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DEMO REVIEW OF INFERNO MATCH (This is all from POV of mattv stream/auto director, I didn’t actually watch demo yet)

1st quicker comms on pistol round. It was great that ken smoked off banana but mars already made contact. So mars be more patient there. Also after u got spotted and shit, no reason for you to run away, u left me in a 1v3 on site while u were just running top mid. Luckily I ninja.

2nd round was great. Me and mars had great setup vs potential contact B with SG’s. A setup was double pit which is exactly what we want for anti eco hall pop defense. Clean round win.

3rd round, mars called “liquid”, you need to wait for your smoke to pop bottom banana ESPECIALLY if you have only smg. Just cuz we have smg’s doesn’t mean we need to play over risky. A halls setup was perfect with 3smgs. Tqze and zombie played 2v2 perfect, good round zombs.

4th round. THIS ROUND IS THE REASON WE LOST THE CT HALF. I called they have cz/armor MAX, no clue why ken rotated to B @ 1:36. You guys played so well on last anti eco, and we are just leaving zombie alone pit as fatboi still arch. Ken terrible play no excuses. We cannot be having 1 round every game where we just say “ya I made a bad play, wont happen again, we need to not make the bad plays to begin with”. I don’t remember the comms that round, but mars and I had full utility so I doubt we called for a rotate. And even if we wanted to lean towards B, fatboi would rotate and not that soon. 4v4 retake A is hard but doable, we had 3 mollies/6 flashes/2smokes. We need to have real protocols for retaking A, like double molly site/smoke off pit/apps and dedicated flasher when the other 3 go in. Instead mars and fatboi get flanked and killed from a glock lane WHICH CANNOT HAPPEN (that is so obvious), mars did not react fast enough and fatboi never even reacted. We should probably never have awp retake from lane btw.

5th round. We should buy here and we did but @ 1 second left in freeze time. We need to pause here to make sure people know who is dropping and that we have the plan. @Panda I am putting some of that on you, you need to tell us to pause here. (for example, everyone besides tqze had head armor???? Fatboi had a cz+m4 and ken had only a deagle.) Don’t insta buy and pause. No kit btw. WE SHOULD HAVE WON THIS ROUND. 30 seconds left we knew they were coming B, mars just mollied and I mollied at 20 seconds. I was on boost, they smoked my molly instead of CT and I got full team flashed. (mars threw one from 1st orange and fatboi threw a flash into pool, not sure which one blinded me, but I literally could have killed them all but had to drop from boost). Actually sucks that our team play costed us that round, 99% of time we welcome all flashes even if not asked, but now for future just make sure to look at where ur team is playing and if ur flash would blind them. It was so hectic that I didn’t even realize they didn’t smoke CT, I could have called that to fatboi if I noticed. 3v4 I went in to deny bomb @ 10sec left. Risky but I don’t rly think bad play, got traded :/ 2v2 bomb just got planted and this is where buying head armor and not kit fucked u guys. VERY HARD retake but doable if u had kit. Idk, this was another crucial round and I feel like we played it good until flashes. Side note, zombie 1v2 got spotted in pool and then just decided to stay there??? I think you were trying to go for exits but they literally knew you were there and u just hid ROFL.

6th. Full usp eco, we rush alt and get 1 kill. I don’t mind it but need to have at least 1 go apps balcony here. Also just remember that when we rush like this, they don’t waste any utility.

7th. $4300-$4700 here and we decide to buy. In hindsight probably should wait another round for awp. But 50/50 tbh, real fuck up is zombie buying head armor AGAIN here with $4300?????? You have 1 flash now to hold pit. Ken smokes apps @ 1:15. They literally in process of taking bracket/banana rn. They are not gonna halls pop. Also just a weird smoke to begin with, could save for lane if they execute. Either way just too early to waste your guys only A smoke. @ 52sec ken just throws a flash porch and does nothing- even tho zombie is holding lane from truck. More wasted utility. T’s do arch wrap with 25sec left. Fatboi in library and ken fighting from motto. Good fight imo, but zombie was watching arch from middle of pit???? Zombie u have 2 guys fighting arch, u need to trust them and U NEED TO HOLD LANE/APPS. Like idk man, pretty noob mistake to make in Main. T’s trade every kill and 3v2 post plant, we save with no kits.

8th. We take banana control; you guys do halls setup. They go fast arch > B from spawn. Very unlucky as it’s the only counter, they even smoke me off back hall. I had small chance to make big play 2k/deny plant but I shoot bomb planter instead of guy guarding him. Noob mistake especially with so much time remaining, like they could just plant again.

9th. Mars insta buys me awp even tho I did not want. Fatboi gets good first awp kill but then later in round gets outawped by millz. 4v4. Ken makes it a
4v3. I decide to solo push Banana so that we can 1/3 A. I whiff huge this round on top mid guy AND default site guy. I blame this round on me, my only defense would be I didn’t not want awp, but I still whiffed free kills. Now I will say that I made a huge gamble by pushing my banana smoke @ 30sec, like normally I wouldn’t have even got the chance to be there so we should still focus on the initial A hold. 35 seconds left and ken is cold watching arch and zombie goes mini put and WATCHES NOTHING. WHAT IN THE FUCK GUYS. Where are the comms? No one is holding lane or apps AND WE KNOW ITS GONNA BE A. You guys just let a dude walk up lane > into big pit > and get free kill on zombie. Like Zombie???? Why tf are you not big pit holding lane/apps while ken is holding arch??? If you go mini pit, you watch arch while ken holds lane. But it honestly looks like u guys did not even tell each other anything. After watching that setup and my whiffs we literally look like open at best.

10th. Eco round we kill 1 banana. 4 stay alive.

11th. 1:30 left in round and we have FULL BANANA Control. We decide to ¼ A and lose to a halls pop. They did crown smoke which kept mars in CT arch,
but I should not be motto, I should get into site/grave here. I need to be more dedi with the team. They do halls pop, tqze and zombie get full blind and die without a kill. Ken gets 2 and mars jumps through moto smoke to help. You guys did what you could nt. I think the big things was tqze wide open in moto with no cover and zombie dying without even getting 1 kill big pit, they didn’t even molly you out :/ Also awkward timing but you both had smokes, probably better decision was to fight there but just making note of it. Side note, fatboi died 100hp to a molly @ 1:20 and no enemy was even banana. ROFL. Also ZOMBIE AND KEN AGAIN WITH HEAD ARMOR.

12th. Ken once again with head armor???????? We half buy, they go A and just demolish.

13th. HAHHAHHAH everyone but fatboi has head armor HAHAHHAHA. Mars literally no nades/zombie could have bought kit or flash/ ken and tqze defense have everything but still no need for head armor boys. Fatboi dies @ 1:32 gets outawped by millz, looks like fatboi was holding alt peek im not sure. Mars evens it up 4v4. I was getting called to go A,B,A,B,A,B like every fucking second. If mars had 1 smoke I could have committed 3 A but he could have just got overwhelmed with awp. In hindsight I need to just say fuck mars and gamble 3 A. But ya anyways, T’s just sit lane waiting for peeks, zombie peeks truck angle and gets fucking clapped. Pretty obvious zombie was not feeling it this game :/ Ken gets 2, I try helping but get awped cuz that weapon takes skill!

14th. We once again have this hectic last second buy, we 100% should buy but need to take a fucking pause and have a plan. Mars just dry peeks banana with awp, dies from awp and Tqze tries to trade and we die banana with no kills. I had to drop rifles and had no utility banana and I think we thought fatboi was going to flash?? Like idek. Regardless once we are running B and see no fatboi mars you cannot just dry peek like that. Score is 10-3 maybe we were a little tilted or some shit but gotta stay level headed. 10-5 half we would have won the match. 5v3 post plant B and you guys are like half going for it/half saving. Someone has to become a leader and literally spell out what to do. Either save all 3 rifles or fucking go for it, but no in between. End up saving 2 rifles.

15th. 1:40 into the round they run up fast arch, fatboi kills 1 and gets traded. I think ken was smoked out lane not sure. They wrap A site, zombie gets killed from full blind t player and ken dies. 4v2 retake we get 3 but they played trades well.

16th. Fatboi shot tqze in apps cuz nervous. Don’t be nervous punk. Rly sick pistol. Some risk running thru banana smoke, should wait just 5 seconds more until fatboi rly flanks them. 4v2 post plant, fatboi whiffs hard cuz nervous. Don’t be nervous.

17th. They force, we default and go A. we win ezpz but fatboi does die with no close trade. So spacing!!!!

18th. Full eco ez win u guys just brute force B. 5 alive what we want.

19th. 1st gun round, we get top banana for free. Me and fatboi get apps control and most important part… WE WAIT for ken+mars to be with us to take bracket. Mars smokes left and flashes and I molly porch while fatboi goes boiler and ken goes top mid. This is literally perfect and how we need to take bracket every single round even if it is “boring”. Awp re-aggresses lane and kills fatboi holding. I feel like fatboi could have reacted, but it happens. Ken calls to go back for B hit, which is fine, just sucks that we only had 4 so I couldn’t do much pressure A, I did what I could with false steps and shit, but had to get back cuz 4 players. We executing B 20seconds left and they still have molly, (THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT ZOMBIE, you are alone top banana the entire round, don’t be afraid to smoke/flash B and bait some utility while we still at A or mid. Always gonna be hard to take B with 20sec thru a molly. On good note, we did good taking bracket so no fast rotate, we have a 4v2 on B. But we have no flashes for over site, so we just run into their guns and you guys didn’t hit shots. Felt like 1 fucking flash and we win. Otherwise kill them.

20th. Mars insane first pick on awper, fatboi gets 2nd > both of you wrap arch but fatboi goes CT spawn instead of going arch with mars???? Literally just gives free kill to CT. Either help mars wrap site to secure the site OR hold rotates better, you were in the middle of CT and speedway and just seems like a bad fight. But nonetheless we end up killing pit player with 4 players up. Very sick round mars and fatboi.

21st. Pretty fucking dogshit top banana take from mars/zombie. You guys had a guy trapped sandbag and then just ignored him. I feel like after sandbag guy smoked the molly you should sit back half wall like zombie did but mars just fucking held W to try and kill 2nd b player??? Gotta play together there boys, we don’t NEED top banana @ 1:35, we can always wait for certain smokes and get it at like 1:20. Fatboi dryswings boiler in 3v5 to try and get a kill, dies. Tqze and Ken 200IQ 2v5 win. Good shit but still that top banana take looked terrible.

22nd. CT’s eco we should keep this clean. Fatboi gets tagged up early, im holding for boiler peek and get 3k. But fatboi swings on lowhp to try and get eco frags and dies. Literally no excuse. I get traded and you 3 group up B and survive with 3. Good round overall, just feel like fatboi didn’t need to die and give krieg.

23rd. Important round here. Gonna give myself props here for winning it. I recognize that they are 3b and while you guys fighting for top banana, I managed to lurk up bracket for free. After you guys kill top banana and take control, I mid round call for fake B smokes > come back A as I knew exactly where everyone was on A. While you guys were coming back I see dude go library and I walk up arch so we know only 1 on site/pit/possibly apps. You 3 could have went lane, but instead 2 lane and fatboi comes arch with me. Could have done either, but tbh they didn’t know I was close library and you just full sprinted up arch giving our position away. But we kill site guy very clean and fatboi you made such a dumb mistake. 4v3 we have entire site control, ur on 18hp and go library and give your life away for free. Just makes no fucking sense why you wouldn’t go site or pit and hold post plants with us. That was pure playing for stats at that point and we cant have that shit in Main match while down 13-9. We actually go down 2v3 but luckily ken/mars kill everyone post plant. Good round overall, fakes are ez when we haven’t ran one yet.

24th. CT’s half buy, should be another clean round here. We slow take banana and slow take apps. Perfect. We have full bracket control and fatboi up lane and ken calls for everyone to go back B. Again not a bad call but ken you have a huge tendency to end the site that you are close to. I feel like the safer play was wrap A smoke off arch and library while fatboi stayed truck. We execute at 25sec and it actually gets pretty fucking scary but we recover and win with 2 alive. As caleb said “you don’t have to be perfect, just get the fundamentals down (trading+flashes).” Good fucking round.

25th. 13-11, this is where we lose out :/ After buying we don’t have the best money, 5k/5k/3k/0/0. This is why chasing kills will always come back to haunt you, if we had little cleaner eco rounds and didn’t give our lives away we should all have $8k+ after winning 7 rounds on t side. 5v5, you guys decide to not take banana here even though they didn’t make an presence, not a big deal. 1:30 fatboi just dry peeks boiler once again and gives his life away icry evertime :/ I go boiler to try and even up and die :/ You guys execute into B @ 1min knowing full that both CTs still have 2smokes and 2mollys. Gotta bait more util. It sucks that you lost both A defaulters, but that does not mean your forced B with a min left. Could go back and retake bracket or at least don’t full exec when CT’s have util.

26th. Good save by ken/zombie last round otherwise we wouldn’t have full buy. Decide to do Arch wrap play and Jonesy gets a 4k spraydown ROFL. They only played 2A so I would say it’s a good call, we just need more people looking towards him. I was throwing flash in back and apparently all 3 of you turned from his moto flash. Idk obviously good play from him and it happens, but just sucks we all lined up. And again, this all comes back to our shitty CT side. Like we won 8 T side rounds, we are gonna lose a couple, but we left no room for error on our t side :/

27th. Last round we just group 5 banana and try to take duels and they kill us. GG

No need for a big wrap up as I said everything above. Main things are we need better comms/awareness on our CT sides. Mars needs to wait for smokes/flashes when peeking B. Fatboi needs to ask for flashes and not get kill hungry. This is shit we can take to all maps. We are in ESEA Main, not fucking IM anymore. Play as a team and put in the effort needed, otherwise get the fuck off the team.

7-5 rn, lets end this season 11-5 and make playoffs.
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