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-I would work for General Dynamics but I'm a permanent resident so can't because they require citizenship.
I choose to work to them because whatever I would do it would be me gaining knowledge rather than
giving crazy ideas that will lead to me, destroying the world. But even if I had the power I would act on ethics
because from our class we have learned how much impact someone action can affect the other people lives and the
world.Like Winners said:" Engineer's are technical professions are the unacknowledged legislators of our technological
age." in our reading for 10/10. And said differently I as a professional will take a mindful critical stance with
respect of my work.

-Based on some assurance of safety and lack of consequence there will be a reduced incentive morally based. This
is what we call "Moral Hazard". A case of that, is for example if I had a lot of passion and though a really cool
idea on how to build this awesome AI friend of mine who is super smart,and the reason for that is because he uses the source of internet and he
can get smarter and smarter. This is a great idea but if I did it while financed by the military it will be their
property and probably I would have as much freedom. But either way in whatever situation I end up it will be
very comfortable but it can lead to really bad Moral Hazard situations because the possibilities of that AI are so
immense he can hack a bank in 2 sec.

-To convince them I would use Royce's definition of loyalty to convince them and the precautionary principle.
As an engineers, is or duty to fix, improve, maintain objects in this world which means that all we engineers are maintaining the
world so it's our duty and our loyalty to the world and the people that reside on it, for us t take care.
That means keeping the environment clean so that people can live healthy. And than also I would mention the
precautionary principle which states " if there is a strong suspicion that a certain activity may have
environmentally harmful consequences, it is better to control that activity now rather than to wait for
incontrovertible scientific evidence." Because sometimes the actions we take can not be undone.
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