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the man takes this opportunity to put forward an argument for sexual union to the woman
the sucking of the flea: it's all quite natural a process
He then asserts that she would lose no honor if she sleeps with him than she loses when she killed the flea.
that only her honor will be lost, a trivial matter, just like the killing of the flea.
He goes on speaking that despite their parents disliking of mingling of them, they are already united in the living walls of the flea. So, the speaker concludes the killing of the flea would be a violation of their love.
By killing the parasite the woman has effectively ended the argument
if the flea's action is innocent, then there is nothing wrong with them having a sexual relationship.
sleep is simply a small glimpse of Death
Death seem like a welcome friend who comes to graciously offer rest and peace and the deliverance of one’s soul
Death a slave to “chance, kings, and desperate men”slave to the will of fate and men,
companions such as “poison, war, and sickness
Death thinks that he has the power to kill, he actually does not. humiliate Death
Even if you take my physical body, you can never truly kill me.
all he brings is a little sleep, and he doesn’t even do that as well as some other bringers of rest such as “poppy” or “charms”
Death gives us the way to the eternal life
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