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She grabs your ashy umber hand trembled since you have never been in this position before. The only
time you have was because of other slaves releseaing their sexual desire with the only living things
they could find. This was different. She says this is her first time, but your insight says that's not true
She leads you into a dark room, with one bed in the center. Luckily it looks clean. She shuts the door behind
and rips off her clothes. You do the same and she falls onto the bed. You whip out your dick.
***Roll 3d4's for length in inches***
You get flashbacks of getting raped as a chlid by other slaves and slave masters.
Your penis won't go ROCK HARD, because of this memory. She touches it and it starts to solidify.
You begin to insert your penis into her fud and the door bursts open. Desmond enters and goes
"Hey guys can I join, the other two are fighting for some reason.". Sister Gareale goes,
maybe later... you can stand and watch for now. You proceed to insert your penis back in, when you hear a
deafening crack of thunder and the window blinds you with lightning. The whole rooms starts shaking and the
cieling starts to crack and crumble. It comes clean off, to reveal a giant head glaring down upon you.
It has a rough whtie beard and blue furious eyes. It's voice shakes your chest, "BABA TUNDE! How dare you
seduce a religeous woman. I freed you from that enslavement camp so you can have a better life. Yet here
you are messing around with innocent women, EXPLAIN YOUR SELF!"

You hear Desmond mutter under his breath "Oh shit yaar".


You hear the window shatter, and rain pours inside. The rain builds up like snow building meters high. It reveals an elven man.
His skin blue like vishnu. He at you and turns to Sister Gareale. "You made an oath to me. And you have not fulfilled it."
Sister Gareale squaks "Oh no Sashelus god of the undersea! I can explain-"
"I require no explanation, last time you were doing this with the local bartender. Now you have found yourself a dirty human, why is his skin
stained. Do you not take showers?"

He flicks his wrist and a plume of water engulves your entire body. Another flick of his wrist and the plume dissapears leaving your body wet.
His eyes narrow as he has never encountered a black man before.

The familiar voice booms once more, "BABATUNDE, be careful in the future, I am always watching." He slams the cieling back onto the roof
and the thunder and lighting die down. The elven god says "Pick your path Gareale, you might be surprised what happens to the unfaithful".
He dissolved back into the rain and dissapears out the window.

Desmond goes "Babatunde, you're a man? I thought you were some sort of orc. And you were a slave? You were poor? Why didn't you tell me?"
***He tells him***
"You expected me to listen to all of your boring life stories? Look, Bobby is terrified of the thunder." He carrasses his pet rat.

You insert your penis into her, and it penetrates all the way. You hear Gareale moan as Desmond sits in the corner getting Cucked.
***ROLL 2D10's for minutes spent***

You put your clothes back on, and start to head out. Now that your head is clear you see pictures on the wall. Pictures of bearded men, the
pictures look old and you seem to recognize one picture of a man with a goatee and dark green hood. (Vexacion Payne). ~~Remember his name, but not
what he does.~~
Desmond follows you out and hear him say, "That was nice".
You meet with your group outside and see a giant orc body sprawled across the ground. Sister Gareale asks if he is okay.
What do you do now?

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