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Preparing for the interview
The interview
Salary Negotiations
After the interview
What not to do
Dealing with difficult interviewers

How rated
Attitude, Appearance, Communication skills, Job qualifications

Preparing for the interview
How long has the company been in existence
What are the main functions of the company
Who are the key officials in the organisation
Find out who the interviewers are and do research
What might the organisation be looking for in an employee
Why is the position open
What is the typical salary range
Create "I can handle it" list
Anticipate likely questions
Why should we hire you?
What are your greatest strengths/weaknesses
Describe a difficult situation and how you handled it
What motivates you?
What are some examples from a previous job where you've shown initiative?
What qualities do you find important in a manager or a coworker?
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
How does this job fit your career plans?
What do you know about the company?
How might this job challenge you? What are some of the challenges you may face in this position
Why do you want the job?

During the interview
Image management
Dress appropriately
Plan your trip to the organisation
Have appropriate nonverbal behaviour
The interview begins once you step on the organisation's property
Answering questions
Situation-describe s
Task or problem-what dilemma or problem did you face t
Action-what action did you take a
Result-what was the result of your action r
Incorporate the research you have done on the organisation in your answers
You should not say "I don't know" "Good question, no clear answer, next come back to you"
Make sure your answers are consistent. It is acceptable if your answers are redundant. Explain them as "consistent".
Manage your response time
Easy question--quick
Tough/important question--slow.
Asking questions
What can I improve on from the incumbent?
If today was my first day on the job, what advice would you give me?
If one year from now you were responsible for evaluating my performance, what would I need to do to receive a positive review?
Opportunities for advancement?

Phone Interview Tips
Choose a location free from distractions
If possible, use a landline instead of a cell phone
Keep it simple
Do not discuss salary expectations
They can't see your nonverbal communication

Skype Interview Tips
Dress to impress
Have appropriate background
Make sure everything works on your computer
Engage in active listening
Prepare notes
Don't forget to log off

Salary Negotiations
Be prepared to answer questions regarding salary at any time, but don't be the first to bring up the issue.
Know what you are willing to accept before you interview
Know what you are worth
Some perks are easier to negotiate than others
Do not accept the first offer-You can't get more money if you fail to ask
Say "That's a nice starting point"
Say "I will consider the offer, but $X would be more preferable"
Even if they say they can't increase the salary or perks, say "I'll think about it" Give them time.
Let them know you have other offers-but don't be specific
Prepare not to get everything you ask for

After the interview
Send a concise 1-3 paragraph think-you letter within 24-48 hours after the interview
Reiterate your interest in the position
Mention anything that reinforces you as the best fit for the position and your contact information

What not to do interviews
Turn off cell phone
Have poor posture
When asked "why do you want this job" Don't say "because of the pay"
Arrive late
Seem distracted
Insult the interviewer or the company
Don't ask personal questions regarding the interviewers

Dealing with difficult interviewers
If they ask you an inappropriate question, politely decline to answer
Try to sell yourself by including the information you want the interviewer to know in every question that is asked
Offer to answer questions the interviewer has failed to ask
Keep your composure
Keep track of anything inappropriate
Ask for another person to be present

2 types of admissions interviews
1. evaluative
1, be spontaneous, positive
2,talk about why you are considering a specific major. If you are undecided abut majors discuss some of your areas of interests and host hat may guide your decision on a major
5, if there are specific clubs, organisations, sports, or opportunities at the college that intrigue you, inquire about them and discuss your interest.
6, don't forget, you want the interviewer to get a clear and positive picture of the unique person behind all the grades and test scores
7, tell the interviewer about what you hope to gain from pursuing your education, discuss your short term and long term goals
tell the interviewer about what you hope to gain from pursuing your education.
Discuss your short term and long term goals
DOnt shy away from talking about what you can contribute to the college. Many other applicants will have similar grades and test scores. What ames you an attractive addition tho the classrooms, the residence halls, and the overall campus activity.
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