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1. French and Indian War- End result: British win the french and indian war; France gives up territory and British goes broke; goes into a lot of debt; the amount of land in north america doubles. British gains the Ohio river valley. Britain feels a lot more powerful as a result. The colonist support the British because they believe they can move into the territory. First time colonists see taxes purely meant to raise revenue.

2. Albany Plan- Benjamin Franklin made this plan. Join or die. Snake. Colonists join together agianst the French and Natives. Image recirculates later to move colonists to unite against the british. Colonists reject the Albany Plan. Felt like it gave them too little independence.

3. Proclamation of 1763- created the proclamation line; could not cross the line; colonists believe that it is their right to move into the Ohio River Valley. Deep violation of their rights. Want to avoid fighting(British). Prevent uprisings such as Pontiacs Rebellion. American colonist ignore and resist the proclamation line. British frustrated and increase control.

4. NorthWest Ordinance- First time a federal government is prohibiting slavery. Federal funding for education. Set a precedent for territories become states. Passed under the Articles of Confederation. Ignored the Natives. The Grid System- land divided up by individual wealthy land owners.

5. Causes of the Revolution- Taxation w/o representation, intolerable acts(punishment in response to the Boston Tea Party) . Colonial unity increases as a result of the intolerable acts. Rejection of the Olive Branch Petition. Last attempt to reconcile. British sent Hessians as a result. Enlightenment justifies the Revolution.

6. Taxation w/o representation- Being taxed with no representation in parliament. Virtual Representation(All people in the British parliament are virtually represents everyone).

7. Enlightenment- fuels the revolution; individual rights or natural rights; life liberty and property; All people are created equal. Questioning the authority of Monarchs. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin, George Washington, Hamilton, Adam Smith, John Locke,

8. Boston Tea Party- planned by the Sons of Liberty, British have added a tax to the tea. Small colonial merchants could go out of business as a result of the British E. India. British closed the harbor and implemented the intolerable acts. Took away the right to self-govern. Unable to rebel. First Continental Congress as a response to the intolerable acts to dicuss greviances against the British.

9. Intolerable acts- punish massachussetts the most. Increase colonial unity as the result of anger. More and more people begin to define themselves as Americans. Rule by the people rather than king.

10. Declaration of Independence- influenced by the Enlightenment. Not everybody owns property in colonial america so that is why it was changed to the prusuit of property. "All men are created equal" only for white men. Grevieacnes: Quartering Act, Taxation, cannot expand settlement, written in 1776 revolution has already happened.

11. Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death" Good representation of the emotions of the colonists. One of the earliest calls to liberty. Speech that alludes to the fact that the revolution is coming.

12.Constitutional Convention- revise the articles of confederation; The government cannot tax or wage war; cannot create army; not same currency; Delegates were young and well educated 55 of them. lot of debate and conflict. Representation and power retained by the states. Do not believe in direct democracy. Only wanted property owning white men should rule.

13. Constitution: Two groups emerge(not political party yet): Federalists and Anti-federalists. Constiution did not include a bill of rights and fear a powerful central govenment, afraid of a second monarchy. Bill of rights added in 1791. The Native Americans were left out of the Constitution; creation of a 3 branch system.

14. Federalist and Anti-federalists- Federalist were afraid of mobs and anarchy;

15. Hamilton vs. Jefferson- Hamilton is the mascot for the federalist. Pro protective tariffs; not against intervening inn France, absorbing state debt, Strengthen the power of the Central Government. Jefferson is the founder of the D-R party; against the national banks, against protective tariffs, pro French Revolution, Loose central government, support the Kentucky and virginia res.; Both agree on a separation of church and state.

16. Republican Motherhood- the mother should be more educated so they could teach their children. Does not give women any more increased rights but do get more value and respect. Lead to women rights movement.

17. George Washington's Farewell Address- avoid political factions and entangling alliances. Believed that they could divide the republic. Response specifically to French Revolution. Signs the neutrality proclamtion and next century set a precendant for an isolation policy.

18. Election of 1796- Federalist were more prominent in the northeast while the D-R were more popular in the South.

19. Alien and Sedition Acts-Sedition acts ban speaking out against the government. Used to punsiht the D-R. Example of the bitter political debates. Afraid of the French that could vote for the D-R when theu become citizens to keep them from being able to vote by uping reqs for citizenship. Theme: Battle between personal liberties and order.

20. The Virgina and Kentucky Resolution- passed in response to the alien and sedition acts. Authors were Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. States have the final say on what is constitutional. Now the supreme court has the ability. D-R were supportive of the resolutions.
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