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How to get a Big Perky Booty
For any of you who want to get T H I C C :)
BIG TRIGGER WARNING: If you have a bit of trouble with discussions around weight, food and eating more/less, and a big focus on parts of your body, then be careful with this document, because I kinda have to talk about that stuff a lot here.
So basically if you want your bum to be less flat/more shapely, you’re going to need to do one or both of two things: put more muscle there, and lose any excess fat there. The big problem with gaining muscle and losing fat is that you can’t really do it at the same time. If you’re skinny or underweight, then you don’t really need to stress because fat will actually give you the t h i c c, but muscle is what gives it that familiar perky shape so many of us lust after.

<-- Kim Kardashian’s butt is a perfect example of what happens when you get fat transferred to your behind to avoid putting the hard work to put muscle on that area. Also, big butt with no thighs is a cursed look. It’s super unnatural because to get big glutes, your thighs almost always work too, growing and toning up alongside them.
<-- On the other hand, this is Taylor Rose, an American female powerlifter. She’s super lean, and hella strong. But she puts an absolute ton of time and effort into the gym, so don’t expect to put on the amount of muscle she has into her legs and thighs unless you put in the same amount of work in the gym.

So tl;dr you gotta make your bum muscles grow, and you’ll get thicc thighs too which is awesome. To grow you gotta eat a little bit clean, and eat enough, but not too much.
To get thicc, the easiest way is to target your glutes directly, then alongside your other muscles. Hip thrusts just use your hip muscles, which is basically just your glutes. Hip hinges use your glutes and the backs of your thighs, to help avoid Kardashian butt. Squats use everything, and so do lunges, but if you do them first you’ll be too tired for your other movements, so we leave them till last. So you’re gonna want to do your hip thrusts first, then hip hinges, then squats, then lunges. Lastly, we’ve gotta make sure your core is strong too, otherwise you can hurt your lower back doing this many leg exercises. So we’ll finish off with leg raises. That’s it! Not too hard hey?
You can do these with your heel up on a couch or bed or something, or if they’re too easy, try crossing one ankle over the other knee and do them one-legged.
Imagine there’s a drawer behind you, and you’re too lazy to turn around and close it with your arms, so you just want to push it closed with your butt. Push it closed until you can’t push any further. That’s a great way to remember the motion :)
Play around with your feet wider, more pointed out, whatever you need to do to make sure your lower back doesn’t round too much, and you can make it all the way down until your thighs are parallel to the ground (knees at 90 degrees).
You could also do these walking forward, going the length of your backyard or a hallway. Otherwise, just alternate one leg after the other like this guy does.
If you can’t do them with straight legs, try bending your knees and lifting your legs to the top, then trying to lower your legs to the ground as slow as you can. These are going to burn, trust me! But they’re super worth it.
For each exercise, do three rounds of 15 repetitions. So you do 15 hip thrusts, rest for one minute, do 15 more, rest one minute, then 15 more. After that, you do the same for hip hinges, then squats, then lunges. If you can’t do 15, do as many as you can with good form (don’t get sloppy!), then stop and rest. Over time, build up to 15. Once you can do 15, try adding an extra set of 15, or try doing 20! Just keep challenging yourself.

I hope this routine helps to give you the thiccest most perfect booty and thighs of your dreams!
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