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PUBG Death Race
General Rules
- Only Handguns and Melee Weapons
- Players, once landed, must find guns, ammunitions, healing, boosters and a vehicle and reach the starting point within 5 minutes
- No Engagement allowed until reaching point A
- All Players must remain on the outlined path at all times
- Players cannot engage after reaching point P
- Once finished players must line up according to their position under the bridge
- If a player's vehicle is destroyed, they may attempt to get another one or attempt to knock out other players in order to steal their vehicle
- Players who are not at the starting point within 5 minutes can still participate in the race by making road blocks, traps and ambushes to kill racers
- Racers who use the non designated paths to unfairly reach the finish line shall no longer be considered for participating in the race

Racer Rules:
- The total number of racers will be limited to and not more than 34 teams

Blockade Rules
- The players forming blockades, traps or ambushes shall be a minimum of 16 team
- Those who choose to be of the blockade team before the race begins, must be posted throughout the points labelled on the point.
- Each blockade team will comprise of only two players
- Blockade teams may not chase after racers, only engaging them as racers enter their AOs
- Players who are not at the starting point by 5 minutes, may also join the blockade team, however, they may post themselves anywhere along the designated race track
- It is the duty of all blockade teams to report any players that pass choose to use undesignated paths to the finish line

- Those who wish to commentate and stream the Death race, may come to the starting line. Where they will be eliminated to give them observer status

- Those who wish to moderate the Death Race, ensuring no rules are broken, may come to the starting line. Where they will be eliminated to give them observer status

*If all racers are eliminated by the blockade members, then the blockade member with the most kills wins

Photo of map:
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Regards; Team

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