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The 'hue hue master', the “Brazil lord,” we've all seen mordekaiser in the rare event you get a good mordekaiser or just someone trying him out. Mordekaiser is a AP based champion typically played in the mid or top lane, he is built either as an absurd burst tool or a sustained tank who seemingly takes several people to shut down. Typical build paths for a APC mordekaiser will include(not in any particular order) DFG, Rabadons, Wota,(Will of the ancients) Zhonya's, Sorcerer boots, and one optional item, normally a rylais, Lyandri's or Void staff. Typically a Tank mordekaiser will run something along of the lines of(Again, not in any particular order) Wota, Sorcerer boots, Spirit Visage, Randuins or Sunfire cape, Zhonya's, GA or lyandri's. Which, lands you with several hundred ap 2.5k+ Health, absurd amounts of MR and Armour and will make you pretty hard to kill, normally taking several summoners to defeat.

While the builds may be somewhat similar the play style is completely different, lets talk about APC Mordekaiser first. APC Mordekaiser will Normally start with either a Doran's shield, boots, or Amplifying tome these three items each serve different purposes, Doran's shield will provide needed health regen due the fact your skills are health based, flat health, while you don't really 'need it' it does help keep your lively and decrease in damage taken from auto attacks, this is particularly great in top lane and I'm fond of it being used versus AD champions who may auto attack in the mid lane. For APC Mordekaiser we're going to assume your mid lane, (as most APCs are played in that lane) I typically lean towards the boot start, it allows you plenty of pots to survive early game, most mid laners have at least one or two skillshots and boots can help you dodge said skillshots, and in mid lane you are really susceptible to ganks early on so they help you escape tough situations. However if your feeling lucky and are against an easy match up for mordekaiser it is viable to start Amplifying tome for the bonus AP.

Starting laning phase as mordekaiser you'll want to place your ward(trinket) in a useful position, such as either small brush in the river or near wraith camps. This will help prevent ganks from occurring as Mordekaiser suffers from a lack of mobility and CC. Next up you'll want to play depending on the jungler and the match up, if you're against a fast clear jungler who you know will finish their red second ward their wraith camp and do not shove! While I may say do not shove you may have difficulties doing so, as a melee champion Mordekaiser's often fall into the trap of using your E Q combo to farm waves in order to stay safe and keep your passive shield up. This is wrong! an occasional E is fine however you will shove the lane as mordekaiser if you constantly use it on the creeps the lane will push to your opponents turret. You can however, use your E Q combo to harass your opponent, this can chunk your target fairly well and when used in combination with your ult and ignite can fairly often guarantee Mordekaiser an easy first blood or kill. You'll want to attempt to stay in lane until you have enough for your Hextech Revolver, however if you are low on health or have shoved the wave and fear a gank feel free to back and pick up amplifying tombs. As for roaming mordekaiser can somewhat succeed at this, shove out your lane and walk, very slowly towards the lane your going to gank, keeping in mind that you have no CC and little mobility roaming is a tad bit hard for mordekaiser and most people feel its best to farm up and just dumpster your lane opponent.

Ok, its still laning phase, you've got your Hextech revolver and boots, what next? well, depending on your situation if your versus a strong AD caster that is doing fairly well aganst you, you might pick up a Seeker's Armguard to help you out in lane (which will later be built into a Zhonya's) Another option would be to build your DFG and WOTA in order to maximize your Hue' Burst potential. Doing so will allow you to burst enemy carries and bruisers without a hitch unless of course, they have stacked MR through the roof. Now we're moving into the middle game, by this point you should have completed your second level boots, WOTA, and hopefully either finished or finishing up your DFG. You're team should be looking at objectives by this point if they haven't already done so in the early game, make sure your contributing to the ward collection! A trinket ward isn't enough, the river should be full of wards by this point, Catching a pick on a support, jungler, mid laner, ADC, (any of these) and ensuring the top laner either doesn't have teleport or its currently on cooldown OR you're Top laner can counter-tp downards to contest, then and only then should you be looking for a dragon
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