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* ActualPacifist: Veikko. It doesn't mean he won't defend himself ([[GoodIsNotSoft and is pretty good at it]]), but he really doesn't want to fight or harm anyone.
* AggressiveCategorism: Ivan is ''very'' fond of this, even if it makes no sense whatsoever and is actively counter-productive to his situation. He keeps dismissing Veikko and his attempts to communicate, never stops calling him "Fritz" and keeps taking him for a fascist, despite the Finn making it crystal clear (even ''despite'' their monumental LanguageBarrier) he's neither.
* AllGermansAreNazis: This being [=WW2=] and Ivan being Soviet soldier, the attitude is expected. Problem is, Veikko isn't even German to begin with.
* ArmorPiercingQuestion: It's stopped by the LanguageBarrier, but still:
-->'''Veikko:''' (to Ivan, after being attacked yet another time for no reason) How can I explain you anything, if you don't want to understand?
* BedouinRescueService: Anni, upon realising Ivan is still alive, drags him all the way to her hut.
* BrickJoke: Since Ivan never explained his name to her, Anni ultimately named one of the boys "psholty"
* ChainedToARock: As a punishment for insubordination, retreating Germans chain Veikko to a rock in a highly visible spot. He's given a sniper rifle to defend himself, but it's clear he's expected to die and simply draw the attention of Soviets on their back. He later compares himself to Prometeus.
* DeathSeeker: Ivan is a melancholic that spend past few years fighting a war and has nothing or nobody to live for, so would be glad if someone just end his suffering already.
* DirtyCoward: The young lieutenant instantly ducks it when the two planes fly over him. Planes from his own side.
* DoubleMeaning: The title refers both to Veikko (a sniper firing from a vintage point) and Anni (her real, given name).
* DueToTheDead: After finding the crash site of the Soviet jeep, Anni closes the eyes of the dead driver and proceeds to bury the dead bodies - after [[HalfTheManHeUsedToBe collecting them into a single pile]] first.
* EatingTheEyeCandy: Anni convinces Veikko to give her his clothes for cleaning. But her real goal is to get him undressed and evaluate his body
* EnsignNewbie: The Soviet political officer is on duty for ''a week''. He's absolutely green in terms of military and panicks easily, but still acts smugly around Ivan.
* EveryoneCanSeeIt: While Anni is very open about her sexual needs in a way that doesn't even require words and Ivan can spot it from a mile, Veikko doesn't figure out anything until he's almost dragged into her bed.
* FriendOrFoe: The Soviet pilots take the jeep below for enemy, open fire and bomb the hell out of it, killing the driver and the lieutenant while dazzling Ivan.
* GuileHero: After being chained to the rock, Veikko spends about five seconds before figuring a way to free himself, using nothing else than supplies at hand. Throughout the rest of the story, he's the more sensible of the duo.
* GilliganCut: Veikko promises to the other soldiers it would be dishonourable to shoot them InTheBack, but the very first thing he does is to grab his rifle and aim at them. Luckily for everyone, they've managed to hide.
* GreenEyedMonster: Ivan gets jealous about Anni's attention toward Veikko. They even have a "conversation" about it.
* HidingBehindTheLanguageBarrier: Eventually Anni calls Veikko ugly, all while smiling and knowing he won't understand a single word, taking it instead for a praise.
* IHaveManyNames: Her husband called her Anni (suggesting he might not be Sami), people called her Lame, but her parents named her Cuckoo.
* IKnowYourTrueName: When everyone is introducing to each other, Anni invokes this trope.
* TheImmodestOrgasm: To the point Anni warms beforehand that she's loud like an animal, [[LanguageBarrier for what good it does]].
* InnocentFanserviceGirl: Anni is absolutely indifferent toward nudity, being a highly practical Sami and all that.
* {{Irony}}: Anni is horny due to not having a man for 4 years... and when she starts to be pushy toward Veikko, he ignores her, while mentioning he wasn't with anyone for 2 months, so she shouldn't be tempting him.
* LanguageBarrier: Veikko is a Finn. Ivan is Russian. Anni is Sami. They don't know each other language at all. Ironically, Veikko speaks two other languages (German and Swedish), which are no good in his situation, as all Ivan can say in German are "stop, hands up, please (for) a cigarette"
* LockingMacGyverInTheStoreCupboard: Veikko is given a rifle, few bullets, a water canister, a tin opener and his glasses. Just enough to free himself from being ChainedToARock.
* MacGyvering: Using a tiny bonfire (started with magnifying glass made out of PurelyAestheticGlasses, tree sap and water) and his water supply, Veikko keeps cracking chunks of the rock around his chain, cooling the heated stone. Then he uses his ammo reserve to finish the job and some good old bashing to get the wedge out. Notably, he spends absolutely no time on anything else, knowing from the start how to free himself.
* MaybeMagicMaybeMundane: Anni's ritual to bring Veikko back from TheUnderworld. The film keeps changing perspective, showing events in her hut and what Veikko is experiencing, but his vision can be also interpreted as DyingDream or even simple coma.
* MilesGloriosus: Ivan brags about being a poet and his fighting prowess. While we never get to see his creative side (but ThePoliticalOfficer considered it utter trash), when he tries to fight Veikko, he's repeatively beaten back without any effort.
* MockMeal: Anni literally adds sawdust to flour to cover for shortages, but explains that aside the taste, it's not that bad. Thankfully, nobody else can understand what she's saying nor realises why she's cutting down a piece of a log.
* MyGodWhatHaveIDone: Once Ivan realises the cease-fire was signed - meaning he just shoot Veikko for no reason.
* NationalStereotypes: Russians, [[SelfDeprecation about themselves]]. For the most part Ivan is a toxic asshole, who despite being saved, well-treated by the others and not attacked in any way, keeps antagonising everyone around him for no real reason. Best exemplified in the (in)famous introduction scene. The director himself noted Russia is probably the only country where you could get a reaction like that when friendly person asks you for your name.
-->'''Veikko:''' (pointing at himself) Veikko. (Points at Ivan, asks in Finnish) You?
-->'''Ivan:''' (in Russian) Get lost.
* NoodleIncident: We never learn exactly what either of the men did to end up in trouble in their respective militaries, aside that both said aloud something they shouldn't.
* NarratorAllAlong: At least part of the story was Anni telling her sons how she met their fathers.
* ThePoliticalOfficer: The lieutenant from the opening is in the middle of sending Ivan for a trail.
* PoorCommunicationKills: Narrowly averted. Since Ivan does his very best to ''not'' communicate with Veikko, he eventually shoots him just as Veikko is about to give him a note saying Finland signed a cease-fire.
* {{Psychopomp}}: The fair-haired boy in white. Veikko, not understanding what's up, follows him until Anni really starts to get desperate with her ritual. Notably, the boy doesn't force Veikko into anything and only ever tries to get the Finn back on track once.
* PurelyAestheticGlasses: When enrolling for an university, Veikko started to wear a pair to look smarter and get less crap for being a Finn. They end up saving his life, which he loudly "discuss" later.
* RobbingTheDead: Upon quick examination, Ivan decides ThePoliticalOfficer escorting him has better shoes and "trades" with him.
* SacredHospitality: The reason why Anni even bothered to help both men, despite being short-strung for food herself. She doesn't even question her actions or complains about it, just informs them she can't give them more to eat.
* SceneryPorn: All the long, lingering shots of the Petsamo region.
* SeenItAll: Anni remains absolutely unphased by everything around herself, be it war, strangers, dead bodies, biological needs or just about anything.
* ShellShockedVeteran: Whatever happend to Ivan prior, it made him completely indifferent about his own life and deeply melancholic.
* ShootTheLock: Defied. When trying to shoot the chain off, all Veikko achieves is getting his ankle hit by tiny bits of stone shrapnel.
* SpellMyNameWithAnS: It's spelled as An-n-ni, despite only having two "n" in written form.
* ToiletHumour: There is ''no'' toilet. Both Anni and Veikko take turns when exchanging remarks about Ivan being in the wrong spot, while he's burning red with shame about others watching him, but the laxative he was given makes him unable to move away.
* TheUnderworld: Sami version of it is presented: a weird place among barren hills, where sounds are disorted and no wind blows.
* WeaponForIntimidation: Since Veikko used all his ammunition to free himself, the rifle is completely useless. Not to mention he's an ActualPacifist. Ivan doesn't know about it the first and doesn't understand the second.
* WomenAreWiser: Two men keeps either getting into the fight (which Anni has to break) or are incapable of fending for themselves (so Anni has to cure them) in the wilderness or just eat too much and talk too loud (so she has to feed them extra and endure the noise).
* YouNeedToGetLaid: Rather ''I'' Need to Get Laid - after four years away from her husband, Anni is starved for sex and isn't subtle about it.

* SlowPacedBeginning: The first half hour of the film is spend almost exclusively on Veikko's attempt to get lose from the chain and has close to no dialogues. The story proper doesn't even start until he reaches Anni's stead.
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