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*The sun had long since set on the still landscape of the New York countryside, the crisp autumn air and the changing scenery being a sight to see for most... Though, it was hard to fully enjoy the sights both due to the pollution that smothered the true beauty of the stars above and the increasingly chilling and harsh breeze. Aching trees groaned and shuddered as multicolored leaves flew off of their outstretched limbs as the wind howled, the leaves blowing along through midair as they drifted off lazily.*

*A lone taxi-cab sped on the empty countryside road, going faster then the wind itself. It flew past reclusive farms and scattered houses nestled in the fields that stretched across Long Island, the calm line of the ocean can being barely seen in the distance. It disappeared as a dark and populous forest appeared, hosting the unknown that the driver didn't seem to care as he made his way past it all like a speeding yellow streak.*

*It only slowed down as it neared a boundary that was unseen to the man, finally slowing down as the driver reached his stop. Cigarette dangling off of his lip, he glanced up into the mirror above him and narrowed his eyes a bit.*

"Are ya sure this is the stop, kid? Nothin' out here but wild animals 'n' some nowhere farm-" *Bushy eyebrows knitted together.* "-Unless ya kids visitin' some family or going out to some crazyass party. Swear to god if I'm taken into questioning again I'll..."

"-No worries, sir!" *The man narrowed his eyes again at the chipper voice of the one teen. He never even got a good look at the guy and though he knew that a girl was with him, she never spoke a word to him and seemed too preoccupied with speaking in hushed whispers with the other beside her. He bit back of doubt as the kid reached forward to pass him a small stack of 20s- that shut him up, as he let both of them out and sped off without another word.*

*And though the man wouldn't notice, he didn't seem to see that he left with a strange item- a old nike tennis shoe without a owner, and stuffed with stereoform expect for a large hole in the middle. Though, it quickly got knocked under his seat as the man began to break speed limits once again- it was just easier to push the weird kids to the back of his mind, anyway. He was more concerned about getting back before midnight struck over some dumbass kid anyhow.*
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