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Good Evening Rich,
As you are aware my last shift at Sea Life was Sunday, therefore I feel it is now appropriate to send you this email in regards to Meg.
I could probably spend hours writing an essay explaining everything I think should change in regards to her management style, however I will get straight to the point.
- attitude and tone of voice when speaking to us = her attitude towards us can change at the flick of a switch (this also applies to her attitude towards customers when they aren't happy/complain) 
- she is extremely quick to criticize others and judge their professionalism, however she is the only person at sealife I would class as unprofessional. 
- she fails to leave personal issues at home, and is an expert at making mountains out of mole hills = cries at the tills infront of customers, spends a lot of time in the commercial office crying
- Their is an immense lack of effective communication= telling us at the beginning of a shift she is in a bad mood therefore 'excuse her if she is moody' is extremely unprofessional, setting employees up for an unenjoyable day, whcih again heavily reduces team morale and productivity which as you will know, in turn minimises profit.
- there is no argument that going to work was a lot more enjoyable and included zero drama whilst meg was on holiday, whereas as soon as she returned, as expected there was an influx of drama.
- Understandably, money and profit is the main goal, however i believe the way staff are treated and the way they are made to feel should not be sacrificed in order to achieve this goal. No company can run effectively without happy and motivated staff, whcih at the moment i can confidently say is the case at Hunstanton. Over the summer you wanted an answer as to why minimal profit is being made - well there it is. 
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Regards; Team

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