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* AndTheAdventureContinues: After solving their recent case, Kei and Tilarna get another call, running to their car and driving off.
* AnimeCatholicism: There is a clearly Catholic bishop present at sworing of a new mayor. As the person taking the oath from him. In the USA.
* BattleInTheRain: While sprinklers are used, everything else fits the bill during the final confrontation with [[spoiler: Zelada]].
* BavarianFireDrill: Inverted. After one of the candidates for mayor elections is shot, Kei uses acting casually ''against'' the assassin. When viewing footage of the event, he removes all the panicked, rapid-moving people that keep looking around for danger. He's quickly left with just three suspects. And since two of them were too far away to get that shot...
* BeingPersonalIsntProfessional: This is PoliceProcedural after all. Kei has to remind Tilarna on regular basis to not get involved personally with their cases, to avoid any contact with suspects and perps and to generally keep a healthy distance from the job. It doesn't really take.
* BloodKnight: Tilarna ''loves'' going into combat. This creates all sorts of problems, since she's officially working as a police officer solving various cases, but acts like a KnightInShiningArmor fighting brigands.
* BrokenPedestal: Exedilica's fencing teacher was the one who trained the human assassin, too.
* CampStraight: The undercover persona for [=McBee=], [=McCloud=], is still as fruity as the detective... but also over-the-top macho and most definitely not gay.
* CliffHanger: All episodes end with one.
* ColdBloodedTorture: [[spoiler: Ronald Chan]] is beating the living crap out of Kei, [[{{Sadist}} fully knowing how ineffective it is]].
* ConspicuousCG: One of the halmarks of how cheaply made the anime adaptation was is the amount of blatant, poorly-made CG to replace actual animation.
* DentedIron: The vampire is dangerous all right, but after being subject to entire SWAT team concentrated gunfire, she'd badly maimed, lost most of the blood powering her magic and is simply hurt like never before in her existence.
* DidntSeeThatComing: When facing the police duo, Zelada gets taken by surprise when [[spoiler: wounded Tilarna starts shooting at him, while Kei uses the distraction and closes in with her sword and cuts the mages head clean off]].
* DirtyCop: The reason why [[spoiler: Hermandes]] was so hell-bent on getting all the contraband from the downed plane is because he was paid to loot the evidence locker. And apparently TheMobBossIsScarier.
* DirtyCoward: Zelada is quick to use disappearing tricks and illusion whenever things start going sideways.
* DramaticIrony:
** After body-surfing into a cat and paranoid about anyone watching her real body half-naked, Tilarna sends Cecil to lower the blinds in the windows... and in the meantime the trash truck they need to chase go past them. ''Then'' they head in the opposite direction. [[CliffHanger Cue credits]].
** The girls and chief Zimmer get the assassin identified, but Kei doesn't know anything about the guy yet. So when he's shown a photo of him [[spoiler: fooling with Marla Mozeleemay]], the detective doesn't recognise the killer nor gets the connection to the case.
* DrivesLikeCrazy: Having close to zero grasp of traffic laws, Tilarna doesn't mind giving a CarChase... while being on ''the line going in opposite direction''. It's implied she doesn't fully understand how dangerous driving stunts can be.
* EveryCarIsAPinto: PlayedForLaughs, when first the Mini and then [[spoiler: the sport car]] catch fire for no real reasons, just to render them impossible to fix in a repair shop and make Kei despair.
* FalseFlagOperation: [[spoiler: A two-layered one. It appears the far-right candidate is the person behind ordering assassinations of other candidates, especially the fact it was "alien" responsible for killing and thus that would boost populatity of anti-immigrant platform... but in reality it's a set-up to put a blame on him, while the real false-flag is done by Marla Mozeleemay, preparing to capitalise on her husband's death and basing her campaign against "the evil xenophobe", which would give her an easy victory]].
* FantasticallyIndifferent: Kei is SeenItAll detective from an unit dealing with crimes commited by beings from a magical dimension, so for him magic is every Monday and Wednesday, while vampires are on Saturdays.
* FishOutOfTemporalWater: Walking up in different world than she went to sleep in was already a blow to the vampire, but even Exedilica has hard time to understand what she's saying, as the vampire uses ancient form of Falbani and is clearly few centuries behind even in terms of home affairs.
* FishOutOfWater: As expected from reverse-isekai series, the people from Reto Semania generally have a hard time fitting into Earth and its society. Copious amounts of CultureClash aren't making things any easier. It gets also exploited heavily by more morally-dobious characters, including [[spoiler: making sure Semani side will send a young, LawfulStupid knight with no prior exposure to Earth, so the investigation of fairy kidnappings will be night impossible to conduct with such "help"]].
* FlashedBadgeHijack: Unable to keep up with the running away assassin (or Tilarna, for that matters), Kei stops a driver of a three-wheeler, flashes his badge and rides away. The owner fills complains to the police department soon after.
* {{Gorn}}: For a relatively light-hearted series, blood is gushing like it was made by Creator/QuentinTarantino.
* GrayingMorality: Tilarna spends the whole series figuring out that world - ''any world'' - doesn't run on BlackAndWhiteMorality and things not only can, but should be approached with varying degree of distrust. Not to mention slowly learning going bombastic over "evil-doers" is making the investigation impossible to conduct, rather than helpful with anything.
* HappyMarriageCharade: Cole and Marla Mozeleemay are keeping up a front of great marriage and she's always supportive to his political career... but in reality she's perfectly aware of his leechous affairs and adultery, while being the one in charge in their partnership, as Cole in private is a spineless cunt. The only reason why they are together is for PR reasons. [[spoiler: She ultimately gets him assassinated, gaining massive support as replacement candidate thanks to widow sympathy]].
* HiddenDepths: Kei subjects Toutle, a populistic xenophobe running for seat of a mayor, to a SecretTestOfCharacter. Turns out the guy is far more level-headed politician than his official platform indicates, along with being able to negotiate and adjust - something the real BigBad can't and is unwilling to even try.
* HiddenWeapons: Kei is carrying a snub-nose revolver on his ankle.
* HighPressureBlood: Played absolutely straight, with all sorts of wounds leading to shower of blood. Including such "minor" harm like severed trigger fingers.
* HumanShield: The puppets routinely do this, either with alive hostages or other puppets. When hard-pressed for weapon, they tend [[GrievousHarmWithABody to use said "shield"]].
* LikeBrotherAndSister: Invoked verbatim and further {{discussed|trope}} by Jamie when she describes how Kei and Tilarna act and behave. Cameron muses this might be a case of a ReplacementGoldfish, given how Kei's sister died few years ago and was around Tilarna's age.
* TheManBehindTheMan: His wife, Marla, is the real power behind Cole Mozeleemay, the Semani mayor candidate. [[spoiler: To the point where she gets Cole assassinated just to cash-in on sympathy for his death]].
* MugglesDoItBetter: Ancient vampire with vast mystical powers that is impossible to best in direct combat? Pfft, have you tried using [[MoreDakka entire squad worth of automatic weapons]]?
* MundaneSolution:
** Destroying a cursed item breaks the spell put on it, thus breaking the curse itself.
** Invisible targets still have physical body, making them easy to reveal with fire sprinklers.
* NoodleIncident:
** Whatever history happend between Earth and Reto Semania, it was a bumpy ride, involving at least two massive military operations conducted by Earthlings there and [[spoiler: at least one spec-ops mission]]. Many characters are veterans from those.
** A humorous example, Film/TheHangover style. Whatever happend during the party Kenny and [=O'Neill=] hosted in their place, it involved a life goat with a crown tied to its head. And no, it wasn't there for [[BestialityIsDepraved those reasons]]. There are also guests that Kenny doesn't remember inviting and seeing for the first time in his life.
* OurVampiresAreDifferent: An ancient race of LightingBruiser humanoid predators feeding on blood, capable of using illusion. They can go dormant (or become so) when no blood is present around them, slowly taking an appearance of a mummy. It's unclear how sunlight affects them, but the entire presence of the vampire happens during night-time and in really dark places. Their current power is related with how well-fed they are and while they possess potent regeneration capabilities, they aren't invulnerable and can be relatively subdued by a hail of gunfire.
* PermaStubble: Subverted - it's shown in detail how much extra effort it takes from Kei to leave just enough of his facial hair when shaving to maintain his rugged look.
* ThePowerOfRock: Since Zelada absolutely hates anything from Earth, including (specifically) rock music, the detective duo play rock on the stereo to unhinge and distract him.
* RealityEnsues: The series takes almost perversive pleasure from deconstructing HeroInsurance. [[CowboyCop Tilarna]] keeps using excessive force and[=/=]or causing massive damage, which more often than not ''hinders'' the investigation, give perps means to escape (or sue for PoliceBrutality) and leads to being chewed out by DaChief. Highlights include crashing two cars and creating monumental traffic jam in a CarChase after a truck full of ''legal'' adult magazines.
* RedAndBlackAndEvilAllOver: Zelada, an evil warlock with agenda on his own, wears predominately red, with stylish black applications over it.
* RedOniBlueOni: Tiralna is red: hot-blooded, NaiveNewcomer CowboyCop, that is always over-reacting emotionally to everything and getting personally attatched. Kei is blue: stoic, SeenItAll, hard-boiled detective that is ByTheBookCop, who despite grumpy demenour is always there to help, even if it's against his own well-being.
* SandInMyEyes: Kai's reaction when his Mini gets accidently totalled
* SeriousBusiness: Cooking and Kei. All the other characters react with contempt, implying he's really annoying with his antics.
** JerkassHasAPoint: The cooking tips and advices he gives are sound and to-the-point. It's the way how he delivers them that rubs people the wrong way.
* ShelteredAristocrat: Numerous Semanians note how easy life have been on ''both'' sides of the dimensional gate for Tilarna, either due to being a well-born noble or member of the police force, and how out-of-touch with reality she is because of it.
* ShoutOut: Cammy subdues a guy with a drop-kick... wait, it's not Franchise/StreetFighter?
* SillyRabbitIdealismIsForKids: Zelada chuckles at Tilarna idealism and how naive she is. In return, she gives him a ShutUpHannibal running almost entirely on SillyRabbitCynicismIsForLosers.
* TranquilFury: When going after Zelada and gunning his way through an army of puppets, Kei remains off-puttingly calm, all while having red filter in front of his eyes.
* AWorldHalfFull: The city of San Teresa is crime-riddled mess with thick underbelly of criminal underworld and political corruption, with few layers of exploitation going. But each case solved makes things a tiny, mini bit better, preventing collapse of the whole system. It's an ungrateful and tedious job, but a job that bears results.
* WoundedGazelleGambit: Kei willingly let [[spoiler: agent Chan]] to get carried on with his torture, so eventually the detective is untied and lifted from his chair... and that's all he needed.
* YouCanBarelyStand: Both Exedilica and Matoba are badly wounded ([[spoiler: and he went through extensive torture prior]]) when facing [[spoiler: Zelada]].
* YouDidntAsk:
** When the fairy from the first arc unleashed all her magic, Tilarna used the opportunity to [[spoiler: heal Kei's cat allergy]] with the excess latena. Then [[{{Troll}} she watched Kei for two months struggling with his routine]] with mask and gloves around their house cat, without mentioning it's no longer needed.
** Chief Zimmer is a former Marine with a lot of connections. He points out all Jamie and Cameron had to do was just ask, rather than crashing a night to put the clues together and track down their suspect.


* IntrepidReporter: Randall. Unfortunately for him, he discovers a plot far bigger than he can chew and quickly goes to Kei for help... only to be routinely ignored by the busy detective. By the time they finally can meet, it's too late to prevent the plot from fully unravelling.
** Z tym "ignored" brakuje mi w gruncie rzeczy bardziej precyzyjnego słowa - zamiast go zbywać, Kei zwyczajnie nie ma czasu odebrać nigdy telefonu albo jest zmuszony go odbić, bo dzieje się za dużo wokół.
* I was talking to the dog: to sword, specifically
Wiem, że był trop, w którym postać A mówi do postaci B o czymś osobistym i okazując czułość oraz troskę (których wcześniej brakowało) względem postaci B, ale w chwili, gdy postać B zwraca uwagę, że wreszcie słyszy coś miłego, postać A wykręca się (albo faktycznie tak jest), że mówiła do kogoś innego, psa albo jakiegoś przedmiotu. Nie potrafię tego za cholerę nigdzie znaleźć, przeszukałem też kilka filmów, w których to występuje i nigdzie nic. A trop na pewno był
* Cokolwiek, co oddaje wybitnie niestosowny strój - główni bohaterowie jadą prosto z ogródkowej imprezy do kostnicy, ciągle w hawajskich koszulach i strojach kąpielowych, by pilnie odebrać ciało i wyniki sekcji


* SugarWiki/AwesomeMusic: While the animation is shody, full of still images and atrociously bad CG, at least the music is all-around good.
* WhatDoYouMeanItsNotPolitical: Let's see... there is an immigrant crisis, an election involving populistic candidate asking to kick foreigners out, race-based riots and politicians suggesting drug pushers should be lynched rather than put on trial. None of this is related with situation in Europe, US presidental elections of '16, #blacklifematters or Rodrigo Duderte becoming president of the Philippines - the source material predates all of those by good few years and it's all just a ''massive'' coincidence.

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