh Indonesia - 102
Tabel 18. Hasil perhitungan analisis finansial usaha sapi perah - 105
Tabel 19. Perbandingan hasil analisis kelayakan finansial usaha sapi perah Sentulfresh Indonesia dan Kelompok Tani Neang Mukti - 108
Tabel 20. Perubahan nilai kriteria investasi usaha sapi perah akibat penurunan volume penjualan yogurt 28,27 persen - 109
Tabel 21. Perubahan nilai kriteria investasi usaha sapi perah kenaikan biaya pakan rumput sebesar 30 persen -110
Tabel 22. Analisis nilai tambah pengolahan yogurt Sentulfresh Indonesia - 111

Logo Sentulfresh Indonesia - 76
Struktur Organisasi Sentulfresh Indonesia - 79
Pendopo utama di Sentulfresh Indonesia - 82
Area tanaman hias di Sentulfresh Indonesia - 82
Kegiatan wisata edukasi di Sentulfresh Indonesia - 83
Es lilin yogurt Sentulfresh - 84
Logo Pesantren Tahfidz Akbar - 85
Sapi perah Frissian holstein - 91
Milk can - 91
Kandang sapi - 94
Pemberian pakan rumput pada sapi - 96
Paket Usaha Yogurt Sentulfresh - 120
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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