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It doesn't affect you anymore. Why do you care?

I wish I knew. Its just anytime I have thoughts about it or look at it, negative thoughts just fill my mind. I don't want that. Please how do I stop it. Stop it.

If just thinking about makes you have negative thoughts, stop thinking about it. And avoid it.

You see, that's the problem. If you want me to avoid it then I have to think about avoiding it which makes me think about it. Also, when i'm doing things sometimes it appears at the corner of my eye and it hurts. I don't want to be forced to stop doing what I want just because of it. I'm a fuck up.

I recommend getting a therapist or someone to talk to. Or you can also just live with it. Wait a few months maybe even a year, it might just fade away like that. When you're doing something, just don't think about looking around you, I don't mean to don't look at where your going but you should pay less attention to your surroundings and focus on something else more like a friend or even distract yourself on your phone.

I'll try, thank you for your time.

Well its not quite done yet. Another thing you if you think that your thoughts are getting too negative is to think about what negative thoughts you have. Think about how it changes anything at all. Think about how if you did or didn't have those negative thoughts what would've changed. I'd assumed that even if you did have negative thoughts, so what? Does that personally change your actions in anyway. What would've been the difference if you did or didn't think about it and those negatives. Also finally, maybe just try confronting your problems straight on. I don't mean confront it, I mean confront the negative thoughts. How? Write it down and think about how it means nothing. Lastly, might I add, try thinking about something fun and exciting coming up. Try to weigh out the negatives with the positives. If none of this works, check me out again next week or when you need me. Remember, distracting yourself is the key.
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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