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So, I've decided to write something here every day. This is going to be my first essay in English.

I'd like to talk about my thoughts which have been turning in my head for days. Nowadays, I've been asking many questions to myself about who I am and what I should become. And what is happiness? So if somebody works anywhere, and gets pay like 30.000 dollars and he is happy, do you think money makes this person happy or what he does? So how we can separate this remark? My suggestion is if this person likes what he is doing his first time in his job and if is there any production or any creation which could be benefit for anyone or anything, that would make this person happy.

Let's talk about my situation.

Now I am working around 28,5 hours in a restaurant as a dishwasher. Nobody loves this job and everybody knows that this is for money. So that means I am selling my own 28.5 hours for money. I am exactly unhappy with this job. Because there is no creation and no benefit.

So if I would be an aircraft technician. Probably I would be doing some repairs or maintains which has been determined by some creative peoples for years. İ will be in the fucking same life circle and this would not allow me to think and create something. İ have to create something. This makes me happy. İn this circle I would have too short time to spend my money which I give my all days for making that. And I would not realize how i'll get used to. After a short time, I would ignore my free time which i will be giving my all lifes for it.
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