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The United States Emerges as a World Power

-By 1899, China had fallen into political, economic, and military disarray.
Rather than compete for Chinese trade, Britain, France, Germany, and Russia carved China into distinct spheres of influence (which is a country that affected developments in other countries without having the formal authority to do so.)
The United States did not have a zone, this system of “special privileges threatened to limit American trade to China.
In order to overcome these barriers, U.S. Secretary of State John Hay issued the first of a series of notes to foreign diplomats in 1899.
Open Door Policy- argued for equal privileges among countries trading with China. America was not interested in imperializing China and making it its territory, but instead wanted to free trade there. Hay believed strongly that access to the markets in China was crucial to rebounding from an economic depression in the 1890s. The goal of the Open Door Policy was to bring American businesses the new foreign markets they needed.

Panama Canal

Roosevelt Corollary- Updated the Monroe Doctrine, for an age of expansionism and economic influence. This change, Roosevelt argued, merely asserted America’s longstanding policy of keeping the Western Hemisphere free from European intervention.

in December the Roosevelt Corollary asserted a right of the United States to intervene in order to "stabilize" the economic affairs of small states in the Caribbean and Central America if they were unable to pay their international debts.

Roosevelt handpicked William Howard Taft to succeed him as the Republican candidate for President in 1908.
Taft wanted to maintain the Open Door Policy, but he did not do so as aggressively as Roosevelt.
He believed through Dollar Diplomacy that the U.S. should invest in foreign economies to increase American influence.

1912- Woodrow Wilson becomes President and he criticizes Roosevelt and Taft’s foreign policy. He believes in Moral diplomacy.
He believed that the United States should spread peace and democracy rather than colonize foreign countries.
He wanted to cultivate a friendship with Latin America and he believed that other nations should be self-governing.
Continued to use American military in Latin America.

America Enters World War I

The Causes of World War I
Nationalism-identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
Militarism-the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
Alliances Between Nations Increase the Potential for War
Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Triple Entente (France, Russia, and Great Britain)
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand- Took place on June 28, 1914 heir to the throne of austria-hungary and his wife, Sophie left for what they thought would be a routine visit to Sarajevo, the captial city of Bosnia. He was killed by Gavrillo Princip

Major Players in World War I
Allied Powers
United States

Neutral Powers

Central Powers
Ottoman Empire

Woodrow Wilson pushed for isolationism, which meant that he thought the United States should stay out of wars that did not pertain to them or threaten their country.

Reasons for U.S. Entry into the War

Britain Blockades German Ports
Passenger Ships Fall Victim to the War at Sea
Zimmerman Telegram- Proposed an alliance with Mexico , stating that if the U.S. declared on Germany, Mexico could declare war on the U.S. in return.

Start of WW1- Occured in 1914
U.S. Involvement in WW1- 1917
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