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The doctrine of correspondences:Besides universal orderliness, there was universal interdependence. This was implicit in the doctrine of "correspondences," which held that different segments of the chain reflected other segments.
For example, Renaissance thinkers viewed a human being as a microcosm (literally, a "little world") that reflected the structure of the world as a whole, the macrocosm; just as the world was composed of four "elements" (earth, water, air,fire), so too was the human body composed of four substances called "humours," with characteristics corresponding to the four elements.

Wars of Roses:Civil war between Yorks and Lancasters.Caused unstability in England till 1485 came to the island and started to Tudor dynasty.Which marks the ending of middle ages in England.

Renaissance Medicine:Traditional medicine was a combination of folk and learned traditions and the most common way of imagining how ones body worked was humoral.Bubonic plague (black death) and syphillis (pox) killed many people in England.The failure of traditional humoral medicine to cure these new diseases led doctors to study dissection and anatomy to cure these new diseases.Consequently, it increased anatomical knowledge and started the Renaissance medicine.

Humoralism:An ancient theory holding that health came from balance between the bodily liquids termed humors. Disease was thought to arise when imbalance occurred between the humors. The humors were phlegm (water), blood, gall (black bile, thought to be secreted by the kidneys and spleen), and choler (yellow bile secreted by the liver)

Classical Learning:In renaissance, humanist scholars believed that the ancient Greeks and Romans had achieved greatness.Therefore, they studied classical ancient works to imitate their greatness.

Individuality and the Renaissance: In the Middle Ages, the greatest value was to be devoted to the church. In renaissance, in the light of humanism the belief that human beings can achive greatness arised. So the individuals wanted to use their skills and their full potential. Also in this era the artists started to sign their works and make a name for themselves.
Martin Luther: Christianity gained so much power in 13th century that it started to challenge governments. Bible was written in Latin and only priests could read it. In 1517 a monk called Martin Luther challenged one of the core doctrines of the church(indulgences) and nailed 95 thesis against indulgences to Castle Church in Wittenberg. His challenges and ideas against church authorities led him to seperate from the catholic church.Therefore he became the founder of protestanism. Then he proceeded to translate the bible to a vernacular language because he beleived that every man should be his own priest.Translation of the bible increased literacy and affected literature as well.
Humanism: Renaissance Humanism placed great emphasis upon the dignity of man and upon the expanded possibilities of human life in this world. For the most part, it regarded human beings as social creatures who could create meaningful lives only only in association with other social beings. In the Middle Ages, great value had often been attached to the life of contemplation and religious devotion, away from the world in association with other social beings.In the Renaissance, the highest cultural values were usually associated with active involvement in public life, in moral, political, and military action, and in service to the state.
Order and Chaos: In this era there was a belief of divinely planned hierarchy. This belief called The Great Chain Of Being. It refers to every existing thing in the universe having its place in a divinely planned hierarchy. So they beleived when something is off its place in The Great Chain Of Being, that would cause chaos. If everything is in the place it was set to be in The Great Chain Of Being then there is order.

The Literary Doctrine Of Imitation: Another concept derived from the classical past was the literary doctrine of "imitation". The term had traditionally been used more on the sense of "imitation" that meant "following predecessors." In contrast to our own emphasis on "originality," the goal was not to create something entirely new. Because they admired Ancient Greeks and Romans.

Johannes Gutenberg: Gutenberg was the first person that printed a book in Europe. Although, printing press came to Europe in 1439 it was only usable for printing pictures. In 1454 Gutenberg printed the first book. Development of the printing press highly affected the literacy of the era.
Elizabethan Compromise: Elizabeth did not choose a side between Catholics and Protestans. After the changes in religion under Henry the 8, she chose the middle path to unite the country. It was an attempt to solve the religious division that existed in England.
The rise of English nationalism: During the Middleages people didnt think of themselves as beloning to a nation. They thought of themselves as members of a Church and subjecst of a Lord. When Henry Tudor put an end to The Wars Of Roses and claimed the throne, he also ended the English feudalism and Middle Ages in England. He set up a strong government. Gradually people begun to think of themselves as parts of a nation and a new idea of nationalism rose.
Atlantic Slave Trade: The Atlantic slave trade or transatlantic slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas.
Divine right of kings: The need for strong political rule was very significant, because the renaissance had brought an end for the most part of the feudalism, he medivial form of political organization.One specific belief that help to promote the idea of absolute monarchy was the divine right of kings.

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